Ted Lieu offers KickAss “#SundayMorning Thoughts”


As we all know by now, Donald Trump was probably crying and shaking yesterday because the spotlight veered away from him for a nanosecond.  Regardless of the reason (mania, egocentrism, narcissism, (add your favorite explanation here…) he was clearly beside himself and couldn’t stand that everyone was more interested in John McCain’s memorial rather than what he was rambling on about.

So, what does the Orange-Asshole do?  He tweets out, “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!”  which was a cry for attention but also a direct slap in the face for Meghan McCain, who eulogized that, “America was always great” in her final tribute to her father.

So, that’s done.  And we all have our daily reminder about why we can’t tolerate this guy as the slimeball *president of our country…

And, then Ted Lieu appears. Good old Ted. I just love this guy.

“The best way to implement the below idea by @realDonaldTrump would be to elect Members of Congress this November who will execute their Constitutional duties of being a check and balance on the corruption of the Executive Branch. #SundayMorning Thoughts”

Mic drop.

Please, please, get out and vote this November!!

You can follow me on Twitter @maymepolitizoom


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