Occam’s Razor would be grateful if you would just put it back in the drawer and not bother it for a while. Like the word “unprecedented” it’s worked to death these days. Sunday, the New York Times dropped its latest bombshell on Donald Trump, saying that he paid $750.00 in income tax, in 2016 and nothing for about ten years before that, when the average teenager working at a fast food joint after school pays more. Apparently, the article was too much for Team Trump’s former campaign manager Brad Parscale, because he went apeshit and barricaded himself in his home in Florida — with a bunch of guns. His wife called 911 and they sent the SWAT Team. Sun Sentinel:

[Fort Lauderdale Police Chief Karen] Dietrich said he didn’t threaten police and he went willingly under Florida’s Baker Act, which allows police to detain a person who is potentially a threat to himself or others. He was taken to a hospital, she said.

His wife contacted police, worried that he was suicidal and had firearms.

Fort Lauderdale Mayor Dean Trantalis said he received a text message saying that there was a SWAT team standoff at Parscale’s home.

“It was indicated to me that he had weapons,” Trantalis said.

Trantalis could not confirm it was the same Parscale associated with Trump but said he knows Trump’s former campaign manager does have a home in Fort Lauderdale.

“Politics aside, this fellow obviously suffers from emotional distress,” said Trantalis, a Democrat. ” … I’m glad he didn’t do any harm to himself or others I commend our SWAT team for being able to negotiate a peaceful ending to this.”

This is a new one, you must admit. I’m sure that fact checkers are combing the files, as we speak, looking for the last time that a demoted presidential campaign manager went off his nut 37 days before an election and had to be taken in on a 5150 — much less after a blistering expose by the New York Times, exposing said candidate as a fraud.

At first blush, I would say one of two things: 1. the reality that Parscale cannot afford his lifestyle has come home to bite him sharply in the ass, as those kinds of realities are wont to do; 2. Maybe there is more data on Trump’s finances yet to be revealed — and maybe Parscale is negatively implicated. Again, the usual disclaimer: not trying to advocate conspiracy theory. Merely wondering what would have provoked Parscale to the level he got. I mean, we can only imagine the scene in that household after the NYT story dropped, and frankly, it taxes the imagination. Losing an election happens. Ask any strategist of either party. You don’t run in the bedroom and start loading the .357 magnum, FFS.



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  1. He realized that all the money owed to him by Trumputin, that he already spent, is never going to be paid. When the campaign finances get properly audited, I would imagine Parscale will be exposed as having both hands in the cookie jar. Everything Trump touches, dies.a

    • That’s a fair summary. Nor was he the only one playing Cookie Monster (apologies to the actual Cookie Monster, my favorite Sesame Street character).

  2. Methinks on or after January 21 st, when the sealed indictments are opened, amongst members of the Trump crime syndicate, this behavior will become less the exception and more the rule.


      • Kellyanne had an inside source in her husband, estrangement aside, that likely told her that the party was over. My mom and I are still convinced that she was a constant inside source drip-feeding info to certain interested parties.

          • Although concern for their daughter is cited as the reason both of them have pulled back from their work, I’ve wondered many times if maybe they’re collaborating on a book. That could be a fun read.

        • I do think kelly anns and Georges kid had something to do with her and him finally getting out. I am sure they were sources on many things, On the other hand this whole group of trump cabinet shits leak not drip drip but fire hose of information. Name a significant leak that came out of Obama administration, you can’t. Everyone in trumps administration (Bannon, kushner, preibus, ivanka, chao) is leaking shit all the time including trump who used to do his own fake PR.

          • I know it’s hard to remember last week, never mind last year, Old (this maladministration gets compared to prison by me for a reason). But that firehose you’re talking about only got turned on in the last two or three weeks. Before that, it was a steady saline drip.

      • Someone probably mentioned to Parscale in passing that Putin isn’t pleased that he stole millions of his money and it would be most unfortunate if he were to suffer a freak accident.

        Never go above the 2nd floor, don’t go near guys with umbrellas and most important, make your own tea…..Brad just couldn’t stand the pressure.

        Qsay will be the first to deal with NYS.

  3. Ho…lee…shite. Okay, real talk, I did Nazi see that coming. I doubt anybody had Parscale doing a Giuliani-on-meth imitation on their bingo card.

  4. Apparently, he – or they – had had a couple of drinks, an argument started, and he got a gun and *chambered a round*.
    A “personal friend” in the PD talked him down.

    • Putin takes him off the count, he’ll do it for himself. Trump is just as expendable in his eyes now. See today’s revelations on Cambridge Analytica for a more likely reason why Brad would be cashed out.

      • Disagree. Any former KGB agent would be thrilled to have a puppet in the oval office indefinitely. U underestimate his hatred for democracy, & the element of revenge for his perception that the US was responsible for the demise of USSR.

  5. Has there ever been an occasion in all of history where the sight of a repossessed Ferrari being wheeled off isn’t a joyous occasion? I mean…even when I was ten and watching Rain Man, in those opening scenes where Cruise’s cars are all impounded at the docks I was like “this is the emotional high note, let’s turn the movie off here.” LOL.

    In other news, my email that gets GOP campaign messages just got a very silly one from Trump. It says they took the donor lists to the White House this weekend, and Trump was looking it over for all his PATRIOT FRIENDS and my name was (gasp) MISSING. And not just missing, but double font size red type bold italic MISSING.

    It says he’ll 700% match me from his personal funds. So I guess that limits me to a $2 donation…I don’t want to be the one forcing him into insolvency.


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