This is out of right-wingnuttia, so be advised and get the salt ready. You may have to take all this with a couple of pounds, let alone grains. Word on RW Street, in the persona of Charlie Kirk, is that the House definitively will refuse to pass the Ukraine aid bill. This is at a time when mines in Ukraine are literally blowing people to pieces every day. But fat cat MAGAs are comfy and warm and they think they know what’s best.

In any event, while our allies are fighting for survival, our dysfunctional House muddles along from day to day, in the manner of fruit flies, if there’s one thing Speaker Johnson has proven it’s that he’s Speaker in name only. His caucus is fragmented and splintered and a rudderless ship, to all intents and purposes.

And that, friends, is the key. Anybody who is currently in politics now either has fully jumped on board the MAGA train, or if they’re Republicans, they see that MAGA is a vocal minority that will likely collapse when its Mango Messiah collapses. And so they’re looking to position themselves to survive.

Hopefully, at least survival instincts will compel some of these 18 GOPers to do what is the morally correct thing and help our allies and stop Vladimir Putin from conquering Ukraine and making inroads into Europe from there.

I know you’re tired of me quoting Nikita Khrushchev’s 1956 comment, “We will take you over without firing a shot. We will defeat you from within,” so I’ll quote Abraham Lincoln. “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” (Yes, I know, it’s a paraphrase from a speech in 1838, not an actual quote.)

When you have a dearth of leadership in one of the two major political parties, that creates an opening for a foreign oligarch to take over. It may have taken us a while to get there, but here we are now (as of 2015) and unless something dramatic happens in the ranks of the Republican party, here we are likely to stay.


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  1. Abraham Lincoln…a moral man caught in an immoral situation that required him to live daily with sending tens of thousands to their death. He endured. He sacrificed. He overcame. He saved the Union when he could have capitulated to evil. He paid the ultimate price after the battle was won,(the war continues). How can we now walk away? We shouldn’t or our children will have no future worth having. Personally, I can’t. I have to live with myself.
    “you got to be yourself in this world. Right? No matter what.” Denzel Washington as Mr. McCall in The Equalizer
    The Maga crowd has no idea who they’re phucking with. Fact.

  2. Everyone should go to Daily Kos and read Thom Hartmann’s article about how, in the last 56 years, Republican presidential candidates and presidents committed treason and fraud to steal elections. His layout has been FACTUALLY PROVEN and trump is doing it again to aid putin so he can get foreign help ONCE AGAIN by sacrificing Ukraine and a bipartisan deal on immigration, resulting in unnecessary deaths. Check it out!!! Nixon, Reagan, the Bushes, and Trump should have gone to prison. None have to date.


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