Ignorance is bless. Don’t let anybody tell you otherwise. Scores of the profoundly ignorant right-wingers in this country joined with Breitbart in celebrating that none other than Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, stood up before Parliament today and endorsed Voter ID. Ain’t that grand? The Queen agrees with Donald Trump, Mitch McConnell, the lot of them. She is not only the right royal queen, she is the right-wing royal queen. Whudda thot?

Unfortunately, here’s where it all goes south fast. Mother Jones:

It’s not the queen who writes the State Opening speech; it’s whichever government that’s in charge that’s responsible for laying out the government’s priorities. In this case, it’s Boris Johnson’s conservative party that’s authored a fever dream of voter suppression efforts to lead this year’s agenda. Don’t believe me? Look no further than the UK’s explainer on the speech: “The Queen’s Speech is delivered by the Queen from the Throne in the House of Lords. Although the Queen reads the Speech, it is written by the government. It contains an outline of its policies and proposed legislation for the new parliamentary session.”

Now, you’d think that our new and unlikely big fans of the monarchy would know that the royal family has merely a ceremonial role in government business. It’s also apparently lost on the right of the hilarity of saying a monarch supports your anti-democratic proposal. But apparently, that’s asking too much. And so, embarrassing dysfunction and profound ignorance—hallmarks of American political life—ensued. Here’s a candidate for Florida’s 3rd congressional district trumpeting the same, very wrong claim:


Stupidity reigns and it rains stupidity. This is how CT gets started.

Two thoughts: First of all, voter ID is not a hill to die on. That’s not what is killing democracy. Gerrymandering, purging voters from the rolls, cutting back hours one can vote, messing with the laws on drop boxes and mail-in voting, that is a hill to die on. Not needing an ID.

Secondly: once again I find it horrifying that a candidate for Congress could be so stupid, or that a traffic court lawyer could proclaim herself an expert in constitutional law — and do nothing in the field of constitutional law, just troll people.

Neither the law nor congress are entry level nor amateur positions, but that’s what Trump world attracts, the creme de la clowns.


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  1. The queen needs to stick with whatever flavor Ensure she wants for lunch. Boris the spider was a fun Who song but, in reality, is an oaf in politics.

    • Dude, did you NOT actually read the article before just jumping in with your nonsense?

      Ursula even included it in boldface type in the “Mother Jones” linked quote: “The Queen’s Speech is delivered by the Queen from the Throne in the House of Lords. Although the Queen reads the Speech, it is written by the government. It contains an outline of its policies and proposed legislation for the new parliamentary session.”

      Her Majesty has been reading speeches prepared by governments run by both Conservatives (Churchill, Eden, Macmillan, Douglas-Howe, Heath, Thatcher, Major, Cameron, May and Johnson) and Labour (Wilson, Callaghan, Blair and Brown) in her time on the throne. And she reads these speeches in as neutral a tone as possible signifying neither approval nor disapproval of any particular item on the agenda. It’s also a part of the tradition of the Monarchy, dating back centuries (Elizabeth herself has only failed to present the speech on two occasions: When she was pregnant with Prince Andrew and then Prince Edward).

      • Dude. I read the article. Sorry if I have little respect for a nation that has subjugated, killed, & exploited people around the world, including us. Fuck the queen. Not literally of course. Nonsense? My point is this English show is nonsense, as was Frump with his monotone public readings. Sorry to offend your ‘sensibilities’. Isn’t this an opinion/commentary section? My mistake.

        • Yes opinion and commentary, but useful opinion and commentary does not include every little thought that rattles around.

          • really? or just the ones u don’t like. Some of the lengthy pithy insights seem frivolous & plain stupid at times, yet, I recognize, freedom of expression has a cost, so I try not to take things personally. Nice coffee talk roundtable here.

          • It has nothing to do do with whether I personally “like” an opinion. It is all about whether the opinion is well-supported by facts and evidence as opposed to just being just a random thought. And you have shown repeatedly that you do take it personally, even to the extent of metaphorically wishing a sexual assault upon the queen.

  2. The joke is that while Boris Johnson is the one pressing for voter i/d and not Lizzybrit, the majority of the GB supporters hatwe the idea.

    Howeveer, the same government made it mandatory in Norn Iron but at least they will provide it free to anyone who asks

    • One comment I saw elseweb is that there are probably more legal investigations into BoJo and his government than there are cases of voter fraud. It’s the RWNJ idea of heaven: stop the “wrong people” from voting, and you can win every time…until the voters get really tired of the broken promises and the ever-more-obvious lies.

  3. These Russian toads like BoJo, Trump, and RoJo all sing the same songs off key. I D laws do hurt. Last time I renewed our DL it cost $60.00. For a woman working two $8 an hour jobs hoping to get forty hours and who has no car may not be able to get an id. People always assume if they can do something, anyone can.


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