Earlier today I began a post about Lyin’ Dotard and his Meet The Press interview, but got sidetracked when my sis called and wanted to meet for lunch. I began the piece because I was already pretty steamed at the thought that either NBC or the new host of the program, Kristen Welker, thought it was a good idea to give that duplicitous dirtbag a prime time slot to continue to lie to the American people and had decided I would not watch, but when I read the following tweet my pissed-off metric spiked to “furious”:

(Norm Ornstein is a contributing editor at The Atlantic)

Let’s face it folks, if drumpf is going to tell a lie of this magnitude on live network television there is very little that he will not do or say.

There is literally no filter left between the lies he tells himself to preserve his fragile narcissism and those which he spews out to others with little regard for consequences. At this point he is like a punch drunk heavyweight swinging wildly at his tormentors, vainly hoping to connect.

This point was driven home when I picked up reading on Twitter after a nice al fresco Mexican repast with my sister and her old man.

Why, look at that, it’s Obama White House veteran Neal Katyal pointing out that Welker had in fact scored a big one for the home team getting drumpf to obliterate one of the main pillars in his Jan. 6th trial that he was just “listening to his lawyers”…

Now I won’t pretend to know what weight the fat idiot’s admission will carry in a court of law, but Neal and Andrew Weissmann know their way around a courtroom and seem to think it’s a BFD, so I guess I’ll take their word for the fact that the interview was not a complete and unmitigated disaster.

What some others think:

Now, that’s an evergreen shot if I ever saw one!




There seems to be some disagreement on this issue.

Guess we’ll have to see how the ball bounces from here.

In any case Sarah Kendzior has my vote for tweet of the day:


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  1. The best comment of how the ‘mainstream media covers US politics…

    ” horse-race coverage of the only country in history that faced an attempted coup and not only failed to punish the coup plotters, but allowed them to make laws and run for president”

    Sad but oh so true. Also: Why we need Politizoom.

    • We are on par with Brazil for must corrupt politicians and enablers. See ken paxton and texas senate. donna campbell senator from central texas has especially been corrupt in these procedings. laura olson the paramour of ken paxton also was the paramour of one clayton perry who was picked up on drunk driving charges (hit another car, drove off, found passed out on his lawn having pissed himself after being served more than a dozen drinks) and finally left office. donna campbell has been in the middle of all this.
      ken paxont mistress with dan patrick

  2. I think he also said he only needed 22,000 votes and Welker said something like, “You mean you admit you lost the election?” P01135809 then said, “No. I just needed 22,000 votes.” He realized he was cornered and couldn’t come up with anything better. Jen nailed it. He’s a walking, talking incrimination machine.

  3. We need an interviewer who’s capable of laughing in Trump’s face when he spouts his lies and fantasies, defamations and threats. Laugh at him! It would drive him over the edge, especially laughter coming from a woman, his biggest and most scary fear of all. Laugh and then tell him he’s an imbecile. Remember the exploding Martian heads in “Mars Attacks?”


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