There has to be a fairly good dollar in pushing this particular conspiracy theory to the rubes, that their Mango Messiah is really in power. Either that, or Lin Wood is without any other way to make a living. Possibly both things are true. In all events. while Donald Trump sits in the bridal suite at Mar-a-Lago, mourning his 88 million Twitter followers and trying his best to make do with his severe case of attention deprivation, Lin Wood characterizes the situation as Trump is really still in power. He’s just so smart that only he and a few select souls know about it — and aren’t you glad to be in with the in crowd and know what the in crowd knows?

Do you love it? Trump is in charge of the military and the only reason you think you see the likes of Joe Biden or Kamala Harris do things in D.C. is because Tangerine Tesla, the great thinker, the brilliant mind, has figured out a mass illusion — but just you wait! At the right moment, voila, he’ll rend the veils and you will find out that he was running the country all along! Yes!

Now that one loon would believe this is not all that surprising. The fact that he finds an audience is also not all that surprising but it is horrifically sad.

But this is how cults work. When Jim Jones got rolling he would plant his employees and friends in the audience and on cue he would heal the halt, the lame, and the blind — one of his secretaries was supposedly all three and she saw the light and went scampering up to the stage. Her real identity was revealed many years later. People love a magic show. They love their bread and circus.

And Donald Trump and Lin Wood love the rubes’ bread and they will happily keep putting a circus on in order to get it.

So expect Lin Wood to keep making the Q sign and talking this crazy talk as long as there’s a market for it. Apparently more people have to go to jail or perhaps even perish before this phenomenon winds down and leaves our culture. Don’t hold your breath.

What characterizes these crazy suicide cults is that they finally paint themselves into a corner. Whether you’re talking Jonestown or Heaven’s Gate, the charismatic leader keeps promising and promising and teasing out a great resolution — and then he can’t deliver. Finally it reaches a crescendo and that’s when the laced kool-aide and the mass deaths happen.

I hope it doesn’t happen that way, but if it doesn’t, it will be because Wood simply runs out of gas and can’t keep up this ridiculous show anymore and people turn away of their own accord. We shall see.

The fact that he’s even starting to look like Jim Jones should tell you something.


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  1. Now if he believes he actually won the election, he can’t stand in 2024 because he will already have served two terms.

    But then, logic was never prevalent in the GQP

  2. Ursula. He is not entirely wrong. Trumpism now steers our country like a rudder on a boat. If he has no real power, why is Liz giving her stirring speech to ONE Republican in the chamber? And getting removed? Authoritarians gather their army as they go until they get their hands on the levers of the state. By the way many of those 300 million guns (many military style) are in the hands of his ‘troops’. The people in Jonestown held bibles far far away from us. This wingnut also has power, as evidenced by his repeated public appearances, including here. We can roll our eyes, & I’ve done my share, but Trump is the head of one of our two major parties, EVEN AFTER THE INSURRECTION. We’re in serious trouble. At least Jonestown was a volunteer operation. Those folks went with Jim, & in the end 907 out of 909 drank the poison. Presently, all the rational people on earth are at risk, & like the Parisians watching the storm troopers goose stepping down their lovely avenues, we know it’s bad & likely to lead to ruin, but we feel confused & helpless to stop it. If the democrats don’t find the balls to ram, yes ram, the voting rights bill to law, we will lose because we weren’t willing to put our nice cultural conditioning aside & be willing to do whatever it takes to save our democracy. In boot camp, the whole enterprise is designed to replace comfort, etc., with a tolerance for whatever order or circumstance you are given, including hitting the beaches at Normandy knowing you probably aren’t going home. The republicans may be venal, but look at what they are willing to do time & again. A jungle in south america sounds pretty good right now.

    • Not all of those 300 million guns are in the hands of the yahoos. I think folks forget other people own firearms for all kinds of reasons none of which are to overthrow the government. I have multiple firearms and I use them for hunting and target practice. I suppose, in a pinch, I could use them for self-defense but that is not why I purchased them. Other folks do own a firearm for protection and they are not G.Q.P. So, many firearms are NOT in the hands of the yahoos. That may or may not count for anything…

  3. He can’t? It’s day 112 of the Biden presidency and he’s still doing it. He only has to do it for 1,461 days in total. Don’t underestimate the allure of staying in the fantasy world that is Greater and Mighty Trumplandia. Trump still hasn’t seen the inside of a courtroom so why would anybody of their ilk believe that Trump’s days are numbered, and not in a good way?

    • People who overestimate such things tend to think Law & Order was a documentary. Back in that real world you were alluding to, no prosecutor worthy of being hired rushes their case. They put together evidence and weave it as tightly as possible before going to trial. And where there are hundreds of people involved, the already slow process becomes glacial. So getting this level of excited is WAY premature.

      • Yeah. & if u or I were CLEARLY responsible for 600, 000 American deaths, would we be walking around? Nope. Poor Charlie manson. Only connected to 7 deaths, which he did not do himself, arrested immediately. Spent his life in jail. The idea the law will punish the ex president. Guess you were too young for Nixon. He walked. Reagan walked. Bush/Cheney walked. So far law and order is a tv show until proven differently.

  4. With that level of lunacy, it’s surprising that the GQP is registering even 29% support. But it is unsurprising that their support is way down from the ‘normal’ long term of 40-45%.

    • It’s not that surprising. Back in 2007, there was talk of Bush’s “27”–the consistent 27% of people/voters who always supported Dubya in poll after poll. (Of course, that 27 was all GOP.)


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