Ursula just put out a masterful article about Kreepy Kevin McCarthy’s latest brain fart to please Trump. Empanel a totally partisan shadow J6 committee of their own to explore the real reasons for the insurrection. Sweet Jesus, I can smell the flop stench from all the way over here!

The Democrats are running a truly bipartisan congressional committee, with two committed GOP members, Adam Kinzinger and Liz Cheney. The committee has interviewed more than 450 witnesses, has received hundreds of thousands of documents, including Trump White House records from the National Archives. But most importantly, they are an official House Select Committee.

The results have been stunning. While the committee has operated almost entirely behind closed doors, there has been a slow, steady flow of information that is crippling to the GOP. While promising public hearings, they have released a treasure trove of documents that paint a devastating portrait of Trump abuse of power. Even administration insiders like Mark Short, Kayleigh Mcenany and Stephanie Grisham have appeared before the committee. And the mosaic is becoming as clear as day.

Trump obviously issued an order from the Mar-A-Lago bunker to Kreepy Kevin Mccarthy, Fucking DO something! And so McCarthy is pulling out his secret brain child.

He is creating a shadow J6, purely partisan GOP committee to investigate the events, and issue a conflicting report to match the Democrats. And to head it, he is appointing outlaws Jim Banks, and Gymbag Jordan, the same two that Pelosi jettisoned from the real J6 committee to head it.

But there are two major problems. The first is that there is no such thing as a shadow committee! The Democrats control the House, which means they control the Chairmanships, which means that they can appoint select committees. The House Select Committee on January 6th is recognized. It has official space, an official chamber, a fully paid staff, subpoena authority, the whole enchilada.

McCarthy has no control, and no power. And his shadow committee will enjoy none of the benefits that the actual J6 committee has. No hearing room, no paid staff, no paid investigators, no subpoena power. Basically, it’s a teen circle jerk. But it will give Jordan and Banks something to fundraise from.

Which leads us to the second thing, which is that it’s Not a legitimate congressional committee! When the J6 committee begins its public hearings, they will be covered live on national television, in prime time if they hold them then. McCarthy’s shadow committee is not a legitimate committee, it is a partisan hearing, and the national media is under no obligation to cover it. And likewise, when final reports are released, there is no media obligation to give the GOP’s shadow committee any kind of legitimacy.

Man! Talk about a Hail Mary Pass! Only in this case, Kreepy Kevin is trying his Hail Mary Pass with 11 offensive tackles on the field. The media is under no obligation to give them air time for their alleged hearings, and is free to tear their conclusions to shreds. Meanwhile, the Democrats will put together a multi week, carefully produced docudrama ready for prime time. What could go wrong?

This is what true desperation looks like. The GOP can’t stop the J6 juggernaut from rolling down the tracks, and the hearings and final report that will follow. But their entire shadow committee is illegitimate, and will not generate any bang for the buck. Oh well, as long as Traitor Tot is happy.


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  1. It will give those two opportunity to posture and do what Ursula calls performative assholery.
    I hope I remembered the phrase correctly. Anyways, their statements and actions are purely for the benefit of their base voters.

    • What’s interesting here is that politics always has had a performative component to it. Political theater is not new. This epic, P.T. Barnum level of a circus mixed with a zoo is something else.

      • I can’t help but remember certain performances that have been the proverbial wasted time of Gym Jordon, rusty Gates, Cow monger Nunes, and can you believe the ongoing attacks on our best scientist of virus progression by a certain Mr. Paul, who, to Dr. Fauci’s credit told him Paul didn’t know what he was talking about …

        The criminal part of that, is, the crazy’s have already threatened the good Doctor and his family …

        These never-do-wells that speak as if we are supposed to believe their lies and performances of public idiocy … have one thing in common, their stunts have put them very close to Congressional thumping … I can’t wait to hear what Adam Schiff has to say about this hopeless frolic with phantom realities …

        The two responsible/censored Republican members of the Committee will be jumping up and down on the floor at the next J6 meeting, their fury will be exquisite and the drivel coming forth from McCarthy should be amusing to those of us with brains, unlike the GOP …

  2. Fox and oan will cover the shadow committee as if it is presenting facts which it won’t. It will be full of weird conspiracy theories and fox will treat it like news so most folks who are not tuned in will just be confused.

    • I don’t think so…They won’t have an official committee meeting room. They have no subpoena power so only friendlies will show up to testify, and there will be no audience, since who’d walk in to watch that lae shit??? They’ll be happy with snippets of them bellowing threateningly from their chairs to what nobody realizes is aqn empty room…

  3. The showy shadowy committee and its accompanying faux-news coverage by the fascist networks will all be for an audience of one, hunkered down in his reality-proof bunker in sunny Florida. As long as Trumpler’s pleased with it, it will have served its purpose. That, and of course raking in millions of donations from the deluded souls glued to the propaganda shows.

  4. With stupidity & lies as it’s underpinnings, I’m sure it will be gamechanging. The scarecrow traded having his obstructionist members on the committee slowing it down and jamming the works until the midterms, for the two members who won’t bow down. Looks stupid but I’m sure it’s a brilliant plan. A brain(?), like his works in mysterious ways. He’s gathering the troops on the border waiting for the RNC Conferderacy to get the ball rolling.

  5. Ursula – please check your spelling – it should be a clutter of RATS and not ‘cats’

    btw – it’s a ‘glaring of cats’ (and a kindle of kittens)


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