Fresh off of his Harley, Mike Pence has released a campaign video for his constituents — whoever they may be. From the outset of the Pence plan to run for president, I have been wondering just who in hell his voting bloc is. I can tell you, it’s not MAGA, that’s a foregone conclusion. They hate his guts. And if it’s what’s left of the sane arm of the Republican party, the people that relate to what’s written on outlets such as the Bulwark, you wouldn’t know it by me. Olivia Troye, who used to be his assistant at the White House once said about Pence, “He’s not evil, he’s weak.” Not exactly a stellar endorsement.

So who’s going to vote for him in the primary? Mother and the kids? Dan Quayle, maybe? I’m not sure Pence could win the GOP primary in Indiana. People there were sick of him. He was finished when Trump plucked him off the ash heap and put him on the ticket.

Now here’s where it gets positively comical: Mike Pence is basically ignoring the time he spent as Donald Trump’s vice president. It’s like doing a revision on a resume where you want to hide the “bad” job and highlight the others. I listened to the tape twice to see if I missed the reference to his vice presidency under Trump and I did not because it isn’t there.

Let’s look on the bright side, here. We always need comic relief, right? This is it. And I personally would kill to see Pence debate Trump — if he acknowledges even knowing the guy. Who knows how weird this is going to get?

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  1. If the Creator of the universe has more to do to the U.S., it won’t be good stuff. The hatred spewing from xtians makes that an absolute certainty.

    • Their concept of God horrifies me. I have studied the Bible and other religious texts and before all this evangelical insanity occurred, I very much identified as a Christian. But my version of Christianity (being truthful, helping the homeless, the hungry, the distraught, all that) and their version of Christianity based on hate and exclusion, cannot be more different.

      Pence is a disgrace to the Christian faith. Maybe I’ll write him a letter and tell him so. Not that it would ever get to him, or that he would even understand it if he read it.

      • Hi, Ursula! Great piece and good response here. I am a member of the LDS Church and do believe in God, but I have this debate regularly with the more politically included in the church, who eat up the absolutely contradictory philosophy of the evangelicals, while somehow compartmentalizing their professed religious beliefs, which I was taught pretty much harmonized with your own early orientation. I don’t know how they can continue to be this kind of contortionists, as is Pence. The God I believe in laid some ground rules for us to use this existence to test and develop ourselves using our own ability to choose, but to be prepared for applicable negative consequences along side the positive ones we hope for, should we violate the ground rules. Life for me is a series of cause/effect pairings. I choose and accept what comes and don’t blame God for picking on me. Pence is exactly as you describe him, an evil man, and a man without personality. I mentioned the other day the Dorothy Parker comment on the death of Coolidge. The singular difference is that Pence is already a dead man walking who simply refuses to do the right thing and fall down.

        • Nice to see you expressing your thoughts here. WE had an LDS church in a neighboring town and one of them owned a nice small business in my hometown. Nice people. Same for missionaries I’ve encountered in my life. In fact, at the first apartment complex I lived in after moving to NC we had a couple of them move in. Naturally, they made the rounds there first – it was a large complex. When they got to my door I politely explained I’d become agnostic before I was forty and was settled in that. Without being pushy or preachy they asked me a few questions about when I’d been a person of faith and what led me to losing said faith. It was a nice discussion and they accepted I was how I was and were genuinely appreciative of my perspective and that I hadn’t given them a hard time but actually talked with them. How do I know this? Because I regularly saw them after that and we often chatted for a while. About things. Not religion. Just stuff. News. Sports even as they saw me practicing chips in a chunk of grassy area behind my building. Even cooking. They saw me using one of the community grills and made a crack about guys could at least bbq and I retored I could do a lot more than that! They tried out some of my suggestions and stopped by my apt. one day with a bit of leftovers even. I respected their belief system because they didn’t try to shove it down my throat and/or act judgemental. They respected that I’d given plenty of thought to my faith before turning agnostic and made it clear that one didn’t have to be a person of faith to live a good life and try to serve others.

          If only such interactions and relationships could become the norm instead of where we’ve gotten to…

          • Thought you might like to know that the current leaders are getting a bit more hard-line about voting and using good sense, after years of political indoctrination influenced by the Birch loving, rabid ati-communist leader, Ezra Taft Benson. They have always stressed official party neutrality, but been soft on warning against voting for candidates and policies that conflict with the teaching of Jesus. This Hune 6th column might interest you in what church members are being told, finally. Best to all of you. I became a suporrter because I have great admiration for all you guys. Check this out, if the url shows up.

          • I saw that article about the LDS and a bit of commentary on his letter. What struck me was the notion that he’s indicated an understanding of his church’s history and why the culture is “vote GOP or go to hell” (it wasn’t put that way but that’s basically what they’ve been taught for decades) and that to change minds he needs to “put some oohmph” into his efforts.

        • There is nothing Christian about Mike Pence. The word “Christian” has been bastardized to be a dog whistle for racist, homophobic, paternalistic ideology. If Christ comes back any time soon, I have complete faith that he will be appalled.

          • I agree completely and regularly recall of those I call pseudo-christians (no cap C) as those to whom Jesus said, after hearing their bleating confessions at judgment day, “I never knew you. Depart from em, e workers of iniquity.”

  2. Pence’s Presidential delusion of grandeur is that not just Trump’s MAGAs, but Independents and even lots of Democrats being Christian means he’s a shoo-in to vote for him – being the “Christianny” candidate running. Of course, as you note his version of Christianity isn’t the one Jesuse taught, and which most Christians subscribe to, even if they don’t try very hard to put their beliefs into the practice of their daily lives. But Pence has convinced himself that anyone who identifies as Christian will come to him like the multitudes came to Jesus for the Sermon on the Mount.

  3. This is a plane that won’t get off the runway. It’s gonna rev up to take off, get three quarters of the way down the tarmac, lose power, and then coast into the grass at the end of the strip, do a nose-stand, bend its prop and smolder a little while. No one will notice.

    • If it’s even that exciting to watch, I’ll be surprised. Look at what we have so far: 1) Pence, an exercise in futility; 2) Haley, who has sold her soul already; 3) Ramaswamy, citizen of Dimension X, not sure what he’s even doing here; 4) Christie, here to kick Trump’s ass, of which I heartily approve; 5) DeSantis, waiting for the Trump train to jump the track and explode and then he’ll don the mantle of leadership.

      Did I miss anybody?

      • Asa Hutchison, who is for the moment thanking his lucky starts that someone even more lame, more whitebread, more milquesoast than he is has now officially entered the race! Three guesses on who I mean but you’ll only need one.

  4. Beliefs do NOT equal facts. As a Religion major studying ancient history, I’m amazed how the so called Christians know NOTHING about the Bible or the culture and politics of the ancient world. It seems to be a direct correlation in America that ignorance and certainty rise together. I can guarantee that none of these asshats want to talk Bible with me. Pence is an ignorant shallow hypocrite with blood on his hands. He’s responsible for many deaths as governor in how he responded to the AIDS epidemic. Add in the hundreds of thousands of deaths under Trump, whom he SUPPORTED. There are still a thousand kids not reunited with their caregivers. HE’S EVIL! Oh, and clueless. Maybe the January 6th people had one thing right. Traitors were once hung.

    • What I love about this “announcement” is the total lack of context with the Trump years, let alone the riot and the fact that Pence had to run for his life. Are we, as a nation, just supposed to forget about that? I can’t wait for some reporter or other presidential candidate to ask Mike WTH he thinks about all that, 2017-2021, particularly, January, 2021.

      Maybe Chris Christie will ask him. The entry of Christie into this madhouse scenario intrigues the hell out of me.

  5. I wonder if his Secret Service detail, while Pence is on the campaign trail, will be issued swatters, and the area around him be declared to be a No Fly zone?


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