What are they fighting about? Irishman: Well, you know, if it isn’t religion or sport, it’s most likely politics

I posted that quip simply because, as an Irishman, it pretty well sums me up. I don’t mind the off brainless punch up, since it keeps us in trim for then something serious comes along. And now something has come along that finally got my Irish up at full dander, and I’m ready to go to war.

I had connectivity issues that kept me from posting last night, so I couldn’t respond immediately, but I’m back up now, and ready for combat.

Last night, in a non prime time spot, almost as a time feeder, Rachel Maddow set my blood boiling. She said that West Virginia Democratic traitor Joe Manchin was looking to write a book. And in that book, he would chronicle his pivotal role in passing both the bipartisan infrastructure bill as well as the Build Back Better bill. But here’s the back breaker. Judas Joe is looking for a minimum $1.5 million advance just to put a pen to paper!

How. The. Fuck. Is. This. Possible?!? If you’re a US House member, or a US Senator, and you trade stocks in your own personal portfolio based on information you gleaned from you committee assignments, and you end up in federal court in insider trading or fraud charges. Just ask North Caroline Senator Richard Burr, or New York Representative Collins about that one.

But apparently, if you’re a sitting United States Senator, you are free to use, manipulate, or withhold your vote on critical federal legislation just to enhance the importance of yourself in your pompous, stuffed shirt book about how brilliant you are!

If this is true, and if Manchin is actually pushing a book about his importance in the passage of federal legislation, this cannot be allowed to stand. A Senator takes an oath to uphold the constitution, and he swears to serve the people of his state. Manchin is already so covered in fossil fuel pocket lint that he sneezes every time he opens his mouth, but at least he’s representing g West Virginia’s coal industry, where his wealth lies. But to hold his own constituents hostage for a more exciting ending to a self serving nook he is writing is despicable. And a violation of his oath.

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    • It’s that or something we haven’t learned about yet. I do think he’s enjoying this attention he’s demanding. I used to think he should be respected for his centrist views, but he’s gone way beyond that. He’s more republican than a Dem.

    • Since Manchin hasn’t ever written anything (at least, nothing I’m aware of), I don’t see any publisher willing to front him even a fraction of that amount, especially for a book he hasn’t actually begun writing. If he had a chapter or two of material already prepared to show a publisher, he might get a sizable advance but looking for a 7-figure minimum advance before you’ve ever produced anything that would warrant such an advance, well, that’s one desperate publisher. (Kamala Harris could probably ask for–and get–such an advance simply because she’s got “historic value” to merit the publisher’s “investment.” Both Bill and Hillary Clinton received 8-figure advances and, of course, the Obamas got a cool $65 million advance for each of their memoirs. The former President, of course, had written a couple of books before becoming President so there was some track record and Mrs Obama’s “Becoming” sold some 2 million copies in just 2 weeks’ time and sold 8 million copies in the US alone in just 2 years.)

  1. I wonder if he dictates this book while driving his Maserati back and forth to his yacht?
    Hopefully there will be a chapter on how he was instrumental in stripping out paid family leave or Medicare being allowed to negotiate drug prices. Or how he kept $15/hour minimum wage out of the COVID relief bill. What a pompous ass-hat.

  2. Manchin is a Republican trying to hide in Democrat’s clothing. He has no signs of compassion or concern about the poverty-stricken & uneducated people of his home state, only about himself & in what new ways can he line his own pockets & bank accounts. He is too self-absorbed to even realize there are 49 other senators with which he should be helping to help the people of Virginia & all Americans with improving their lives. I happen to believe Manchin is NOT a real Democrat. I believe he infiltrated the Democratic party to help sabotage their agenda. His eternal buddies are Mitch McConnell & Trump & you can bet he takes his marching orders from McConnell. Manchin accuses the Democrats of not being willing to comprise, but it is he who refuses to compromise & has so far all but gutted the BBB bill, including slashing the budget by HALF, because the Democrats wanted to accommodate his greedy demands so as not to rile his immature & irrational temper & incur his wrath. Manchin has also shown his insincerity & hypocrisy by abusing his newly acquired surge of power in the Senate get things – everything – his way & he is largely responsible for the mess our country’s in today. He doesn’t want to give the poor people of West Virginia even a dollar of financial help because he’s afraid they’ll become “entitled”. Any help they might get wouldn’t buy them a Masarati or a yacht but it would help them put some food in their mouths. Manchin apparently would prefer to take the food from their mouths. But remember the old saying “He who dies with the most toys wins.”

  3. Like who the hell even heard of this turkey before Biden won the election I hope his constituents remember him next election cycle? I wonder if he too is on board to Hang Mike Pense!


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