We already had a three-hour gap that Kevin McCarthy needed to explain on January 6, from the time that he spoke with Donald Trump telling him to call off his rioting MAGAs until Trump appeared on video in the garden, now we have a 7 hour, 37 minute blackout on the White House phone logs, as revealed by records which the National Archives have turned over to the January 6 Committee.

That immediately begs the question, what happened between the hours of 11:17 a.m. to 6:54 p.m. on January 6 and how was Trump communicating with people? He has already stated through a spokesman Monday night, “I have no idea what a burner phone is, to the best of my knowledge I have never even heard the term.” Right.

What’s being covered up? Seven hours is one whole lot of a longer time than the infamous 18-minutes of Watergate. Washington Post:

The records show that former White House chief strategist Stephen K. Bannon – who said on his Jan. 5 podcast that “all hell is going to break loose tomorrow” – spoke with Trump twice on Jan. 6. In a call that morning, Bannon urged Trump to continue to pressure Pence to block congressional certification of Joe Biden’s victory in the 2020 presidential election, according to people familiar with the exchange.

Trump was known for using different phones when he was in the White House, according to people familiar with his activities. Occasionally, when he made outbound calls, the number would show up as the White House switchboard’s number, according to a former Trump Cabinet official. Other times, he would call from different numbers – or no number would appear on the recipient’s phone, the official said.

In January, The Post first reported that some of the Trump White House records turned over to the committee were potentially incomplete, including records that had been ripped up and taped back together. The New York Times first reported in February on the committee’s discovery of gaps in the White House phone logs from Jan. 6, but it did not specify when or for how long on that day. CNN first reported that “several hours” in Trump’s records provided to the committee lacked any notation of phone calls.

The documents obtained by the committee show Trump having several previously unreported exchanges on Jan. 6, including brief calls with Bannon and personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani that morning, before Trump had a final call with Pence, in which the vice president told him he was not going to block Congress from formalizing Biden’s victory.

Let’s bring everything to a full stop. That was Trump’s last official recorded call. Then at 11:17 a.m. Trump talked with an “unidentified person” then the logs are blank until 6:54 p.m. when he asked the operator to call Dan Scavino.

Trump’s final call with Pence is not listed in the call log, even though multiple people close to both men said that call occurred sometime in the late morning before Trump headed to the “Save America” rally on the Ellipse.

During their conversation, Pence told Trump, “When I go to the Capitol, I’ll do my job” and not block Biden’s certification, enraging Trump, according to “Peril.”

Trump said, “Mike you can do this. I’m counting on you to do it. If you don’t do it, I picked the wrong man four years ago,” he added, according to the book. “You’re going to wimp out!”

It is noteworthy that Trump spent a lot of time that day talking to Stephen Miller.

Trump senior adviser Stephen Miller – who told Fox News in December 2020 that an “alternate slate of electors in the contested states is going to vote” – spoke with Trump for 26 minutes on the morning of Jan. 6, the records show. That call started at 9:52 a.m. and ended at 10:18 a.m.

As stated, the three-hour gap has now expanded to seven. We need to know who Trump spoke to and what he did during that time. And his claim of not knowing what a burner phone is is not going to fly too far. There has already been testimony from an aide of Mark Meadows who claims to have bought the burner phones that they were being used that day.

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  1. I’m certain, Ursula, that you clearly remember the 18 missing minutes on Nixon’s records. As I’ve been seeing others say, this outdoes that by miles and miles.

    I suspect we won’t have long to wait on what happened during those 7 plus hours. If there’s one thing Trumpworld sucks at, it’s cover-ups. It’s a cinch that the J6 Committee likely has all relevant phone transcripts because no one in that understands the concept of a burner phone (or if they do, stupidly think the data can’t be tracked). The biggest bang this side of Ukraine just went off…buckle up.

  2. Ho hum. Add that to the multitude of crimes that already have a mountain of evidence. Watch out Trump. Double secret probation is coming your way unless garland stops protecting HIS career cuz he doesn’t want to appear political. Until then I’ll listen to crickets. Nixon’s situation isn’t relevant due to the fact the Republican party still represented people who took their oaths seriously & hadn’t metastasized into a fascist party. Nixon, as evil as he was, still cared about his legacy & VOLUNTARILY walked away after it was clear the jig was up. Hell, even losing a razor thin election, he didn’t raise a lie to undermine Kennedy.The media was still able to sort truth & lies to a much greater degree than they do now. There was no fox ‘news’, internet, or other media to confuse & spew propaganda & lies 24/7. Although good old boy politics still allowed Nixon to walk free due to a pardon, his aides went to jail, as did Agnew, his attorney General. The American people were outraged,( since some of you either weren’t here or ur parroting things you learned second hand, being small children), & the public pressure was unified. Today a racist, career criminal can destroy thousands of children at the border, commit hundreds of crimes, enginneer a coup, AS PRESIDENT, over a year ago, etc., & he’s playing golf, & continuing his coup. After years of crimes in NY, the district attorney is trying to bury the case, causing career prosecuters to quit over it. It’s America. You can still believe the earth is flat if you want. Missing phone records? SO WHAT? Add that to the list that reaches the moon. Anyone who believes this system isn’t completely corrupt in its coddling of rich white men with political power & connections versus the poor souls on the street is another kind of cult. Guess all that bullcrap of national propaganda over 240years has produced a lot of apologists. Guess it’s also the reason the 1619 project has hit a nerve. Yeah run down those phone records. It will only take several years in the courts, if you get them at all. So what IF the committee has everything, they can’t indict anyone, & haven’t even used their full power against those who have given them the middle finger over supenas. Meanwhile the fascists will continue to work to steal power back, end the investigation, & continue us down the road to the end. Cue up the Doors. Oh, & the rationalizations.

      • Thanx 4 the correction. I was more focused on losing my college deferment & my sudden draft status for Vietnam. Thank God we had two parties that cared about their oaths, along with real news stations. Otherwise, I would have ended up slogging through a war. This country & culture has gotten so far off the rails, I hardly recognize the place.
        I refer to Kurt vonnegut’s book, Cats Cradle. He creates a religion called Bokononism. The 14th book of Bokonon is entitled, “What Can a Thoughtful Man Hope for Mankind on Earth, Given the Experience of the Past Million Years?” This is it: “Nothing”.
        It was written in 1963. I was ten.

    • Sadly Scott every word you spoke is true. And true also is that this story will again fall on deaf ears from a party accustomed to ignoring the truth and in fact waiting for the punch line that will indicate they were right all along, and that Donnie was sent by God. Wrapped in the American flag and marching behind the righteous Cross of Christ they are as easily led as lambs. When shearing time comes watch them group together and collectively blame the left for letting them put Donnie there in the first place, to “shake things up a bit”. Welcome to the reality that 70,000,000 Americans are happy living in? Just sad!

    • Guess you never read Vonnegut. Get an education on satirical writing by someone captured in the Battle of the Bulge & lived through the bombing of Dresden. If that’s the way you read my posts, it’s clear your reading comprehension could use some work. I read ur post about ur dad. Mine was so violent, my Baptist mom, who wouldn’t hurt a fly, had to put two 38 slugs in him. Didn’t kill him. I was 30 at the time. I was the oldest kid & only boy, so I was a man at age five. U have some distance to go sonny, judging from ur willingness to shoot ur mouth off about things you know nothing about. Lucky u aren’t the host of the Oscars.

  3. Bring in the phone companies (if they haven’t already). They have all the records of what number talked to what other number. Work back from the circle Trump was (or presumed to be) talking to. Then work forward again from those numbers to complete the circles. Oh, and, of course, call in experts from the NSA to help with the effort.
    For comparison, look at all the success the Ukranians are having listening in on the Russian forces using their personal phones because the Russian high-security phone system doesn’t work.

    • I’m afraid I have to side on the negative on this issue. Seriously, how much kaka has to hit this blasphemous insult to truth, before some of it will stick? This is the opposite of what I grew up with. The same as Bob Mueller (lone Ranger) catches Trump (Butch Cavanagh) red handed. But then the Mayor/Judge (Bill Barr) shoots the Lone ranger in the foot instead. Bob Mueller was playing by the rules of honesty and fair play, and Trump and his toady Barr were in cahoots all along. Who knew? Sadly if this had happened in the Fifties Trump might possibly ended up in jail or at least heavily fined, but not in the brave new world we now live in! We are probably better of waiting for the emergence of the real Santa to be proven true and ouila here he is!!! Tadah!!!


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