Thanks to Ronna McDaniel we now know “Dark Brandon’s” powers include time travel. That President Joe Biden “abused his Presidential power” before he was even President!

Now, I don’t have to tell anyone reading this that many a Republican, even prominent ones have an adverse relationship with both the truth and reality. So, it’s no surprise that RNC head (and Trump lackey) Ronna McDaniel went on Fox’s The Story and offered up a real gem. Mediate has an article that lays it out for you. McDaniel sat down with Fox host Martha McCallum to talk Biden and the host aired a clip of President Biden talking about MAGA extremists supporting Trump are threatening Democracy. (they ARE!) What did President Biden say?

“Today’s Republican Party is driven and intimidated by MAGA Republican extremists,” he said. “Their extreme agenda, if carried out would fundamentally alter the institutions of American democracy as we know it, attacking the free press as the enemy of the people, attacking the rule of the law as an impediment, fomenting voter suppression and election subversion.”

Well, that had the two of them clutching pearls and searching for individual fainting couches. In fairness the truth hurts sometimes. In fact it can hurt like hell. I know that from personal experience and I’m sure many reading this do as well. Hard as we try in our lives sometimes we say/do something stupid and get called on it. And it sucks. Most of us lick our wounded egos, learn our lesson and move on using the experience to help us avoid having to learn the lesson again. Some however refuse to accept a reality staring them in the face, and that they have been (and continue to be) stupid in recognizing it. They rationalize. Make excuses. And try to distract!

McDaniel homed in on the “free press” part of Biden’s remarks and pivoted to… What else? Hunter Biden’s LAPTOP! (of course) More specifically that back in 2020 the FBI had flagged social media about much of the information being bandied about being politically driven Russian disinformation.  (Which there’s plenty of evidence to indicate Russia did in fact engage in widespread and systemic disinformation) Oh my! McDaniel was simply beside herself that the government (via the FBI) was doing “President (?) Biden’s ” bidding and “suppressing” “real news” coverage about Hunter Biden’s freaking laptop.

“This is a Biden White House that was meeting with social media companies, dictating what they put on their platforms before the 2020 election,” she said. “That, to me, is suppression. This is a White House that killed a Hunter Biden story that we now know is true, that prevented voters from knowing that before the 2020 election. That, to me, is suppression.”

Alas, there’s a teensie-weensie problem with McDaniel’s impassioned narrative.

Joe Biden WASN’T President in 2020 – when all this this stuff she’s so work up over was taking place! Oops. This being Fox, host Marth McCallum of course didn’t push back by reminding McDaniel of this inconvenient truth. Trump was President when all this supposed dastardly FBI effort was taking place, but why let facts and truth get in the way of gaslighting Fox viewers?

Or maybe, just maybe McDaniel is so far down the rabbit hole (and McCallum too) that she thinks Biden “Dark Brandon” really does possess the power to time travel, or temporarily create an alternate universe in which at time he was President during Trump’s time in office. And that anything that happened on Trump’s watch that she didn’t like was Dark Brandon appearing out of the blue and being President at the time. Maybe she really is that freaking stupid. Or “stoopid” just like a regular ole MAGA. If so I guess it’s understandable why she’s so terrified of President Biden. Maybe she believes HE actually has magical powers that Trump only claims to have, and that she and others claim Trump has.

That of course begs the question of why, if Trump is so awesome he’s not the one deploying the magical powers she’s so upset about Biden wielding with impunity.  Well, crazy-stupid as all this is I’ll shut up for now after saying this:

It might seem entertaining and it is fun to behold other’s abject stupidity at times but there’s the sad, tragic even fact that Fox viewers will take what McDaniel said as gospel.

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  1. One does not go to faux nuz for truth, facts, or anything approaching such things. Their relationship with truth/facts/etc. has never been a close one although occasionally they accidentally utter one or the other. When they do accidentally give out a factual tidbit it probably does hurt them-one would think physically as little as this happens.

    • You don’t go there for simple logic or common sense, just whatever they’d like to think of as ‘today’s scandal by democrats’.

  2. Biden and Obama have always been President…there have been no others!! That’s why American carnage exists and why we need to let a savvy business leader like Trump get a chance at the White House…he’ll have the whole place cleaned up by the end of his first term!! Oops, sorry. I also sometimes have time slips and they can be very confusing!!

  3. Time to fire up the space lasers to take out these time traveling demons,a.k.a., the democrats! Of course, a rich bitch born into wealth, believing in golden plates in a hat, is a sure way to cult land!

  4. There’s something about Ronna Romney (suck it up Ronna) as well as Elise Stephanic that really tweak me. They kind of look like normal people, not insane freaks, but then they open their mouths and the most insane garbage spews forth. They are so out of touch with reality it hurts my brain thinking about how they pull it off. It’s easy to despise Horseface Madge and dimbulb Bimbert, they make it so easy because they are utter soulless freaks. But Ronna and Elise are something else. They are all evil doers, bottom line. They should all be locked up for the damage they are doing to our country.

    • “Bimbert?” I hadn’t heard that one before but I like it! Not as much as I’d like hearing her called FORMER Congresswoman but still…


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