On Thanksgiving Jack Smith filed a letter containing 275 pages of single-spaced transcriptions of the horrific abuse which Arthur Engoron, his clerk Allison Greenfield, Letitia James, Chuck Schumer and everybody who belongs to the world that Donald Trump labels as “the enemy” have to endure on a daily basis. This is the legal document you need to read if you read no other legal document in your life. The pleading states, “I make this affirmation in opposition to Petitioner’s (Trump’s) request for a stay of the enforcement of the limited gag orders.” A full panel of Appellate Division judges will meet on November 27 to adjudicate this matter and bottom line, Trump simply has to stop ginning up the lunatic fringe who so vociferously love him. I’m sure that’s your opinion now, but wait until you read the transcripts and see how out of control all this is.

Courthouse News Service has described the threats as “vulgar, threatening and antisemitic,” “profanity-laden,” and reported they “ranged from crude and bigoted to downright chilling.” To these descriptors I would add, “depraved,” “unhinged” “evidencing a violently mentally ill mind.” Here are some samples of what shows up on Trump’s victims’ social media sites, emails, voice mails, you name it.  ****** TRIGGER WARNING ****** Please know, friends, that if you read further you are going to be subjected to imagery that will shock you. I wondered if I should even post this. But it’s from the courthouse, it’s a matter of public record, and the evil that Trump represents to this nation needs to be exposed. So here it is, but you have been warned. The first section is messages that have been left on Judge Engoron’s phone.

A. You know. I’m not going to. Call you too many names. Today, I mean, it’s clear.
You’re you’re little fruit cake. You like to abuse children, I’m sure. And your
shirtless pictures. Very inappropriate. I mean, you’re so inappropriate. But you’re
clearly. A ******* dork.1 Massive quant. I mean everything about you screams
little fagot dork. So again. I hope they. ******* bury your ugly ***. You and that fat ******* ***** ******* p|anet of the apes ******* star letisha the *******
****. Little ******* Jews and. Filthy little Jews and. That’s you. And I hate that
word. And I hate. Putting people under group but you are filthy little Jews and.
And you make everything about. This ****, you ******* hateful, divisive. I mean,
honestly, you should be assassinated. You should be killed. You should be not
assassin executed. You should be executed. But on trial executed for your crimes.
You sick ******* pig and yOU shut it there and laugh as you ******* abuse this
system because you abuse people you. ******* tyrant. And play this for the FBI
and you can all **** yourself, you little *******. Please call me, you *******
losers. ******* stupid *****. I mean, it’s. Clear. I’ve talked to. A bunch of you
******* dumb *************. J mean the stupidity. I mean, if we ever want to
come for you. But Ebi will be eliminated in a ******* day. Bunch of *******
morons. To listen if any of you silly little **** want to talk, go ahead and call me,
yQU ******* *****

B. Yes, Arthur, you are a corrupt Nazi and one of the ugliest people to ever walk the
face of the earth. And your clerk, who’s also corrupt Nazi is a fat ***** who blew
Chuck Schumer and everybody knows it. You are such a lowlife. No one would
ever want to sleep with you. You look like ****. You’re corrupt. You’re going to
get overturned and I hope you get gonorrhea from letisha James the fat grimace

C. Resign now, you dirty, treasonous piece of trash snake. We are going to get you
and anyone of you dirty, backstabbing, lying, cheating American. You are nothing
but a bunch of communists. We are coming to remove you permanently.

I call note to this last sentence. This comes straight out of the mouth of Donald Trump. He stands up there at every rally now and vows to “remove” “communists, Marxists, leftist radicals.” This is verbatim. This is where the lunatics are getting it from.

And this vile storm of bile and dementia continues. This is directed at Judge Engoron’s clerk, Allison Greenfield, who is merely a normal person doing a normal job. But Trump and his vile lawyers, who should know better, if he doesn’t, have vilified a staff member. I’ll you right now, I worked for many lawyers and knew many lawyers and knew many staffers, and I NEVER in 38 years working in law in Los Angeles EVER encountered a lawyer who would demonize a staffer, and set that person up for abuse. I knew hundreds of lawyers, of all stripes. Some were wonderful people, some were bastards, but I never knew a single one of them that would do to a staffer what Trump’s lawyers have done. Trump’s lawyers are the scum de la scum of the legal profession.

F. Oh, and Allison, you are. I mean, there’s nothing you can do. About that ugly face.
But he look at his raeli women, Israeli Jews and beautiful in shape. And then there’s
******* pig. Jews like you. Fat ******* stupid *******. 1 mean, lay off the
Twinkies, you *****. You’re clearly a ***** and a child molester. You *******
pedophilic *****. Anyway, listen. You look like ****. You’re ******* filthy.
Ugly. Dirty. I bet your ***** smells like a ******* garbage disposal. Guaranteed.
Anyway, lose some ******* weight. Have a little pride in yourself, you fat *****.

I feel so sorry for Allison Greenfield because I identify with her. I worked with hundreds of her. I was her. She’s a normal person doing a normal job. She is not a public figure. At least with Engoron and James it can be argued that they sought a high place in life and so they’re presumably equipped to deal with this. Greenfield is not. This is vicious victimization and Trump’s lawyers encouraging it is so vile that I lack the words to describe it.

“The threats against Justice Engoron and Ms. Greenfield are considered to be serious
and credible and not hypothetical or speculative,” the pleading says. This is serious business. Rudy Giuliani made life hell for the two election workers in Georgia, (who eventually sued him successfully) who could not even go to the market without being harassed.

Attacking a political opponent is one thing. Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, all knew full well what they were getting into when they ran for office although I daresay they never expected anybody like Trump to show up on the scene. But they knew the ticket they bought and the ride they were taking. The victimization of normal citizens, workers at election sites or workers in the court system, in law offices, wherever, do not deserve to be demonized or harassed on this level. This is beyond the pale.

I hope that the appellate court will rule that this has to stop and that if Trump or one of his attorneys even mentions Greenfield or somebody who is merely a worker, a cog in the wheel that makes the system turn, that they will have the book thrown at them. I fully expect Trump to be allowed to run wild. That so far has been the case and I don’t know if we can expect anything else. But the targeting of average men and women has to stop.


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  1. When is GOD’S name is someone going to do something with/about Trump? Why isn’t this piece of shit in Jail/Prison? I was taught not to hate, but I truly, truly, truly HATE DONALD J. TRUMP!! ‘Nuf said!!!!

    • It’s a sad commentary on our culture that a really bad man like this got where he got politically. I “hated” Dubya — and I put it in quotes because while Dubya was so inadequate to be president, in my view, he was Thomas Jefferson compared to Trump. That’s a plain fact.

      Dubya never lifted classified documents. He never would have, in my opinion, because H.W. taught him to respect the institution of government. And I wasn’t in love with H.W., either, but I respected his gracious concession speech, when Thank You Jesus, 12 years of Republican reign ended.

      Point being, we’ve had some presidents that caused me to grit my teeth, but to the man they were all lightyears ahead of Trump. And somehow our society just accepts this degradation. The GOP accepts its degradation in any event. We’ll see what happens next year.

  2. to start with these clowns who are threatening others as per this article are glorified children who likely would do anything they threaten to and more.

    think Ricky Bobby’s brats in Talladega Nights crossed with the daughter in the Exorcist…

  3. Personally I am looking forward to our excellent staff of the FBI and DOJ to locate and arrest the cowards posting this crap. After the January 6th bomber of course. 😉

    • This is some pretty deranged stuff. And my heart goes out to the court clerk, Allison Greenfield. She did nothing to deserve any of this. Not that Engoron or James did, but they are a judge and an attorney general, so they did sign up for some combat duty, so to speak. But I’m sure even they never envisioned this.

  4. What gets me is how ungrammatical, misspelled, and the threats–borderline illiterate. These are not the best and brightest, but likely the best armed.

    I hope the judge and his clerk have round the clock security. I fear some MAGAT will.follow Ms. Greenfield home and rape and beat her to put her in her place. They do this to their own wives,so it would be easy for them to justify it for a woman they consider over educated, Jewish,,and a,slut.


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