This comes as no surprise. While all kudos are due to Liz Cheney, Mitt Romney, or any Republican with the cajones to stand up for what’s right and denounce the riot which Donald Trump so blithely incited, don’t let them pull the wool over your eyes. They are still all too painfully aware that they can’t win free and fair elections unless they resort to voter suppression. This has been their tactic for years, they’re not going to abandon it now.

Watch Cheney squirm and waffle when asked about specifics. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

Maybe we should be happy for any concessions, whatsoever. Yes, we need a 1/6 commission, Cheney says and no, we can just keep the voter suppression laws where they are, augment them in fact. Tyranny of the minority.

I suppose you can’t blame the Republicans. Survival is the first order of the day for any species and if they can only survive with redistricting, purging voter rolls, limiting voting hours, all that, I guess we should not be too surprised when they do it. We just need to be tougher and fight them doing it.

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  1. Yeah, no surprise here. But unlike her colleagues of the GQP stripe, this is an embarrassment she’ll be able to walk off eventually.


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