Another iron is on the fire over at Lindell Works, which is a kind of Santa’s workshop where elves — or in this case MAGAs — devise ways to get litigation rolling which don’t exist in the real world. But hey, it’s Christmas, we need a little magic in our lives, right?

Now Lindell is encouraging his minions to harass the Supreme Court. He doesn’t see it that way, of course, he believes that this is some populist movement or something along those lines. But the fact of the matter is that it is a felony if you use the United States mail to harass or stalk someone. Here’s the latest bat guano. Daily Beast:

Increasingly restless supporters of MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell have a new plan of action: Send the Supreme Court physical copies of the pillow maven’s dubious and unsigned 80-plus page court filing that seeks to overturn the 2020 election. Late last week and again on Wednesday night, supporters called into Lindell’s evening live steaming program to share that they had “mailed” the pillow executive’s drafted case to the high court. “I mailed it to the Supreme Court,” a Wednesday evening caller said, to the joy of Lindell, who laughed and appeared overcome with excitement.

The caller continued by encouraging others to “bombard them [the Supreme Court]” with the filing so that the Supreme Court justices know “that the complaint is out there.” “Downloaded it, printed it off. It cost me $32 to mail it overnight, but, you know, I am a man of action,” the caller added. “Right, right,” the pillow tycoon replied in agreement with the tactic before telling the supporter, “God bless you.”

Reached for comment late Wednesday night by The Daily Beast about his supporters utilizing the postal system to “bombard” the Supreme Court with copious numbers of legal filings, Lindell said he “support[s] all people.” “I want the AGs called and emailed,” Lindell further told The Daily Beast, suggesting that his so far unsuccessful legal filing needs to be signed by attorneys general before it’s mailed.

It’s intriguing that Lindell still wants to get the attorneys general of the states involved because that indicates that he has a glimmer of a clue that somehow a signature by someone who is authorized to represent a legal entity, such as a state, is a requirement. I applaud that. That proves that there may still be one or two synapses left firing in the man’s brain.

But on the other hand, encouraging his troops to mail what amounts to garbage to SCOTUS is a waste of time and taxpayer dollars, because it’s only going to go in the shredder.

I doubt that Lindell will actually run afoul of the U.S. Postal Service, because I don’t think that there will be that many whackos sending packages to SCOTUS. But the fact remains that he is encouraging behavior that is not only futile, it could be illegal. There appears to be some childlike fantasy going on here that if trucks full of meaningless lawsuits would arrive at the Supreme Court, that by some magic one of the justices will shout, “Eureka! I’ve just read these 82-pages of garbage and we must drop everything and talk about it! Screw Roe v. Wade, this is the legal matter of the moment!” Kavanaugh would have to have to drink an entire brewery before you would hear that out of him and not even then. But the MAGAs simply don’t get it.

The fantasy is amusing insofar as it goes. But the sadness of this situation remains and that is, that at some point the fantasy talk has to stop. This is the United States of America, not the United States of MAG-America. We get it. Trump is still president of MAG-America. The Republicans that voted for him accepted defeat early on, but the MAGAs won’t listen to the likes of Karl Rove, Bob Dole and a legion of others who said give it up, already. They simply will not. They’d rather listen to a recovering junkie who makes pillows, and imbue him with powers of investigation and legal acumen which somehow the rest of the legitimate political universe doesn’t possess — not to mention being an expert on elections and the minutia of how they work. And this makes sense to them, that a man who spent his time manufacturing and advertising housewares woke up one morning with these abilities. It’s positively supernatural. I think Lindell should write another book and tell us about it.

So I guess now we’ll see how many packets of scrap paper end up in the mail room of SCOTUS. Maybe the justices will have a sense of humor and keep the ridiculous lawsuit as a momento of their service and pass them on as family heirlooms to their kids. I doubt it. But that is going to be the extent of the action taken by the justices upon this lawsuit, if even that much happens.

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  1. None of them, I repeat, none of them will take the law seriously until the number 1 criminal, serial killing traitor thief is locked up. It’s really that fucking simple. Why would they?

    • Do you honestly think even that would have an effect? I suspect if former guy is finally and rightfully sitting in the pokey his magat army will probably revolt. I’m not saying that isn’t off the table if he isn’t popped in prison but it will definitely be “game on” for his moronic base if he is.

  2. I think that SCOTUS, DOJ, and the Postal Inspectors can handle that. He’s certainly advocating harassment, and some of his followers are likely to get out of bounds on what they say, but it will be them on the pointy end of the investigations.

  3. The word ‘investigation’ is code for slow walking until everyone has either forgotten or doesn’t care. Bannon in court for contempt NEXT FUCKING JULY…WHAT A JOKE. The house could stop this bullshit today by using their inherent contempt powers to force testimony or jail them until they comply…don’t worry our future is in the hands of people who never had the balls to take an unknown path…that’s why they marched into law school…it doesn’t create warriors just beauracrats. Say hello to our new fascist dictator for life….


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