Everybody has a plan stepping into the ring, until they get punched in the mouth   Mike Tyson

This shouldn’t take long, unless I get carried away. In last nights coverage of the Virginia and New Jersey gubernatorial elections, Rachel Maddow had DNC Chair Jamie Harrison on, and she took him over the falls.

Rachel asked him about the campaign messaging in New Jersey and Virginia, with an emphasis of trying to tie everybody to Trump, and then extrapolating out into the 2022 elections, which will be an entirely different breed of cat.

And Harrison’s response made me want to stand up and cheer, hoot and holler, and stomp my feet. Harrison told Rachel that the DBC was already working on a unified message for candidates, both incumbents as well as challengers for 2022, and it was going to be a little bit different than what people were used to hearing from Democrats.

He told her that while the Democrats preferred to be the party of ideas, of plans, and of a broad agenda, letting their ideas convince voters that they had the solutions to the problems. the GOP was disconnected. In both New Jersey as well as Virginia, the GOP’s campaign message was a thinly veiled construct of lies. And then Jamie Harrison shivered me timbers.

To paraphrase, Harrison said, We Democrats like to take the high road. As a famous First Lady once said, when they go low, we go high. But Rachel, I’m sorry, but every once in a while, you have to be willing to throw one below the belt yourself. The entire GOP campaign is based on lies, and we are going to respond. And we’re going to put a little hot sauce on top of it.

Yes, Yes, Yes! I have been dying to hear that the Democrats are finally going to drop the books and use both fists. Because you know what? When the Democrats do it? It fucking, works! Like a charm. The GOP are bullies, and if you stand up and bop them on the snoot, they’re stunned. Ehen the Democrats swept the Georgia Senate special elections, McConnell tried a cheap stunt to intimidate Schumer by refusing to turn over the gavels for the Senate committee chairs. Schumer’s response? He went on Rachel Maddow’s show and literally laughed in McConnell’s face, saying he would deal with it soonest. And the very next day McConnell folded, and turned over the gavels.

I am a deep bleeding heart liberal, and while I love my party, I have spent my entire life waiting for my party to watch Lucy yank away the football, and then kick her in the ass. Go ahead, present your policies and agenda, but don’t just ignore the moronic drivel coming from the mouths of GOP candidates. Call their lies lies, and then hold them up to abject ridicule with facts!

The proof will of course be in the pudding, but if Harrison is not lying, and the Democrats are not only going to present ideas and accomplishments, but aggressively call the GOP out on their bullshit, this is going to end up being a very different race from what most people are expecting. Don’t touch that dial.

Follow me on Twitter at @RealMurfster35

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    • Yep, that’s why I am an Independent voting exclusively Dem for the foreseeable future. Dems need to fight back or they are going to lose voters!

  1. Republicans are fighting dirty – with Fox, money, Facebook, you name it and Democrats just smile and say “Be nice now!”
    Why should they? Tucker Carlson and the like are making billions from milking the poor and the ignorant with their horror stories about the Pizza eating “Demon-rats” with their space lasers.
    It’s pure capitalism, it’s soilent green if you like – feeding the poor all they can swallow!

  2. Remember the church scene in The Untouchables? “He pulls a knife – you pull a gun. He puts one of yours in the hospital you put one of his in the morgue. That’s the Chicago way and that’s how you get Capone!”

    Politicians, even most Republicans react to straight being called a liar like a vampire to sunlight. Democrats need to be careful to be factual (if not eliminate then vastly minimize stretching the truth) and then flat out use the L (as in LIAR) word over and over again including and especially face to face in any debates. Make THEM sputter and waste time defending themselves. When they make bumper stickers or posters/flyers filled with lies reproduce the things with the word LIE/LIES in big block letters in a neon color stamped on them. Flat-out challenge journalists on letting the lies slide. For example, “Why would you even ask a question you know is based on a LIE?” Or ask them why they allow GOP candidates to LIE without directly calling them out right then and there in the moment?

    If our candidate’s campaigns have been honest and able to back up claims with objective facts then both journalism and the GOP need to be called out.

  3. The Democrats are the party of big ideas, it’s just that when the time comes to bring those ideas into being, they fall apart.
    Go back and watch some of Uncle Joe’s campaign promises an how many will be stillborn.
    I knew he was full of shit back then as he is today. The only truthful statement was to his donors (owners) when he said nothing will fundamentally change. That’s a promise he kept.

    • Hey, u can tell from my frequent posts I, too, advocate recognizing this is literally a fight to the death with nazi loving, power mad, pathological liars. And I’m also frustrated that career politicians get there by ALWAYS kissing ass & following rules. What moron could get a law degree without doing exactly that? Let’s not 4get Biden did get the American rescue plan done sending money to ALL OF US. Did u keep the 1400.? Or send it back on principle? I’m 68. Caught covid in January. Got both my shots by end of March & am getting my booster this weekend. Biden has saved millions of us. DONT THINK FOR A SECOND TRUMP WOULD HAVE. Best not to advocate not voting for Biden, who isn’t senile, demented or stupid. This fight is far from over. If u didn’t vote for Biden you helped the other side. THIS IS AN EITHER/OR. THE ALLIES DID A LOT OF QUESTIONABLE SHIT IN WAR BUT IT WAS US VERSUS MURDEROUS FASCISM. Try to remember that. If not, you appear trollish.

    • “When the time comes to bring those ideas into being…” they get blocked in the Senate by Moscow Mitch McConnell. He dd it to Obama, he’s doing it to Biden. The current GOP Senate doesn’t give half a rat’s ass about America and it will block everything Biden proposes.

  4. Republicans NEED to fight dirty. They can’t fight clean because they are fundamentally full of sh-t. Democrats DON’T need to fight dirty, but they definitely need to fight! Not with symbolic BS, with things that actually better people’s lives. God knows, there’s any number of serious problems that desperately need to be dealt with.

  5. When a GOP slaps you on the face with a lie don’t show the other cheek, instead punch them in the nose and kick their asses with the truth, grow a pair and stand up, call them with their really name: LIARS.


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