Interesting how GOP fortunes have played out since the Faustian bargain of putting Donald Trump as standard bearer of the party was tied with a Gordian knot. The Republicans had a unified government in 2016 but they still couldn’t govern. You well recall the shameful health care debacle in early 2017 when Paul Ryan’s Obamacare ripoff went down in flames and the repeal and replace fiction essentially died. Nothing ever happened with health care, anymore than with infrastructure week. But at least at that point there was the illusion of a unified party, however tenuous.

Now, the former guy can’t stop disparaging the former senate majority leader. Today was just one more rock on the pile. In perfect Don Trumplioni parlance he talks about his regrets of not doing a political hit on Mitch McConnell, who is only a made man because of Trump. That will come as a surprise to Mitch, who has been in the senate since 1984, a time when Trump’s biggest achievement was being able to get a table at the Plaza’s Edwardian room. If anything, McConnell is Dr. Frankenstein to Trump’s monster, not the other way around.

“Mitch McConnell is stupid” “Liz Cheney doesn’t know she’s alive.” Vintage Trump. 2021 is a good year for Trump swill. He’s obviously been caged up too long, with only a few groupies to scream and beg for autographs and selfies at dinner time. The Afghanistan withdrawal has opened the door for Trump to make a couple of Fox News appearances and who knows how long this will continue?

This is yet another Faustian bargain the GOP is getting into. Yes, they want to use Afghanistan to smear Biden, but at the cost of bringing Trump back into the fold and having him savage the party publicly like this? Is this a good move for them?

We will see where this goes. When you’re dealing with Trump it’s always a Catch-22.


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  1. Use Afghanistan? Trump invited the taliban to Camp David after getting the leader & 5000 fighters released that Obama had locked up for years. Then he excludes the Afghan government as he makes a deal with the terrorists to hand the country over to them. Not to mention Bush & Cheney diverted the war effort to the war they instigated with a lie. This is a complex country with no real history of being a unified nation. 20years. 2trillion dollars. Trying to change a culture we never understood. Allowing Pakistan to talk out both sides of their mouth as they pretended to help us as they harbored & supplied the taliban. This situation was untenable from the get go. The original goal was Osama bin laden. Checkmate on that. Should have left long ago if ever going in to start with. To focus on the mission should have been a special ops from the start to the end, not an invasion. Biden could have gone against his promise & desire to get us out. But he has done what he said he would do. Guess the last four years we became accustomed to the opposite. Anyone seen the birther evidence???

    • I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – every war since Korea has been waged in order to enrich the manufacturers (Boeing, Lockheed, etc.) of war machines and arms, and their investors, and to prop up the Pentagon. Add a little Christian nation building nonsense about replacing Islam and there it is.

      • Add Haliburton and Black Water to that list of those who milked this country for everything they could get out of it. It’s always the military contractors who make out like bandits. Anyone remember $500 toilet seats, coffee pots and hammers (thanks to Raygun)? Thieving jackals, every single one.

    • makes me wonder why he was inviting taliban to camp david. what did he think he could control them by offering them companies for their countries. and what did the rightwing christians think about that. trump think his personality is so great he can con anyone but he has been conned and we are paying for it

  2. trump was going to withdraw troops with the same intel but stopped because his rich friends were going to lose money from no war.


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