Mike Lindell has just about run out of gas. He might get a little publicity for a few more rallies this summer, but basically he’s making about as much sense as the drunk at the end of the bar before last call. He’s just verbalizing nonsense about the 2020 election to hear the sound of his own voice.

Lindell just introduced a new phrase into the lexicon of politics, “organic cheating.” Anybody ever heard that one before? Is that something you can buy at Whole Foods, in a box, and just sprinkle it at a polling site? And maybe it grows to beanstalk proportions?

Or, is it like free-range cheating? It costs a little more because the ballots are treated more humanely. Or, how about no growth hormone cheating? Or plant-based cheating? If there is any state in the union that would get behind organic cheating, it would be California, affectionately referred to as The Altered State.

And altered state describes Mike Lindell. Whether he’s cobbled together the batshit reality in which he lives with some chemical assistance or he’s done it on the natch, the man doesn’t have one toe on the ground, let alone both feet.

Take a listen. Here we go.

And there are seven ways to cheat organically in Nevada. Is that like fifty ways to leave your lover?

And now you’ll love this. The goalposts are getting moved, yet once again. All Lindell is doing is blowing hot air and pushing back the magical date when Donald Trump is returned to office. Lindell never had any credibility, but now even the entertainment quotient is going out of the equation.


Okay, class, let’s take a vote here. When will Donald Trump be triumphantly body surfed by his acolytes and toadies down Pennsylvania Avenue and dumped on the south lawn, where he’ll be sworn in by Pat Robertson, who will say, “Not again? You could have fooled me.”

  1. In the year 2025 if man is still alive;
  2. The 12th of Never and that’s a long long time;
  3. When Satan opens a snow cones stand;
  4. The day Mike Pence and Lindsey Graham elope;
  5. TBD.
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  1. CA voted mostly by mail, only registered voters were sent ballots, and they checked the signatures on the envelopes. Also, Rs are less than 25% of the registered voters.

  2. The Second Coming. Certain groups keep putting a date on it and … nada. Not saying it won’t happen, but if someone says, on this date, hide your wallets and fuggedaboutit. I mean, Jesus, not Donald. But don’t know when/if Donald will return.

    • There is a part of our culture that is obsessed with all of this. Did you see the Left Behind movies? There’s a lot of them. It’s all End Times related.

      • OMG, yes! You’re right. I’d forgotten about THOSE millenarians ( was thinking about the 19th and early 20th century ones who kept having to push back the date). I like the 31st of Febrary. Never gonna happen.

  3. I think it will be choice 3. and 4. However, I think it will be Satan that pronounce them man and wife and snow cones will be served at the re ception.


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