“There are two limitless things, the universe and stupidity and I’m not sure about the universe.” — Albert Einstein

If you doubt that for a moment, waltz on over to right-wing social media  where the MAGAs are either anticipatory or morose or to Twitter where they’re being mocked, and you will see that there’s actually dialogue about this as though it were a real thing.

Exhibit “A”

Absolutely. You just keep glued to OAN and Newsmax.

And Steve Bannon, never one to miss a beat, has this new side show going on.

And Mike Lindell is already hatching a new scheme. He wants to make Frankspeech into Fox News 2.

Now here is a guy who has a good handle on the reinstatement, on Trump coming out of Crystal Lake, like the creature from the black lagoon.

February 30 and June 31st would be some good alternate dates as well. Hope springs eternal. And by the way, today is National Kool-Aide Day. You can’t make this stuff up.

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  1. The bearded dude is on utube. Forget his name though. And he’s right. Undying loyalty only gets you facedown on a mud puddle while trumpites walk on your poor tired back. Just something to think about.


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