It’s not too difficult to understand why there is very little communication across the cultural divide these days. Just listen to Marjorie Taylor Greene’s tailormade version of what she would like to see Red States implement and what she thinks Blue States would be doing concurrently. It’s the stuff of late night political satire. But not to Marge. To her this is real. This is how she thinks the left really wants to live, and what she thinks would be Utopia for Red States, if only they could be so lucky. No wonder Mitt Romney is echoing Mitch McConnell in calling her “loony.”

Johnathan Last at the Bulwark shares with us the broad brush strokes of Greene’s proposal and if she proves one thing conclusively, it’s that she believes that the skewed vision of America that Steve Bannon spews on War Room is in fact reality and not a worldview the quintessential con man cobbled together to sell to the right-wing rubes so that he didn’t have to work for a living.

In no dimension with which I’m familiar is any of this really going on or does anybody want this. But then again, this is the right-wing extremist fringe of the GOP we’re talking about and those people don’t seem very good at reading the room, if their losses in the last three election cycles say anything.

Now, in case you didn’t unroll the entire MTG list of divorce policy proposals, here’s what she brought to the table:

  • “States would have full control of their public education. . . . In red states, there would be varying degrees of more traditional public education, charter schools, homeschooling, technical training, and college and universities. Red states would likely ban all gender lies and confusing theories, Drag Queen story times, and LGBTQ indoctrinating teachers, and China’s money and influence in our education while blue states could have government controlled gender transition schools.”

Hoo boy. Let’s stop right there. Does anybody in the world think that funding “government controlled gender transition schools” is a good idea, let alone a real thing? This is SNL level comedy. It’s utterly absurd.

Greene continues.

  • “Red state schools would bring back prayer in school and require every student to stand for the national anthem and pledge of allegiance while blue states would likely eliminate the anthem and pledge all together and replace them with anthems and pledges to identity ideologies like the Trans flag and BLM. Perhaps some blue states would even likely have government funded Antifa communists training schools.”

We would all like our kids to pledge allegiance to BLM and salute the “Trans Flag.” Man, the transgender people are thoroughly identified as The Other by the right. They’re lumped in with Black people, who still don’t know their place, to Marge’s infinite frustration, and commies. And the leftist government of the Blue States of the future wants to fund “Antifa Communists Training Schools.” To what end, I am afraid to ask?

  • “Companies would no longer have to meet ESG scoring measures on anything from hiring to work culture to products. In red states companies could hire based on work related qualifications not identity and return their focus on their customers, once again going back to real customer service and treating the customer like the king. Blue states would likely enforce ESG and require identity to mandate everything perhaps even what customers are allowed to consume based on their identity. We already saw Democrats give life saving monoclonal antibodies to people of color before white people during covid.”

OMG. This is wonderful. This is a melange of replacement theory with a distorted vision of what ESG is, which is merely investing in products which are environmentally and socially responsible. But screw that. We all know, in the “real” world, the world of the Red States, that climate change is a hoax. Oh yes it is, say I, as I sit in Las Vegas where it’s been snowing and chat with my pals back in L.A. about the blizzard warning — meanwhile it’s over 80 degrees in parts of Missouri. Parse that and tell me that we’re not long overdue for ESG (environmental, social and governance investing.)

  • “Red states would likely have highly supported law enforcement officers and well funded agencies. Police officers would be well trained, paid, equipped, and seen as heroes once again, not portrayed as racists thugs.

That’s the problem, yep. Cops are really heroes but lefties give them a bad PR image. Uh huh.

Red states would also support citizen’s right to bear arms and self defense. In red states, law abiding gun owners wouldn’t go to jail for shooting an attacker, their right to self defense and defense of property would be protected. Crime rates would be very low. Red state citizens would be safe. Criminals would be locked away swiftly when they broke the law.

I’m sure they will be, once you dispense with due process and all that silly nonsense.

Justice would be served. In blue states, who knows. Police could be anything from unarmed social workers to doing what Democrat lawmakers have been calling for all along, abolishing the police. And in blue states, they would immediately disarm their citizens of course because those bad guns get up and kill people by themselves all the time.”

It has always been comical to me, as someone who is trained in the safe usage of firearms and who owned a gun for most of my life, that the left is depicted as anti-gun. We’re not anti-gun. We are anti-military weapons on the streets, in the hands of lunatics. We’re all for the Second Amendment, always have been.

So now you’ve got your tutorial from wingnuttia for today.

Last ends his essay on this note:

Sorry, one more thing: In MTG’s telling, the Red states would require school children to stand and say the Pledge of Allegiance. This is a line from the Pledge:

. . . one nation under God, indivisible . . .

So she wants to create two countries by having a national divorce and one of her casus belli is that kids today aren’t required to pledge their allegiance to a single, indivisible America.

Irony is dead.

Irony said fuck it and put her head in the oven years ago. I remember it well. And then Satire filled the bathtub with gasoline, jumped in and lit a match, and even Farce decided to fling herself from the top of Jared Kushner’s 666 building in Manhattan. Trump world trumped them all and in very short order.

Marge Greene is a character out of a farce. She’s aptly named, the tailor of a bizarro world that nobody wants to live in and selling it as real. Lawmaking is social engineering to a large extent, always has been, but this is the first time I’ve heard a lawmaker talk about a society that you couldn’t pay anybody to live in, it’s so ridiculous on its face.

Let’s see what kind of support she gets for her National Divorce plan, shall we?


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  1. It is worth mentionning that those sweet sweet subsidies all these red states get from the blue states that contribute more to the federal coffers will disappear in a puff of smoke. Red states will have no option but to raise taxes. Really high! This woman has the mental acuity of a possum that just got hit by a car.

    • Possums are sweet and have lovely fur. Neither applies to.MTG. She is more like a rabid skunk. Or maybe an armadillo with leprosy.

  2. And where would all these companies in the red states be selling their products? Obviously, folks in blue states wouldn’t be buying the products (since they would violate the blue states’ own “consumer-friendly” policies) but there would be a lot of other countries that wouldn’t have any reason to buy since many of those countries have their own standards and policies (some of which include “ESG” policies).

    It’s easy to see that Margie’s not really run a REAL business; sure, owning/running a gym is a business but it doesn’t actually produce a saleable commodity–the gym members/users might make money off the “product” (making porn, being an “escort”) but relatively little of that capital goes back to the gym (and, if it does, then the gym has turned into a completely different kind of business).

    But part of what happened in the Civil War was that the Union put a blockade on the South to deprive the South of being able to sell its major commodity (cotton) to foreign countries, mainly the UK and France.


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