Nothing like when the dog whistles are the volume of an air raid siren. This is one of those times. The “pastor” who is calling for the reelection of Jesus is coy. You could take his comments to be either calling, literally, for Jesus Christ to be reelected, except Jesus was never elected to anything in the first place.

But arguably, he could be saying that. The other interpretation is that Donald Trump is Jesus, which is an argument that has been made, to the consternation and stupefaction of real Christians everywhere.

I can tell you without hesitation that I used to identify as a Christian. I even used to wear a crucifix. I had several, some of them very stylish. They all went into the closet when Christian became synonymous with wingnut and MAGA. Now I fear for the future of Christianity like I fear for the future of America, considering the elements which are trying to destroy both.

Jesus was never on the throne, but King Donald was in the Oval Office. You see how utterly bat$hit this is?

Of all the levels of grift, religious grift is the worse. I don’t believe we’re going to see the likes of Kenneth Copeland, David Barton, Joel Osteen, Pat Robertson, any of that lot make it beyond the pearly gates. Just my theory. Where they really belong is in Dante’s version of Hell, where the liars are up to their necks in $hit.


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  1. If this idiot means that electing Traitor Tot is like electing Jesus, he is bat$hit crazy indeed! Traitor Tot may just be the anti-christ!!

  2. But, Jesus is constitutionally ineligible to be President. I mean, even allowing for Jesus to have existed, He was born in Palestine (it’s even noted in a little Christmas tune, “O Little Town of Bethlehem”–and the song is NOT referring to Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, or the other dozen-plus US towns sharing that name).

    And for any TRUE Christian–much less a pastor/minister–to equate Donald Trump with Jesus, that is tantamount to blasphemy. Hell, it’s blasphemy even for NON-Christians but they don’t really care all that much about blasphemy in general (it’s not their blasphemous souls bound for Hell in the afterlife).

    • That’s where the wink wink nudge nudge comes in. He’s not saying anything about Trump but “RE-elected” is the buzz word.

    • If what’s in the Bible is true, if that Jesus were to return for another attempt to preach his message he’d meet the same gruesome end. Republican “Christians” are the modern day Pharisees.

  3. This Trump is Jesus returned thinking with so-called Christians has been percolating for a while now. Leaders starting to say it publicly is a natural progression that was probably inevitable. For most, if not all the leaders, the prominent voices that rank & file preachers and their congregations listen to I doubt they believe it any more than they believed Trump was a decent human being. A moral man. Or even believed in God and their Jeebus. Nope. They had ironclad promises that unlike things starting back with Reagan they wouldn’t wind up with a small bone or two but get EVERYTHING they wanted. The freak judges and Justices they wanted and the full might of the Oval Office pushing the forcing of their agenda, THEIR effed up version of Christianity down everyone’s throat as a matter of law!

    Unlike Reagan or both Bushes Trump delivered for them. And their already overflowing coffers got gobs MORE money (and power) flowing in.

    As for the rank & file preachers and “church” goers an awful lot of them had misgivings all along but trusted their leaders. And some bought the schtick from the beginning. No matter. Four years of Trump in the WH did get them what they wanted but at the cost of all those scandals and the stink of being associated with and enabling them. A lot of guilt has been out there for so cravenly selling out to such a despicable man who in their hearts so many knew didn’t give a rat’s $$ about being a good Christian, or even if he was a Christian at all! Sadly, tragically even human nature is such that we seem hard-wired to rationalize out mistakes and/or misjudgments. To admit we were wrong. And especially that we got flat-out suckered.

    I’ve fully expected the leaders, having gained so much with Trump and fearful of their own flocks (well, the loss of donations that prop up their lavish lifestyles – mansions/estates and private jets are expensive as hell!) turning on them that a subtle campaign was started some years ago. To start a subtle whisper campaign at the grassroots that Trump was the second coming of Jesus. And with Trump in real legal trouble which could cause him to lose “bigly” in 2024 despite all the GOP’s efforts to rig the election up to and including actually overturning the will of the voters it’s time to turn up the heat. Instead of letting the “Trump is Jesus” notion percolate they will bring it to a boil with more and more talking like this a$$hat. Millions of those Evangelical votes will swallow it hook, line and sinker.

  4. It’s time to start taxing churches and their real estate holdings.
    The “church” deserves no favors instead they should be treated as fascist organizations.
    F4ck the “christians”…

  5. Satan’s best work was bamboozling so many people on this planet into believing jeebus was a deity and thereby causing xtianity to be invented. We have been suffering from xtian ignorance and evil ever since.

  6. Ursula, a young Jewish religious leader once said, you can’t serve two masters. You will love one and hate the other. We know which ‘master’ these folks serve…it isn’t the mystery of God. It’s the power of money.


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