All this woman needs is a bar card and to transplant her brain into a body that looks like Melania’s and we’ll have the next Alina Habba. Because she’s got the conspiracy theory part down to a tee. She just needs the “TV lawyer” look and a credential and she’s good to go. What identifies her as a MAGA first and foremost is how the rule of law means nothing. The court system, the legal system, all the laws on the book, none of it means anything. If Donald Trump wants to break a law, that’s just totally fine. This woman’s down for it. And she has some great advice for Trump. As a matter of fact, I hope he takes it.

This is the lowest common denominator, right here. She sounds just like Ashli Babbitt and even looks like her. This is the unfocused anger that Trump provided a conduit for, the vitriol that was in the bottle and along with the genie, he let out. Trump made it be okay to declare that you were going to end democracy and install him as dictator. And that’s why MAGA loves him. Finally, somebody who can relate to their angst, their rage, their impotence and make it possible for them to fight back.

Except he really hasn’t and he won’t. He’s just taking their money (although occasionally they get a tee shirt or some sneakers or what have you) and leaving them worse off than they were before. Ask Jennifer Crumbley, cooling her heels for 15 years on manslaughter charges after her son murdered several of his classmates.

The post-Trump era is coming. I only wonder what will happen to MAGA? Ron DeSantis’s great notion was that he could inherit MAGA, as the smarter version of Trump. Just as Mike Johnson was “David Duke without the baggage” so Ron was going to be Donald Trump without the baggage and with an Ivy League degree. It was a great brainstorm, on paper it doesn’t sound bad, and unfortunately paper is the only place where anything DeSantis does shines. Actual execution of his plans is not his strong suit.

We didn’t get here overnight. Rush Limbaugh paved the way in the 80’s and Matt Drudge helped him, although Drudge is far more weather vane than MAGA. If the wind is blowing that way, great. If not, then he’s got no trouble pivoting. Drudge was all in for Trump until the clicks started coming more from the anti-Trump side of the cyberverse and that is where he went.

Fox News showed up after Limbaugh and Drudge and they did quite a lot of the paving in this road to Hell that we now find ourselves on. This woman spouting all the right-wing talking points is their finest work. She’s angry, bitter, and blames all the wrong parties for things that never happened in order to explain her rage.

It’s more fulfilling on some level than being in touch with reality. I have known a few conspiracy theorists in my life. They’re not educated people and learning “the truth” about everything from the supposedly flat earth to the supposedly faked moon landing makes them feel smart and on top of it. If I had to give you a one sentence explanation on what the payoff is in following conspiracy theory, that’s it.

And the worst of them become evangelists for their favorite conspiracy theory. It becomes very important to them that all the people in their lives also believe that the earth is flat and there are even conventions where flat earthers gather. Conspiracy theory eventually becomes religion.

The woman you just heard has a great deal invested in the religion of Trump. She believes the election was stolen and that there’s no reality to any of the charges against Trump because she doesn’t know how things work.

And that is the key component to MAGA. Trump loves the poorly educated because he can sell them on his absurd notions and they will choose to believe him, rather than to believe that the voting systems in this country are secure and the 2020 election was the “most secure in American history,” as Christopher Krebs, the government official in charge of cyber security and infrastructure testified — before Trump fired him.

The hardcore followers of Trump are very sad people. I confess to being amazed that there are so many of them, but maybe I should just be thankful that there aren’t more.


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  1. ” but maybe I should just be thankful that there aren’t more.”

    Amen. And less and less over time.

    It seems to take a lot of energy to keep up the stupid. It’s easier to accept reality.

  2. That Karl Popper quote defines MAGAs awfully well. I’m an old fart now, and during what’s been an eclectic and sometimes interesting life I’ve encountered, and even known people who I have to believe have worked HARD to be ignorant. At least on some things. MAGAs mostly have to work, and often work hard at maintaining their Trump delusions. That there are tens of millions is both sad and frightening. The “good” news as you say is that while there are so many of them, at least there aren’t more.

  3. She’s as fervent and evil as the 40,000 nazis lined up and giving the nazi salute in Nuremberg in the 30s. We’ve seen this shit before. Either we stop it with the vote or we better count on actually defending ourselves from their murderous intent. How many tears did she shed when Nancy Pelosi ‘s aged husband was attacked with a hammer? How many would she have shed had the mob killed Pelosi, Pence or any Democrat on January 6th? What do you think she’d say if Trump the dictator ordered the military to fire on citizens protesting him? Better wake up people to this evil cult. It’s too late for the 400,000 boys who paid with their lives in WW2. We have one shot in November to sweep them into the dustbin of history or…

    • A good argument for owning firearms, ammo, and the means to create ammunition (reloading equipment). I may keep my firearms locked up but should the need arise I have them available and these people are a perfect example of the need arising.

  4. I often think it was too bad that they didn’t lynch Mike Pence. Maybe that would have shocked the system enough to have broken this spell that tRump has over these people. He’s made sociopathy and psychopathy (and any number of other -opathys) acceptable, and it’s frightening to see how of them there are out there. Thanks, Ronnie, for defunding and closing our mental hospitals and leaving these misfits amongst us.

    • Wouldn’t have changed these evil pieces of shite one iota. In fact, it would likely have given them the justification they needed to kill other government officials they didn’t like at the moment. I doubt they would have stopped at pence that day certainly.


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