Yes, we get it. The MAGAs are upset that their Dreamsickle Deity actually had to go through the legal process known as arrest and arraignment for a short while at the courthouse this afternoon before returning home to his mansion. Life is sure rough, sometimes.

But what is this throwing up of hands, accompanied by cries of Communist Country!?

Vintage Marge is the answer.

Occasionally you find a jewel in a run of the mill comments thread and this is one of those times.

When the GOPers realize they can’t win democratically, democracy will go. It’s as plain as that.

The sublime irony, always, is that this is blamed on the libtards. Sorry. Fascism is a far-right response, nothing that anybody on the left wants.

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  1. Marge Traitor Greene is so stupid, it’s painful to listen to her. She doesn’t understand the words she spits out. She and Boebert are trying hard to win the Louis Gohmert award for dumbest congressperson.

  2. Does anyone honesty give two sh*ts what this testosterone laden troglodyte has to say???

    Irrelevant as a fart in the wind.

  3. “He who makes a beast of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man.” Samuel Johnson
    Thanks Margarine for reminding us there is gender equality in Hell.

  4. Hey Marge, opportunity knocks. Russia has thrown off the yoke of communism and is looking for settlers who love the freedom of the wild spaces to carve new farms out of the mosquito-infested bogs of Siberia. Perfect for you and Kevin. Remember to pack your copies of Atlas Shrugged.

  5. Kind of got to break her nonsense down. Does she even KNOW what Communist/Communism means? hey Kooky Pants! Communism is an ECONOMIC ideology. Has to do with things like, wait for it, money/property/etc. In a communist country you can be free or not-this depends upon the spines of the people living in it.

    Now, her freedom, or lack thereof, comment is not entirely off base. Not off base it you’re LGBT+, female, a person of color, a non-xtian, educated…yes, those subsets are losing freedoms every **king day and if things keep going on this way then those people will no longer be free. Thing is I think those people and many, maybe most, of the rest of us are going to make good and damned sure these folks not only don’t lose any more freedom but that they get back what they’ve lost. Oh, and Kooky Pants, you’ll still be free to look and sound like the braying aSS that you are. We don’t want to take that away from you because we, unlike you, believe in FREEDOM.

    (Moderator’s Note) Spike, please. Like (I’m sure) others I’ve been known to enjoy your slashing attacks at Trump and his enablers. However, Ursula has asked us all to tone down certain things as we are a small site and some advertisers (who make it possible for us to stay up and running) get in a twist over certain words being spelled out. My own language is salty even by jarhead grunt standards but even I manage to mostly control myself here and add in a symbol or two to certain words. I’ve edited enough of your comments that you should have picked up on it by now. So please, take note and try to comply with Ursula’s request.

    • Don’t tone it down, this is not a polite society anymore and sane voices need to prevail in the twilight of America, so HELL no shout whatever the fuk you want, you aren’t dealing with moral people, these mouth breathers will walk and stomp all over passive idiots who don’t want to offend TRAITORS, Hell No!

      • I think you misunderstood the “ask.” Tone down was certain curse words, as in what you did. Alter the spelling or insert symbols so they don’t trigger algorithms that search for them and can generate warnings or worse from the ad folks. I’ve been know to be pretty intense with attacks myself at times and certainly don’t think spike goes beyond what I’ve written sometimes. But if you wanted to waste the time to go back a few months before we got asked to knock off using certain curse words or at least alter them a little you’ll find I was frequently more “colorful” than most here. Including spike.

        Not that any of us who cuss with damned near every sentence in our daily lives won’t slip up now and then. But there’s a difference between that and doing it multple times in a single comment, and in multiple comments on multiple articles in a given day.

        To his credit sometimes spike does comply with what Ursula asked us all to do. But more often than is the case he should try a little harder. As should we all.

  6. You’d think she’d be happy. Trump is a step closer to prison which means the time will come when he’s so horny he’ll marry HER just to have someone with whom to engage in a “conjugal visit” and she can fulfill her dream of being his F**k toy. (Not that Bobo from CO won’t be angling for the same gig but I think Marge can take her!)

    • Oh please. Even viagara couldn’t get that mushroom to stand tall these days. There have been no allegations of sexual assault since the time of Barron’s birth. Plus, according to Noel Casler, he wears depends now and has no control of his bodily functions, thanks to his decades long addiction to Adderall. He still looks, he just can’t perform.

      • What makes you think he wouldn’t at least try? Now, being who he is he’d never seek out the kind of professional assistance that could teach him and any other male who can’t get an erection how to still have sex, at least with the right partner. Long, long ago even before I finished college I got a job as a case manager/counselor in a facility that taught independent living skills to three types of clients (We could have as many as two dozen although usually we’d have a couple less than that) The largest share of our funding was annual grants from SIU’s Rehab Insitute which way back had become cutting edge in helping people with physical disabilities. They decided that among the things we did was provide sex education. Being low counselor on the totem pole yours truly got stuck with the extra work. I had to learn a lot and fast and while I started knowing I still had much to learn about actual sex I had tons of learning to do when it came to special populations. Including people that were in wheelchairs, both “quads” and “paras”, some of whom had function and some who didn’t. I won’t go TMI on you but believe it or not there ARE techniques that with some gentleness work where men can’t get erections. And the guy can have the emotional satisfaction of pleasing his partner. Just so you know.

        • I do know and it requires both partners to invest in each other’s enjoyment. When has TFG ever considered anyone but himself?

  7. Hey, if Marge and the other right-wingers want to whine about how we’re a “Communist country” (as they seem to imply all the freaking time), maybe President Biden should prove them correct and have every single Republican member of Congress arrested and disband the Republican Party–and all the MAGAts who go around protesting against the “harassment” of their Supreme Leader should also be arrested on sight.

    Hmm. Wait. That actually sounds like something leading GOPers have openly discussed, except with DEMOCRATS on the receiving end of the arrests.

  8. Damn Joseph…I thought you had a good plan. Get them all together at a federal prison and then they can plan the next coup in the lunchroom.


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