It is a sad commentary on our culture that something like this is even necessary, but it is and at least it is there. Trump Lost billboards are being put up by the Republican Accountability Project. Since the former guy can’t deal with reality, and since his complicit cohorts in the GOP are terrified to, a few Republicans grounded in reality have decided it’s time to state the obvious and stop the ridiculous audits.

Here’s the one in New York.

If your reaction is “why New York? It’s not needed there,” you’re one of many saying the same thing. New York isn’t the only place these are going up. The rationale for New York, I assume, is that the city is an international community. Anything prominently displayed there gets seen by the world.

Again, the fact that this is even necessary is a sad commentary. Next month is November and it will be one full year that this foolishness has been going on, undermining democracy and wasting massive amounts of time and money.

Trump won’t call off the hounds. Au contraire, he’s made it crystal clear that this is his main talking point. He declared in his Iowa rally that the “stolen election” is what gets the “headlines” and headlines augment his bottom line and that’s all he cares about.

Let’s hope that there are more of these billboards, since they seem to be necessary. Incredibly, one year after an election it is necessary to say, “Hey people. Let’s be serious now. He lost.” And the tragedy is that the people who need to hear that the most simply will not. Trump’s stolen election will go down in history with the flat earth theory, the faked moon landing CT, 9/11 as a false flag, climate change denial and all the other great conspiracy theories of our time.



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  1. 1500 years ago the earth was flat, with monsters at the edges. 500 years ago we were the center of the universe. The medical establishment has a long history of bogus cures,( ex. bloodletting), & didn’t readily accept there were invisible,(without microscopes), germs killing surgical patients because they didn’t wash their hands. Our history is full of folks that chose to believe what they want, & were dead wrong. Our species, clearly, stumbles forward despite our collective ignorance. Easy to lie to the group & you are guaranteed to have a following. Wonder how many still think the moon landing in 1969 was ‘fake’? I think the jury is out on us.

  2. All the major cities in states where the “audit” movement is going strong-ish.
    They’re intended to get the attention of media, which should (but probably wont) cover them.

  3. I think he should be known as America’s Richest Loser. I feel like that would really irritate him. I’m probably wrong, but I don’t know.

  4. Please tell me it’s visible from former guy’s tower. If it is not, another must be erected that is. Why waste an opportunity to get fatty that much closer to the coronary he is surely headed for.


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