This is from the other day when Marge Greene was attempting to sound intelligent. She even wore glasses. (Pro tip: Didn’t work for Sarah Palin or Lauren Boebert, might as well drop it now.) She mentioned other American presidents and I think she was trying to give some kind of historical context to present day events. You listen and see if you know WTH she’s talking about — or more to the point, how she’s saying anything bad about Biden.

I listened to it twice and all I could think of was, “Yeah. Sounds damn good to me.” Evidently the Lincoln Project heard it the same way and they put together the clip.

I can’t wait for Matt or MyKevin to have a little chat with Marge. That will be one for the ages.

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  1. Stupidity reigns!!! Congrats Ms.Ed, the talking mare! You are the winner of the contest for Twit of the Year, a contest held by Monty Python years ago! It appears you beat out the bowling alley trailer queen from Colorado. It was a close call…

    • Mr. Ed made sense. Don’t insult his memory by comparing himto.the Wickedly Stupid Witch of West GA.
      She is more like a malfunctioning treadmill: useless,taking ,and in the way.

  2. 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️ so she is really… a deep deep deep state fake… 👀👀😬😬or not😂😂😂 egads methinks we are in trouble in this country… again. And again. Although climate change is not waiting on the USA to get rid of idiots in charge of schools, government, churches, bizness and … other areas. But I got else to do besides trying to stay alive, work (5 hours a week… Geesh)… but hey. Heart is still going. Until then, vote maga out, q out, and any R out. Ps: and gee thought Jon huntsman was… a moderate republican… he is which means “we rule and you lose” type of moderate


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