This would be comical, if it wasn’t so pathetic. Tulsi Gabbard is one of the flakiest candidates in a glutted field of Democratic contenders for the top spot on the 2020 ticket. She’s received all kinds of interesting press in recent years for being a member of a hare krishna cult and hiring a Russian press agent to deal with Hawaii media not to mention the fact that she drew fire for claiming that the Democrats rigged the primary in favor of Hillary Clinton. So, it’s not totally fantastic that Gabbard would be the new golden girl of the far right. BuzzFeed News:
For some on the right, the sole draw of Gabbard is her anti-interventionist worldview, which appeals to libertarians. “I actually think Andrew Yang probably has more appeal in some corners of the right than Tulsi,” said Andy Surabian, a Republican strategist and adviser to Donald Trump Jr., “For Tulsi the only real appeal I see is on the foreign policy side. She’s a committed non-interventionist in the Ron Paul mode, she appeals to some corners of the libertarian and populist right.”
Oh, and Breitbart loves her because of how she showed her stuff when she “crushed” Tim Ryan, another lightweight. If these two didn’t have the podium to hang onto they would have floated off the stage and be headed for the stratosphere right now.
Breitbart News devoted a lot of its debate coverage to Gabbard, writing several articles about her. Breitbart writer Joel Pollak livestreamed his exchange with Gabbard in the spin room after the debate, the only candidate who got that treatment.
“The Drudge straw poll has you winning by far,” he asked her. “What was it that carried it for you?”
Gabbard gave a vague answer, beginning “I’m grateful to have had this opportunity here tonight to present who I am and why I’m running for president to the American people,” and Pollak asked her about a testy exchange she had with Rep. Tim Ryan over the war in Afghanistan. Pollak told Gabbard she “crushed” Ryan’s position and asked her “how the exchange felt.”
Breitbart and Drudge like Gabbard. Okey doke. Then we have none other than the appreciation of Ann Coulter, for those of you whose weather vanes turn in accordance with Coulter’s political winds.
Right-wing commentator Ann Coulter, who tweeted “Go Tulsi!” after Gabbard tussled with Ryan over Afghanistan onstage during the debate, said she watched the debate with a liberal and a moderate on Wednesday and all three preferred Gabbard over the rest of the field. “It’s really astounding that Tulsi is the only Democrat running frontally and unambiguously as anti-war,” Coulter wrote in an email, calling the Democrats “as relentless a war party as the Republicans at their worst. Only more feckless.” Asked if she would consider voting for Gabbard either during the Democratic primary or even in the general election against President Trump if she won the nomination, Coulter replied “possibly both.”
There you have it, Ann Coulter and whomever she believes qualifies as a moderate and a liberal, are all three on the Tulsi train.
We have to expect some of this. There are a lot of Democrats with their hats in the ring, and some of them don’t belong there at all. My personal opinion is that the sooner Tim Ryan, John Delaney, John Hickenlooper, and Beto O’Rourke wake up and smell the coffee and leave the competition, the better off we’ll all be. As to Gabbard, if you want more of her effusive, across-the-boards magic, she is scheduled to appear Thursday night on Tucker Carlson’s show. My take on Gabbard? She needs to be primaried. I think she’s an embarrassment to Hawaii and to the Democratic party.
Haha! Great write up of tulsi and her adoring fanbase.
The way I read the BuzzFeed article? It’s more indictment than endorsement. If the likes of Breitbart, Drudge and Coulter think you’re swell, you’ve got to have massive defects. I thought this was something out of The Onion.
I do not care for her at all.
She really should be primaried. I’ve been saying that for years.
Well…..if Breitbart, Drudge AND Ann Coulter are endorsing Gabbard, who am I to argue???……I usually let Reich wing idiots make my political decisions.
Isn’t this hilarious? As I said upthread, I see this as more indictment than endorsement. My God, I wonder how strange this primary is going to get? I thought Castro did very well last night. Booker was fine, Warren did great, as expected. Beto is out of his league, but I’ve thought that for some time as well.
I read that the mental pygmies at 4chan started this “movement”……flooding unscientific polls with bogus votes for Gabbard. I’m sure in open primary states like Virginia they could cause some problems voting in the Dem primary since Malignant Elvis is already locked in.
There are four, maybe five legitimate candidates for the Dem nod…..the rest should stop wasting their time and mine.
I can’t agree more. Beto is embarrassing himself these days. I wish that he had won the Senate seat. That would have been great for him and us. I think he would have done a fine job as Senator and it certainly would have helped to have a Democratic Senator from Texas. But he’s out of his depth in this competition.
You can’t have a debate with 10 participants…..there was no real debate last night, just as there won’t be tonight. You end up with 10 different sixty second infomercials.
So far tonight Harris is doing best; she took Biden down over his non-support of busing. Sanders is still stuck in 2016. Buttigieg is doing better than Beto did. Swalwell and the rest are “somebody else”.
*looks at cmae*
*runs down street*
Lollollol back at you.???? I love funny people.
The next time someone says I’m nuts I’ll tell them “I’m not nuts…..I’m funny… can ask Cmae.”
*sheepish grin*
Runs down the street chased by a bear!
*runs in pizza joint*
*emerges with hot, steaming pie*
*sits on curb and shares pizza with bear*
I think a polar bear would need 300 lbs. of anchovies. I wonder if the pizzeria could do that?
You can get anything you want at Mario’s restaurant……
I think we should make it “Ursula’s Restaurant.” Polar bears on bicycles would deliver the pizzas.
They have a place like that in Moscow…..I think it’s called Vlad’s Borscht and Pizza Cafeteria and Haberdashery.
You ring we bring!!!
A very nice, FUNNY bear.
Bears are comical, but especially polar bears. It must be because they play in the snow all the time.
There is an obvious answer:
Americans are fed up with endless wars, foreign interventions, and regime changes, and Tulsi Gabbard is the only one who is running on anti-war, anti-interventionist, anti-regime change.
This is coming from a self-proclaimed socialist who support universal healthcare and free colleges and universities for STEM studies.
Sorry to state the obvious, but Ursula Faw, YOU along with the rest of the warmongering neoliberal establishment media are parts of the problem, and you are in the neoliberal bubble and so out of touch that you can’t wrap your head around why people support Tulsi Gabbard: “OMG, he support Tulsi… he must be a right-wing troll!!!”
Could it be possible that Breitbart and Drudge love her because she’s the biggest fool and the easiest to tear to shreds? Or, am I mistaken?
Sorry….wrong room…..uninformed MAGAt morans who give a flaming rat’s azz is the second door on your right.
*points and laffs*
It’s the “warmongering neoliberal establishment” part that gives you away as probably an extreme Berner who adores her because she shit on the DNC to endorse Bernie — it’s really the only reason she has ANY support on the left. Otherwise, she’s too erratic, unpredictable and flaky, and she’s not “anti-war” at all: she’s pro-dictator.
Gabbard’s record has been a farce, in my view. I really do hope she gets primaried.
FYI, the early post-debate opinion poll results from and also show that Tulsi has been leading among the candidates in the first debate. Also, Google Trend shows that she was the most searched candidate in America during and after the first debate.
How do you explain that? All due to 4chan or 8chan or whatever? You can’t, so you just pretend it did not happen or just yell, “Alt-right! Far-right!! Russia!!!”
From NBS news…..
Whereas the one site I know that was covering it, showed her as “also ran”. (She got 4% in their poll. Warren got 65.)
You might want to rethink your sources. They sound really one-sided.
Tonight’s is also very good for some people.
The Berniefans are freeping that poll. He really didn’t do that well. Comes across as stuck in 2016.
But keep coming back. We love a good tussle on this site. Roarrrr!
……and I get to dust off my old trolling skills!!!
*excited look*
Do you think we hurt his feelings Ursula???
*concerned look*
I sincerely hope not. We need to mix it up a little on this site, get some diverse views.
Tucker Carson? Wow. So glad I missed that.
I certainly avoided it. But who knows, there may be clips of “memorable” moments today.
you forgot about facts. the only way you can take down the gabbard is with MATH
All you dipshits bashing Tulsi are going to get Trump re-elected
I would think Ann was a Republican. Yet she said she would vote for Tulsi in primary or perhaps both primary and general election. I thought one had to be a registered Democrat to vote in their primary.
As a veteran I respect Tulsi Gabbard’s military service and I like her position against regime change wars. How many on the left, right and center who’ve never served in uniform like me and Tulsi Gabbard support these endless wars? Are we a latter-day Roman Empire? We need an America First policy that makes sense and I sense this from Tulsi Gabbard. Listening to the democrats debate I’ve come around to realizing we do need a Medicare for All type medical system preferably with a private health insurance option as I believe they have in Germany. It could be implemented with common sense approaches such as standardizing forms to reduce administrative costs for example. Some of us don’t fit neatly into classification boxes to be checked off.
Your views on healthcare are rational and I have no problem with them.
As to Gabbard, I have other issues. Go check out a New Yorker profile from a few years back, about her “religion” i.e. following some surfer-turned-guru and a few other things. She’s a bit of an odd duck. I certainly don’t take her seriously as a presidential candidate — although I have nothing but respect for her military service. Read the piece and you’ll get a better perspective.
I will check out the New Yorker article on Gabbard great magazine by the way. As a veteran who has served overseas and seen how much American taxpayer dollars it took just to keep me stationed in Germany (the Germans don’t pay their fair share of NATO and I resent that). I would like to hear your comments on the endless wars this country has gotten itself into. I don’t consider myself a republican or democratic perhaps that is a bit of a cop out. I suppose independent would be the closest description of my political persuasion. I think we need a third political path splitting the difference between democrats and republicans and I could see Gabbard filling that niche. I’m confused I thought liberals especially those in influential positions were by default opposed to endless wars and the military industrial complex, or no? Most liberals, if that is the right word, who are in positions of authority seem to have never actually served in the armed forces, learned how to kill another human being in basic training, or actually done so in combat. Is it me, or what? I don’t get the political pulse of the establishment, whatever that is. Is it a cabal of big corporations and banks and defense contractors? Without defense contractors to make weapons of war you couldn’t send people off to fight wars. Do liberals share a neoconservative foreign policy outlook where the USA must intervene all over the world militarily? Is it me, or is there a schizophrenia of sorts with democrats / liberals when it comes to foreign policy and our military and the corporations that make the weapons? Please somebody let me know so I can understand. Military spending takes away money that could be used to improve our infrastructure, help our homeless American citizens, et al.
So this means the Democrats are all in for more senseless killing
like in Libya, Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Somalia etc…
Why is non intervention a right wing thing? Most of these people
the USA is killing are brown. Where is the outrage? In your
World killing non citizens minorities is good. Keeping any minority
from illegally entering the US bad. Potential minority immigrants are supposed to be way better than US Citizens so why kill them? Not one of these wars are
justified. Are we saving the village by killing everyone first?
what a pos article. But I get it she not only threatens your messiah Trump she threatens the Democraps as well but still. Saying she’s flaky is like saying Biden’s not old. I may have only seen excerpts from the last debate online, but from what I saw she tore up Harris like a rag doll and held her composer the best from them all. Not sure where this POS author says they were holding onto the podium or float away crap I never saw that. Don’t bother with a screenshot either that won’t suit you!
But don’t worry unless she runs on an independent platform she’s out for the next debate anyhow’s even though she surpassed her donations quota. Tulsi is Trump light and a lot of us who voted Trump feel our voice was not heard when he tapped that POS Sessions, and now this other old school Barr POS.
She has a dad that’s Catholic and did say crap against the LBGT crowd, but since then took back her statements. She seems a bit more right than left since most of her anti-war cry sounds a lot like Messiah Trump.
But the stupid democraps are pushing Biden or Cluck Warren So I can’t nor will vote for either but may just write her name in.
I like Vohra the libertarian better but his chances are less than hers.
If libertarians, and disenfranchised Democraps and some Repubs either write her in, in their states she just might have a chance. This fricking two-party system has screwed this country up when it comes to liberty for far too long now, its time for a change!
Hi, it’s me, the POS author of the POS article, just checking in. Keep coming back, maybe something will rub off.
Tulsi Gabbard is a voice of sanity in a sea of neo-liberal warmongers who feign concern over the electorate who have been in pain, economic and otherwise, for decades. Tulsi calling out these hypocrites is a breath of fresh air. As for her Republican support, that only proves that she doesn’t need to move right (as they all do) to win over support on the great blue/red divide. She already has it. An excellent candidate and someone who can beat Trump. Couldn’t get better.
If you REALLY want to know who Tulsi Gabbard is, instead of listening to the bias media smears and attacks, then please take a look at this video.