Nebraska GOP Boots State Sen from Party for Telling the Truth About GOP, Trump


Surprise! Some truth slips into the media mainstream from a Republican state Senator and the GOP no longer has room for such truth telling.

First, meet State Sen. McCollister and read the original sin, that truth thing:

Whoa. I am not so sure I could have done it better myself. Though, now that he has been shown the door, one wonders if the average Republican is indeed a racist, certainly seems intolerant of even the suggestion.

PLEASE proceed, Senator, and he does, right into Trumpania:

Wait, you just now noticed?

Okay, ahem, I am going to do nothing but say “Thank you, sir” because when the prodigal son walked in from the dark, Jesus embraced him. Since we are seeking the demise of the Republican party and Trump, the least we can do is do it using “real Christianity” against them.


And now, the all-too-predictable response from the racist grand old party that ain’t at all grand.

John McCollister has been telegraphing for years that he has little if nothing in common with the Republican voters in his district by consistently advocating for higher taxes, restrictions on American’s Second Amendment rights, and pro-abortion lobby,” Nebraska Republican Party Executive Director Ryan Hamilton said in a statement. “His latest false statement about Republicans should come as no surprise to anyone who is paying attention, and we’re happy he has finally shed all pretense of being a conservative.”

Please to be fucking off now.

“Telegraphing for years”? Right, likely mostly by demonstrating discomfort with racism, and nothing to do with their “higher taxes” stuff or he would have been run out long ago.

They are lying again. They are NOT happy that he is ripping the scab off their pretend injury, to butcher a couple of phrases.


Look, it is oh so easy to be the kewl one and sit back and say: “Yeah, yet he’s still an irredeemable asshole.” To which I say, “Get the hell over yourself.” This is one of the reasons I am parting from Daily “Konsensus” over at the mother ship. I am rather intolerant of the race to purity in “I can out progressive you.”

If somehow my embrace of people who open their eyes and declare themselves to be above today’s GOP, who am I to throw a stone? (Man, it is fun finding ways to use Jesus’ actual teachings against the party of pretend Jesus.)

This is welcome news.

It is also welcome news that somehow, a state senator from Nebraska’s bold stance IS national news. The obvious panic flowing from this otherwise unimportant news (nationally) represents something far bigger.

Remember when your parents taught you to avoid and not respond to a bully’s taunts? Remember when your parents’ said “Be Best.” Or something to that effect?

Yeah, they did that because a bigger person recognizes that the world is full of people, not everything is for everyone, and those who panic about any one statement are hiding something much bigger. And I sure respect the brave people who reject the bully when the bully violates their moral code.


So, cheers to you, Sen. McCollister, may I be one of many to welcome you home, prodigal one.

Peace to him, and y’all.

Some good news is a welcome and unexpected rainbow this morning.

Anyone interested in my real writing, and – quite frankly –  even better than the writing here, simply click here, and be introduced to aliens wanting to scale back modern GOP. They use an average college student abductee to do it. Think Huck Finn in space. Great way to support your writers here, and get an exciting hilarious read in the process. You’ll also shed a few tears, proud of our guy. I did.


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  1. See, folks? All that rope we gave them is starting to pay off some dividends, to butcher a couple of phrases of my own. And yeah, Jason, the only people I call Irredeemables are the Trump cultists unwilling to admit that they seriously screwed ALL of us even now. We may not like the defectors coming over necessarily but we need ’em.

    An Arabic saying: “Me against my brother, my brother and I against my cousin, my cousin and I against the stranger.”

  2. Just a little note, Jason: If you’re going to use Christianity against the GOPers who claim to follow it (though, more often than not, do a lot more Bible cherry-picking than adhere to the words of Christ), then it wouldn’t hurt to use it PROPERLY. That whole “prodigal son” bit, for instance. Christ did NOT welcome any prodigal son; it was a STORY that Christ used in order to teach His beliefs to people. Per the various Gospels, Christ did actually do a lot of stuff, but a lot more was in the vein of telling parables as “teaching aids.” And there were a number of real–for the sake of argument–people who Christ used to further his instructions, most notably the adulteress, but most “people” were closer to what we would now consider “friend of a friend” stories.

    • I very much appreciate your point and agree it needs to be done properly. (And I do mostly “cherry pick” bc I am no scholar. Having said that, I merely worded the story poorly. I knew it was a parable, and I knew it was symbolic. I should have written When Jesus said we need welcome the prodigal son back …, but even as written, I think most know it’s a parable, and yet from his heart, and thus, in a sense, he WAS welcoming the prodigal son back, just doing so in a story.
      I will make a point of being more clear, and I thank you very much for the excellent feedback.

  3. The comment below about accuracy of Jesus’ teachings notwithstanding (btw I “got” what you meant & didn’t need clarification even though I’ve been agnostic for decades) I really, really enjoyed this part of your piece:
    “Man, it is fun finding ways to use Jesus’ actual teachings against the party of pretend Jesus.”

    I was a performing artist as well as a jock back in high school and college and know my musical theater. I keep wishing someone like Hugh Jackman would put on a fat suit & wig and do a “Trump” version of Mordred singing The Seven Deadly Virtues” from Camelot. I say that because it’s clear KKKristian Conservatives don’t give a rat’s ass about things like the seven deadly sins any more than Jesus actual teaching as written in their bible, and increasingly are Mini Me versions of Trump’s Mordred.

  4. LOVE the term “real Christians!” I believe I am one and I support all your article said. The GOP and their cronies have, literally, hijacked the term “evangelical” and re -branded it to their sick liking. “Pretend Jesus” is exactly that. I’m living for the REAL Jesus.


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