Welcome to the spin off of the Trump Twitter Hour, a show that went on 24/7 for four years, despite it’s thin plot line, which was for the then-POTUS to outrage as many people as he could, because attention equates to power. Marjorie Taylor Greene is playing out of the same rule book but she’s missing the point, along with most of the Trump sycophants, that Trump’s “power” came out of his TV show con and tabloid presence way before he entered politics. What worked once for the Dreamsickle Deity is not necessarily going to work for one of them. Or, maybe it will. If 73 million people can vote for Donald Trump, anything is possible.

In all events, Greene is getting roasted for her America First caucus and she lashed back in true Trumpian style.

It’s interesting, at first blush, that she mentions “our children” in the same breath as America First. That echoes perfectly the Nazis 14 words, “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.” Coincidence?

Here’s the space laser piece, straight off of Facebook, put there by Greene herself and not some media moguls.

She also got the Sandy Hook and the Parkland parents all in a tizzy, after she stalked David Hogg and here’s her latest salvo at the transgenders, after she tortured Rep. Marie Newman, who has a transgender child.

Transgender people are a tiny tiny minority. Greene should leave them be, but she won’t. She’s hot on the pro-guns, pro-white, anti-gay Trumpist agenda and she believes that will bring her great power. So far, all it’s brought her is loss of her committee assignments and a maelstrom that makes the one Matt Gaetz is in look tame. That’s saying a lot.




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  1. Maybe somebody should tell her that ‘America First’ was nothing to do with the Trompador and all to do with the American Nazi party

  2. Yes. Of course it is us you have to watch out for. We actually know HOW to hold and use a semi-automatic rifle properly because we often served our country which, of course, big mouthed, chicken-sh*t folks like Marjie Kookie Pants and her ilk did not. We also don’t use the damned things as photo ops. We leave that to the idiots-you know, the ones you really should watch out for.


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