Thank God for political satire. What would we do? How would we keep our heads from exploding if we couldn’t laugh? MAGA is definitely a coping mechanism for people who hate the world, starting with MAGA patient zero, Donald Trump. And the origins of both SDE and MAGA make perfect sense. They are basically one and the same.

This is a clip that has been around for a while but I missed it when it was first released. Yes, it is juvenile, but it is addressing subject matter, MAGA and its charismatic cult leader, and they are the epitome of juvenile. Look at what MAGA hath wrought: It brought us Madison Cawthorn, a character so improbable that if you wrote about him in a book, nobody would believe him.

He was a sympathetic character, yes. It’s tragic when any young person is crippled and wheelchair bound. It made him a sympathetic character and so when he went from Chik-fil-A manager to congressman, people cheered. Then he began showing up at airports with guns, sassing back cops who stopped him for speeding, misusing his power in every which way. Soon he lost a primary and didn’t have any power.

Then there is his karmic twin sister, Lauren Boebert. Same deal exactly. Went from slinging pitchers of beer and burgers to congresswoman. Stopped showing up for key votes, divorced her husband, smart mouthed Stephanie Ruhle about red flag laws, when Ruhle was being a perfect lady and extending an olive branch. Then the Beetlejuice debacle. Now she’s looking to win a primary to stay in politics. My guess (not to mention my devout prayer) is that she’ll be out of politics soon as well.

We still have three-toed Marge. We still have Mattie Gaetz. But we did manage to lose George Santos, yet another winner in the GOP’s circle. And his seat flipped blue, just tonight, in New York’s special election.

Gaetz has been around for a while. And Marge probably will be, too. She’s an embarrassment, but she has one gift that is beyond price; she’s in a gerrymandered safe district like Paul Gosar and Jim Jordan. And that is something that you can take to the bank.

Bear all that in mind as you watch this.

Maturity over Mar-a-Lago, as they say. At least that’s the case if you don’t have SDE. And if you’re not a MAGA.

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  1. While certainly funny it also explains a great deal. I wish they had put more about how SDE also causes decreases to one’s I.Q. I suppose it was implicit but the ad is aimed at folks without the sense to pour piss out of a boot with instructions on the heel.

    Thanks for finding the video. Nice to wake up to something funny rather than waking up to teeth grinding over yet some other republican asininity.

  2. It’s funny, and I agree, male insecurities lead to a lot of overcompensation, our culture very guilty of promoting the message: to be a man you must have lots of money, no matter how you get it; you must have big muscles, no matter how many hours you spend in the gym or how many steroids you take; you must have a big job, even if you sell children on the black market; you must live in a mansion, look at how many ‘big dick’ rappers, actors, and athletes buy 100 room mansions; you must be really good looking, which makes plastic surgeons part of the big dick club; and, of course, you must have beautiful women fawning over you, even if most of their body is plastic, and they’re dumb as a stump. Every boy growing up gets taught this through overt and subliminal messages. Most don’t hear Blowing in the Wind by Bob Dylan, with the question, how many roads must a man walk down, before you call him a man?; or that your character is most important according to Dr. King. They don’t hear that natural selection knows what it’s doing by making the vagina at rest 4″ deep, and the average erection 5″ long. They aren’t encouraged to watch porn where it’s clear you can’t stuff 12″ into a vagina with ease. So our culture, including this video, really is contributing to body shaming men, and exposing, once again, the hypocrisy of our ‘woke’ culture. To equate trump’s evil to his penis is as stupid as he is. Someday, maybe we’ll realize, I, as a man, am not alive to serve only one purpose: to please a woman. Oh, and women, by the way, aren’t here for one purpose: to have a large dick impregnate them to produce large dick boys to go subjugate the world and the women in it. The world, sexual attraction, pleasure, penises and vaginas, personhood, relationships, religion, good and evil, hell…everything, is much more complicated than the size of a flaccid penis. I sit and wonder…when will all of us grow up, mature, and accept ourselves as we are? Until we do…we’ll continue to go round and round in the dance with dissatisfaction and, ultimately, every evil under the sun. No Virginia, it’s not their penises that’s the problem, it’s their moronic selfishnessness, ignorance, and willingness to destroy other people that’s the issue, one that Trump embodies on every level. He could be hung like a porn star and he’d still be evil. But I’m a member of the average penis club…so what the hell do I know? How many roads indeed Bob?

  3. But, but, but, they forgot the big dually trucks with saggy plastic nuts and huge belching smokestacks to own lib lungs!! These are sure signs of micro phallus, are they not?



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