Conspiracy theory is such an interesting world. What makes it intriguing is that there are so many bad guys. Are you afraid of the Masons taking over? After all, more than 1/3 of United States presidents have been Masons. Don’t worry, they’re just a bunch of WASPs and the Blacks are much worse. Worry about them taking over. Oh no, the Blacks? They’re waaay too scary. Well, don’t worry so much about the WASPs or the Blacks then, because the Jews are still out there and they’ve been plotting worldwide dominance for centuries, so we are told. Now they are running the Biden administration, according to the best sources in Wingnuttia.

The owner of Tru News, which is an outlet labelled as an “extreme right website that promotes hate, tinfoil hat conspiracies and pseudoscience,” by Media Bias, is led by the “pastor” Rick Wiles, who has a particularly virulent hatred of the Jews. And that predisposition has led to broadcasts like this.

TRIGGER WARNING: This is pure hate speech. I share it here because I believe it’s in our best interests to know what we’re up against and how depraved the right-wing really is.

This is very potent lunacy. World War II was not that long ago only 80 years. If you listen to garbage like this, and then couple it with the ridiculous comments of Marjorie Taylor Greene about “Jewish space lasers” and comparisons between mask wearing and the Holocaust, you’ll correctly conclude that Nazism is in the shadows, but it’s certainly not gone.

And the form of “Christianity” that this so called man of God preaches is the very antithesis of that religion. If you’re looking for pure evil, look no further. Rick Wiles and his ilk, who bastardize fundamentalist Christianity and warp it to their ends, claiming they are furthering the teachings of Christ, is it. This man may not be Satan, he’s not smart enough, but he’ll do until the real thing comes along.



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  1. Same old trope. Nazis, the kkk, etc. always wrap their evil in a cloak of hypocrisy & self righteousness. Irony? Jesus was a Jew. Everything he taught can be found in Jewish tradition. However, the state of Israel proves desperate people will turn to evil if it serves their purpose. Running a murderous apartheid since 1948 doesn’t support their case as God’s special people. So everyone is tainted. The jews come up with their rationalizations as do these murderous ‘christians’. No one is innocent. Jesus railed on the jews for abandoning God’s law of justice & love. If he were here, he would be railing on both groups for murderous hypocrisy. The truly ironic thing is that his appearance probably would unite them in their effort to get rid of him. Like it did 2000 years ago when the jews got together with the Romans, their hated oppressors.

    • We did not get together with the Romans 2K years ago. If you know anything at all about Jewish tradition, we call it Torah BTW, you’d know deifying yourself or another human is one of the worst things a human can do ESPECIALLY if the human is a Jew. The Jews during that time saw a human taking the god-hood title and running with it-which is, of course what he did and why the Jews turned their backs on him. He violated a precept of Judaism YOU JUST DO NOT VIOLATE. Jesus was not the first one to claim he was Mosiach nor the last. I do not know why he even got any mention at all let alone a religion and looking at what x-tians do I’d have to say anything but G-d is involved.

      Back to the point: we have been persecuted for 2000 plus years because people say we had something to do with or were responsible for someone pretending to be G-d getting his fool ass killed. We really don’t need it here from you. Save it for your church I guess.

      • He didn’t ‘get a religion’. His disciples claimed he ROSE FROM the dead, completely doing a 180 from running from SURE torture & death to defying Rome for 300+ years. B4 u discount it as fantasy or a lie, I can tell u people don’t do that unless their world has been shaken to the core. Oh, and a Pharasee spread it to the gentiles. Paul. Another miracle story. Don’t forget the jews claimed burning bushes talked, seas parted, oil lasted way too long etc. Lies? Time for study sonny. U talk like a religion is something u buy at an apple store. Ignorance.

  2. I can’t. I just can’t. Where the hell are the Dems in office that would call these asshats American Nazi’s? We are at war and don’t know it.

  3. Read the text. The Jewish religious leaders committed violation after violation, even quoted as saying “we have no king but caesar” during his trial, a violation punishable by death. No, they were corrupt & killed him for challenging their authority & for calling them out on their treatment of the poor & outcasts. By the way I am a jew dumbass. I have a certificate from 1979. Torah? Sure, the first 5 books of the old testament. By the way where did the jews get all that gold to build a calf while Moses was on the mountain? Thought they were slaves for decades. What they do? Hide it up their collective asses like Christopher Walken in Pulp Fiction?Persecuted? Sure. Innocent? No fucking way. Notice u didn’t bring up what the Israelis are doing since 1948. Shooting kids throwing rocks. Ur hypocrisy stinks to high heaven. Still looking for that military messiah are u to conquer the world? The best jew who honored God’s law lived 2000 years ago. Oh & don’t 4get it was jews, who BELIEVED, that brought his teachings to the world at great cost to themselves. Go back to school. Oh, AND THEY DID COOPERATE TOTALLY WITH THE ROMANS. When they had a revolt 70 years later, the Roman destroyed the temple, reminding them of their status, something Jesus predicted. Sonny don’t just sit in temple like these morons sit in church swallowing justifications for evil.

  4. What a maroon!
    What a galoot!
    Doesn’t he know ANYTHING?
    It’s NOT JewS!
    It’s JEW. Singular.
    Me! Short bald overweight 60 year old Bryan Wolofsky, from my desk in my humble, little home in Montreal.
    I control the world, all by myself.
    Vast international borders stretching thousands of km’s? Yup.
    Global International Banking Conspiracy?
    C’mon…..what Conspiracy? I run it all. I mean, I’m a Jew, right? So I run ALL the banks in the world. Everyone knows that.
    Learned Elders of Zion? The rest of ’em all checked out decades ago – swimming, kids soccer practice, hockey, Talmud study, you have no idea how much work it takes to run the WHOLE world when your kids are in their teens! So they just handed me the reins and said, “Wolofsky, wanna be the Learned Elder of Zion?” I said “Sure, the kids are in College, I’ve got free time, what the heck. I’ll run the world for a few millenia”
    So if anyone catches up with this Wiles character, can you please tell him to give me a shout – I’ll explain to him “Not JewS Ricky boy, just JEW! And you’re looking at him”
    Now if I could just figure out how to get the Montreal Canadiens to win the damn Stanley Cup!!! Running the entire world? Simple! Winning the Stanley Cup? now THAT’S HARD!!!!!!


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