Suspicious financial transactions followed Trump Jr.’s Meeting With Russians at Trump Tower



This could be huge.

According to the new report, just after the meeting “a complex web of financial transactions among some of the planners and participants who moved money from Russia and Switzerland to the British Virgin Islands,Bangkok, and a small office park in New Jersey.”

I am not even an FBI agent, and I know that when I see “Russia, British V.I., Bangkok and New Jersey” in the same sentence and I know damn well what is going on here. Normal financial transactions look like this; Toronto – New York.” That’s it, that’s the list of what legal international money transactions look like.

Now you simply need a dash of Russian oligarch and you’ve got yourself a slam dunk case of …something:

According to the new report, just after the meeting “a complex web of financial transactions among some of the planners and participants who moved money from Russia and Switzerland to the British Virgin Islands, Bangkok, and a small office park in New Jersey.”

“The Agalarov family started sending what would amount to $1.2 million from their bank in Russia to an account in New Jersey controlled by the billionaire’s son, pop singer Emin Agalarov, and two of his friends,” BuzzFeed reports. “The account had been virtually dormant since the summer of 2015, according to records reviewed by BuzzFeed News, and bankers found it strange that activity in Emin Agalarov’s checking account surged after Trump’s victory.”

I don’t know about you, but I’d dearly love to believe that it would cost more than $1.2 million to sell out the United States of America. Crazy, but that’s where we stand, where we’d be more comforted if it was $1.2 Billion transferred. Hell, Barack Obama spent almost a billion making it to the White House, had he only known, right?

You need only know one more thing before you snap your briefcase shut and head out the door to arrest the president. The first payments came through on June 20, 2016, the same day that Trump fired Corey Lewandowski and installed Paul Manafort as campaign head. You know that Manafort famously said he wouldn’t take a salary.

Never trust anyone saying they will work for free, ever.

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