Last week was not a good one for Donald Trump and it looks like this one isn’t going to be any better — in fact, it could be a lot worse. Just imagine if one Georgia co-defendant flips every day from now on until they all have. I mean, that’s a pretty grim scenario to contemplate, right? And so in keeping with his mood, Trumpty Dumpty decided to tell other people that their Armageddon was nigh, too, specifically the auto workers.

I think that last commenter nailed it. Trump is simply freaking the phuque out. And that makes sense. Who wouldn’t be, in his shoes? And the bigger question is, who else could possibly get in the position that he’s finding himself in? Trump talks a lot about Al Capone and well he should, because with the exception of Capone and maybe a very few others, Trump has had a criminal career that rivals most.

The gist of this, naturally, is “only I can fix it.” Nope. Nobody is stupid enough to buy that. And the comical part of this, is that the dead last group of people who want to hear what he has to say are the auto workers, after his stupid photo op last month at a non-union auto parts shop, which Trump mocked up as a real auto workers address. It was not. They hate Trump, like everybody else. They did not invite him to speak, that’s why he had to do the mock up.

Who the hell knows? The only thing for certain is that Trump feels the need to get into angertainment mode and tell everybody how bad it is and how he alone can fix it. And the problem with that, is nobody believes it. They saw what he did in four years and underwhelming is probably the most complimentary way to characterize his mis-administration.

This is set to blow up in Trump’s face. The UAW members don’t believe this. They were negotiating for a lot of things, the advent of electric cars certainly. So Trump predicting doom and disaster isn’t going to stick unless he can explain why China Chy-nuh is going to be producing all the cars.

Sunday night jitters. Trump reminds me of people I’ve known who’ve had jobs that they hated and they dreaded Monday morning. Trump’s in that predicament now. He’s got a job he hates which starts up again on Monday — whether he shows up in court or not. His job is called Saving His Own Ass. Which I suppose is what we all do, on some level, when we go to work on a Monday, but there’s a difference between saving yourself from poverty and the poor house and keeping yourself out of prison. That’s a very different proposition.

Now here’s a solution. Maybe the billionaire can do this.

Just a thought. Even if Trump had that kind of money, which would be what? 181,000,000 people of voting age, times $10,000 each, there are still ways to see he loses. And he doesn’t have trillions of dollars. Trump may not even have billions. Letitia James is going to prove that decisively.

Oh, Donald. What are you going to do?


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  1. If Donald Trump offered you $10,000 to vote for him, would you turn it down?

    Using the behavior modeled for us by Trump, everyone would take the money and then not vote for him.

    And if challenged, spend the next three decades disputing it until the other side drops it.

    • Is it against the law to take money in order to break the law and then not break the law? There is not an actual contract in such a case because buying a voter’s vote is against the law. One of the requirements for a legal contract is that what is being purchased, action or product, is legally available to be purchased. So, yeah, I’d take the money and run and tell drumpf he should have been more cognizant of the contract laws in the U.S. Buyer beware and all that. lol

  2. It’s Trumplethinskin The Coward exhibiting transference neurosis personality disorder. Regarding his comments about UAW workers, he’s actually speaking about his own personal fears & transferring his fears onto to one of the looong list of groups of Americans he despises: unionized auto workers.

    Translation: He’s afraid of being escorted to hell by demons and being powerless while having to serve Lucifer while experiencing his greatest fears over & over again in an endless loop. And he’s afraid of losing the rest of his $$$, which is currently happening.

  3. Why would Rudy flip?

    After all his property is liquidated to pay court ordered settlements, Georgia prison just MAY be the best retirement plan he has left to him.

  4. He’s right accidentally about one thing…if he were in power, China would take over the electric car production. I would love for frump to be introduced to the future of electricity by sitting in one of those special chairs at the state pen for the MURDER of hundreds of thousands of citizens.


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