From Mary Trump’s lips to God’s ears.

There are two schools of thought about tomorrow’s arraignment and the consequences thereof. One, is that Donald Trump will become empowered. He’s going around like Jesus now, telling his flock that he will suffer their pain for them. The fact that it’s Easter week has enhanced this message. His favorite tagline is, “They not after me, they’re after you. I’m just standing in the way.” Thank you, Trumpsus.

The second school of thought is that Trump is on his way down down down the dark ladder, which is where he put himself after a life of criminal behavior, and that tomorrow is just the first step of the beginning of the end. Here’s Mary Trump’s two cents worth.

Isn’t that last sentence delightful to read?

We will know more tomorrow. Trump’s plan, we are told, is to give some kind of a statement at 8:15 p.m. ET Tuesday night when he returns from New York. Whether this is a press conference is not known at this time. It may just be a broadcast from that bizarrely-lit dark room/studio of his with the flags in the background.

And things are not going well. You have heard of the talk of the judge issuing a gag order. Too bad he couldn’t issue it tonight because here is what’s going out on Truth Social.

It’s pretty nuts already. God only knows what will happen when Trump gets to court tomorrow.

[photo by David Delgado, Reuters]


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  1. Once he’s in court, if he continues to lie, he’ll find out promptly that they count against him.

    Courts have this funny attitude to actual facts and truth.

    They think they matter as proof. (And lies don’t.)

  2. In O Brother Where Art Thou, after they had escaped the hangman’s noose due to the flooding of the valley, Pete and Delmar were proclaiming a miracle. Everett called them superstitious hayseeds. Pete piped up saying, that’s not the way you were talking with the noose hanging over your head. Everett stated, ” Well Pete, everyone knows a human being will cast about at a time of stress.” Yep.

  3. In my head, I hear Anne Hathaway from Ocean’s Eight: “You guys are FUCKED.” It will be more than just Trump going down…and need to.



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