Methinks that Stormy Daniels missed her calling, which is that of a comedy writer. She does have the ability to issue one liners that scintillate, because they are so true.

Stormy has been on the receiving end of death threats from MAGAs and she laughs them off, which of course infuriates the MAGAs all the more.

I invite you to go over to Stormy’s Twitter feed, where she fields attacks such as, “Aren’t you a graduate of Whore University?” Stormy’s reply: “Yes, and it’s Ivy League, compared to Trump University.” Here’s her latest, which is starting to go viral.

Here we go with horse references again. I guess that is here to stay.

Nobody’s got a wit like Stormy and I’m not surprised, actually. She has risen to the top and stayed there in a business which is notorious for chewing people up and spitting them out.

She didn’t do that by being stupid or a pushover.

But I must say, in taking on Trump the phony, she is superlative. There are no words to describe how spot on this is.

The rest of the line is: “there’s no way he could be scarier with his clothes on.”

It’s already getting wild and it’s only Sunday morning.


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  1. The dude whining about “horsecocks” seems to know his porn – and has penis envy himself! And he just let the whole twitterverse know about it. Talk about a massive self-own. I wonder (as did someone who responded) how many pornstar women, and women in general he’s dismissed or trash-talked for having smallish tits.

    • A side note: Somewhere around sixty years ago, a fellow with more experience than I had put breast size in perspective by telling me, “Anything more than a handful is wasted”

      • I suppose that applies to dick sizes too so if all you’re doing is pleasuring yourself then I suppose you’re correct.

  2. All I can say is that it’s not so long ago when nobody would have dared to use the F word in public, let alone write down such stuff ! It seems there is nowhere more to go DOWN now that the country is using it’s worst word in every sentence. What do we have left ? I remember using that word once in a conversation with my family in UK several years ago & my sister in law almost choked over it – I had to explain how mad I was & that it is a word reserved for the most dire fury, where there is nothing left to say ! It had slipped out because of my level of anger ! Now everybody is very angry all the time, so how do we go back to decency after this horrendous era ?


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