All roads lead to Moscow is the status quo in Trumpworld and has been for quite some time — but this particular Trump Russia connection almost beggars belief. Andrea Thompson, a career U.S. intelligence official, with a top secret security clearance, is the State Department official in charge of arms control negotiations with Moscow. Thompson and her husband are close friends with GOP operative Paul Erickson. Erickson is the former boyfriend of Maria Butina, who as you may recall was convicted for being an unregistered Russian agent. With Butina’s guilty plea (of conspiring to act as an agent of the Kremlin) she became the first Russian national convicted of working to influence U.S. policy during the 2016 election.

Now, Butina’s then-boyfriend, Erickson, was such close friends with Thompson and spouse that he performed their wedding ceremony in South Dakota and Butina was in attendance. And here’s the punchline: Thompson didn’t bother to disclose any of this. Thompson used to work for Mike Pence, who as you recall, knew nothing of Mike Flynn’s work as a foreign agent, until he read it in the Washington Post, just like the rest of us. Apparently, Thompson took a page from Pence’s book and remained silent about things she knew or should have known had to be disclosed. After all, she worked for Pence at a time when Mike Flynn got fired for lying about his own Russian connections. How not to know the right thing to do? Meanwhile, friend Erickson and his then-paramour Butina were busy doing some very interesting things. Washington Post:

In December 2017, after Thompson had left the vice president’s office and was working at the State Department before being nominated for her current role, the New York Times revealed that Erickson had emailed top Trump campaign officials in May 2016 offering to set up a high-level back channel with the Russian government led by President Vladimir Putin.

Under the subject line “Kremlin Connection,” Erickson proposed that Trump could “make first contact” with “President Putin’s emissary” at an upcoming event hosted by the National Rifle Association, of which Erickson was a long-time member. The planned meeting did not take place, according to the Times.

But according to federal prosecutors, this was just one of a series of actions Erickson took in cooperation with Butina to make connections in Republican political circles and set up meetings for Alexander Torshin, who was then a deputy governor of the Russian central bank.

And Erickson was some pal to have. Supposedly, he fleeced Thompson’s husband, David Gillian, for six figures.

Four months before the wedding, Gillian had transferred Erickson $100,000, which federal officials allege Erickson stole from Gillian, FBI and court documents show. Thompson never disclosed these ties to her superiors until approached this week by this columnist, the three administration officials said.

The wedding took place about six months before Erickson and Butina were publicly identified as being connected to Russian influence operations inside the United States. But by the time of Thompson’s confirmation, allegations of the couple’s influence activities had been widely reported.

“When the person who marries you gets into trouble with the Russians and your job is to negotiate with the Russians, you have to disclose that,” a senior administration official told me. “Everybody with an intelligence clearance knows that.”

What Trump administration people know and what they do, are two different things. And have you noticed the pattern? They’re all just hoping like hell that whatever they sweep under the rug remains undiscovered. The dirt under the proverbial rug has lumps as big as the Blue Ridge Mountains right about now, but Flynn, Manafort, Shanahan (whose issue was not Russia, but was a huge, disqualifying cover up in it’s own right) Thompson, the lot of them apparently think if they just keep quiet and pretend it’s not there, they won’t get caught. The cover up is always worse than the crime, but still, they keep spinning the wheel and hoping to get lucky. Problem is, when the roulette you’re playing is Russian, the stakes are much higher; career ending, and sometimes prison making.

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    • I have had that exact same thought many times.

      What scares the pI$$ out of me, is what Jared Kushner is saying/doing/selling with MBS in the Middle East. That is a major worry. Now connect these dots: Raytheon has been selling parts to Saudi Arabia that can be used to make weapons of mass destruction. The guy who will probably replace Shanahan, at least temporarily, works for Raytheon. I haven’t researched this in detail, so just take it for what it is, broad brush strokes, but it’s sobering.

  1. That Russian roulette, you mention, can even be fatal if the right bullet ends up aligned with the barrel, and some dork slips up their prearranged story for cover in all this, and some very high up’s get a visit from the Marshals … with big brains in the family, like Eric …

    The Hope Hicks non-compliance interview with the congress after the bozo in the WH told her to NOT answer any questions about her time in the WH … kind of sounds like a case, ON A SUPER scale, of obstruction, one of the chargeable crimes of a sitting president, allowed and described by the Constitution itself …

    These seemingly innocent happenings in your capture above, tied all together, in a sequence of glaringly, non-coincidence relationships, with actions screaming for a follow up court action … Trump will look good in his new bright orange outfit, tailored just for him, normally come in small, medium, and large, his will be specially ordered, EXTRA LARGE … amazing how difficult his walking will become with the full chain system on him, waste, ankle span limits steps to a shuffle … using anything to make his hair look like it does now will be tough as well … none of that hairspray will be allowed, he’ll have to surrender his phone, hairspray, and somehow, I simply cannot envision, his current wife, wanting anything approaching a conjugal visit … the closest she will ever get is having her lawyer stop in for his signature on the prenup followup …

    Your list of facts above, give me hope that there will be more, not less crap to saddle on your buddy Pence, a dirt bag if ever there was one … I’m hoping instead of a gentile rain storm from all this new stuff, it comes down as baseball size hail …. Mr. McConnell had better be careful as well, his actions also reek of obstruction in the Senate on so many levels …

    • Trump without his phone or his hair spray! HA! Did you ever see either of the versions of “Hairspray?” The first one is hilarious. It’s a John Waters movie. The update has an all star cast: Michelle Pfeiffer, John Travolta, Christopher Walken and it is a scream. They all depend on hairspray to keep their “doos” in shape. Their hairdos are their identify. I never thought a sitting POTUS would resemble characters out of a John Waters satire, but here we are.

      • All this mess in the WH IS a huge circus, the movie versions will probably lean towards the horror version, the only question is who remains as the survivor after nearly all the cast has passed away at the hands of the nefarious serial killer ….?

        But, on the other hand, the hairspray movies deliver some relief by comparison to the WH buffoonery … of course, Trump’s daily routines of doing nothing but his hair and playing golf would, under the microscope of a TV camera crew following his primping and hairspray functions in just one day of nonsense would be pretty horrible …

        • My prediction is that there will be at least one black comedy about this White House — similar to “Vice.” This material screams for it. Think of the black comedy you could have, with Russians falling off of balconies, showing up dead in cars, with Trump writing love letters to Kim Jong-Un, with the Japanese laughing because Trump is too fat to get up and down on a pillow on the floor — Alex Jones and Roger Stone doing their idiocy, Julian Assange hiding in the embassy — there’s no lack of images. Maybe I’ll try to write it myself. The only thing we need to know: is the ending. Then watch scripts fly out of printers.

    • The claims of “executive privilege” for the period before the inaugurination will be interesting to hear explained in court. So will the claims that it covers people who don’t work at the WH any more, like Hicks and McGahn. And they’re trying to make claims of “absolute immunity”, which doesn’t exist.

      • That was incredible. I’m used to these people making up lies, but now they’re making up laws and legal doctrines that don’t exist? Sweet Jesus.

    • Now there’s an image. Keep notes on all these great images. As I said up thread, somebody’s got to write a black comedy about these insane days. Maybe we’ll do it here.


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