It’s a good thing we live in a post-parody world, or I would swear that Kansas senator Roger Marshall was trying to do a comedy sketch of a disgruntled Republican, who doesn’t want the government to benefit the people at all, just to make the rich and powerful even more so. Marshall took a stroll on camera to complain about the $1.9 Trillion stimulus bill that was just passed to resounding acclaim. He wants you to know how illegal aliens are benefitting from the bill, how felons just got a free ride, how Joe Biden didn’t want to hear anything that the Republicans had to say — when Biden himself immediately went on the air and praised the bi-partisan nature of the thing — and then he goes into high gear about unemployment benefits and paid vacations for government workers.

To hear Marshall tell it, we’re all getting cruises to the Caribbean out of this, as opposed to the most desperate people having a chance to feed their kids, make their car payments, and keep the lights on. “Stimulus” checks are not just to stimulate the economy, they are survival funds for people who were at the bottom when the coronavirus pandemic hit and was epically mishandled by the “former guy” who was a Republican, as we are all too painfully aware.

Senator Marshall does not believe in a social safety net or community chest concept of government, that we all pitch in to afford services that we all need. He’d probably tell you to just learn how to live in the dark and put out your own fires and take a first aid class, as opposed to paying all kinds of money for streetlights and emergency first responders — and their equipment.

Don’t take my word for it, have a listen.

This guy reminds me of an assistant district attorney that I knew in L.A., who hated his staff and blamed their purported laziness and incompetence on the fact that as civil servants they couldn’t be fired. The man had a master/slave concept of life and this senator from Kansas sounds just like him.


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  1. Roger, try reading the bill. You know what that is: it’s using your alleged intelligence. (And then you won’t have legitimate reasons to lie about what’s in it. So sad, too bad.)

  2. What really makes me angry about the republicans criticism of the relief bill is; what were they planning on doing instead? Of course we know-not a damn thing.


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