One small step for Parler, one giant step for disinformation and propaganda. On Monday Parler announced it was up and running and under the leadership of Tea Party co-founder Mark Meckler, as its interim CEO. The domain is registered with Epik, which also hosts Gab, another far-right social-media platform.

Parler’s task now is to get back its current users during the first week of the relaunch and next week it will allow new users to sign up. No word at this time about Apple or Google selling apps at their stores.

Wingnuttia has its mouthpiece back. I also note with some amusement that Parler is based in Henderson, Nevada, which is one of the suburbs in the Las Vegas area. Now I know why there was all the massive coverage of Trump coming to Henderson, with scenes of MAGAs running down the tarmac, maskless, to greet his plane. It all makes sense. Some of them might have been paid extras. This is a show biz town.

Life is about to get more interesting with Parler back in the mix, ginning up the crazies.

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  1. A social media site ‘not reliant on big tech’ sounds as oxymoronic as ‘chemical free bleach’ or ‘Trump management’.

    An oxymoron for morons.

      • Per my Google search, Epik is apparently to web domains what used car lots are to automobiles, a cheap alternative to the high end market. Either Mercer is trying to save money or someone else is doing the financing. Or no one else will give them a spot.

        • Ooops my Nats hitting good right now. Nephew came by to check on his old uncle. Bless the young one.

          Mercer. When o when will they see some light. Just some light.

          Now, a hearing or ten would be “interesting”. For some folks that like to spread some chaos, maybe their time in the barrel. (okay, not right metaphor?)

  2. Hmmm…I wonder if their cybersecurity has improved. Or if as many folks will come back now that they found out that government agencies do monitor what the publicly post. Or if they’ll be spending large chunks of their time fighting each other in a neverending purity/loyalty test. As the saying goes, you can never go home again.


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