Well, isn’t this an interesting development. The Kremlin has announced that Donald Trump called Vladimir Putin today. This is not the first time that we have learned of conversations between Trump and Putin from the Kremlin. In recent memory, a trip to Moscow by John Bolton and Republican senators on the 4th of July was announced by Radio Free Europe and they got the word directly from the Kremlin. The Trump White House doesn’t bother to share such trivia with the American public, evidently.

Here is a Google Translate synopsis of the conversaton It is noteworthy that while 75 U.S. cities have been the scene of violent protests, this was not discussed — or at least there is no record of it, and I think it likely that that is the case, that there’s no record of it. New Civil Rights Movement:

According to the Kremlin Trump notified Putin of his desire to add Russia and a few other nations to the G-7, which the U.S. is hosting in August or September. (Russia was kicked out after its annexation of Crimea, and has not taken any action to remedy that illegal move.)

Putin thanked Trump for sending American-made ventilators, and congratulated him on Saturday’s successful manned launch into space.

Discussions also included the coronavirus pandemic and oil.

The Kremlin’s readout does not mention the protests, but Trump held an especially violent call with the nation’s governors apparently after he spoke with Putin, based on his schedule. One official who listened to the call called it “unhinged.”

Now isn’t this intriguing? Trump called his BFF Vlad and then he blasted U.S. governors. It does make you wonder who’s running Washington, doesn’t it? Chess champion Gary Kasparov has an opinion on the matter.

This is very sobering. If you read my earlier piece today on how Russian TV is coaching Trump to “inspire fear and terror” and then “ride in on a white horse” this isn’t just idle speculation that that is something Trump will do. Trump is following the Kremlin game plan because he wants Putin to tell him how to get reelected. That’s all he wants and all he cares about, the actual reality of governing be damned. And Putin wants Trump reelected above all else as well. That totally fits in with his agenda. We are solidly f**ked.


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    • He’s taking direction from Vladimir Putin. Not that that is surprising, but to have it so blithely confirmed is very depressing. My mind is blown right now. Putin does know how to manipulate the masses and he is a master of terror. And Trump will do anything he says to get reelected. And Trump’s enablers will do anything to stay in power. We are f**ked.

      • AAAAAH! Excuse the outburst, Ursula, but so much of that flies in the face of current events that it seemed the appropriate response. To recap, we are ALREADY effed, have been since the day he took office. But after three and a half years of watching this fool repeatedly flunk his Banana Republic Strongman certifications, I would think that people would notice how BAD he is at this.

        And his enablers are no smarter than he is. Hell, all the smart people and money are working against him right now. If it was Putin directly, then sure. But it’s Trump. Trump…always…effs…up, as iron a law as gravity. So…please chill a bit.

  1. In spite of what you are feeling right now. Look around at the governors who do know how to govern. We will win this too.

    • There does not seem to be any, “PLAN”, in the WH now, just in the Senate as they continue to operate like the worms they are in the damp soil in the old barn that never got that promised poured floor ….

      They are making plans to kill the Post Offices, distribution centers and prevent mail systems for voting purposes … REALLY TRUMP?!!

      I noticed that low level lighting was still being used at the WH, characters like Nunes, that likes to hand-deliver latest House Intelligence info to Trump can still find his way to the secret handshake door … why not chat with Putin? … he IS the one for Trump to call on for cash, maybe Trump is arranging a large family flight plan to an unknown family vacation area, a beautiful log home and other smaller homes in a secret complex in the Swiss Alps? All connected by underground tunnels, wait a minute, that’s what all the top level Hitler crew did, built neat hideouts connected by underground passageways … while Hitler had the Eagles Nest mountain top lair and a mountain-side bunker house as well, the eagles nest still survives the bunker house on the mountain was blown to bits …

      Trump’s favorite buddy in his dreams was always Hitler … with his special crews of storm troopers, experimental human testing of poisons, environmental tortures for survival tests … Putin is more accessible, (still alive, and already has given Trump millions for failing properties, like Eric said, golf courses)

      He needs some pocket change, obviously not on his tax forms, I wonder how he thinks he can squirm out of THIS box canyon … working deals all the time, never good for any of us …

      The NYC, NY area police/fire/Courts/countless Contractors/bankers-Investment Firms all keeping an eye out for him, just as soon as he leaves the WH as a so-called president … AND i think perhaps our hero Adam Schiff in California has and is collecting so many incriminating records, unless Trump hides out, the quivering orange jello blob is going directly to jail, nor passing GO or collecting $200.

    • And the timing on this one? Freaks people out because they mistake their panic for clear sight and thought. But he likely told Trump just the wrong thing to do.

  2. Alright, folks, settle. At this point, Putin HAS to know that there is nothing he can say to Julius Geezer that will survive a 24 hour cycle, if THAT long. He likely just fed Trump some really bad advice that will speed up the inevitable exit. Putin’s got all he’s going to get out of him…time to cash in the chips.

  3. Trump probably spent his time whining to his “daddy” that he (Trump) can’t get away with the stuff here that Putin gets to do in Russia. No doubt Putin told Trump to figure out how and fast. And since the whole G-7 stuff was part of the discussion probably held out an incentive – if Trump goes “Russian style crackdown” (I think he’ll try at least, and worse partially succeed in blowing through yet another norm by stretching Posse Comitatus beyond all recognition) AND gets him invited to the G-7 a couple of “special aide” will be part of the Russian delegation. And will include spanking Trump in addition to golden shower shows.

    • UK has said that the Russians are not rejoining G7 over their veto. Putin knows Trump will fail to deliver anything aside from more chaos. He’s just giving his puppet a helpful shove into the fire.

      • The irony is that according to the charter of the G-7 Russia should never have become a member in the first place! When the original G-6 was formed the concept was for the world’s largest economies (defined by the IMF) to work together to help keep the world’s economy on an even keel. It would eventually become the G-7. Back in the mid-1990s the (new) Russian Federation began holding side meetings at the general gatherings of the G-7. I suppose there was some merit in trying to help that country emerge from the authoritarian USSR into a functioning democracy.

        Of course, Russia both then and now has had nowhere near the wealth to qualify economically and hasn’t even been part of the IMF but still it was, back when it was trying to become a democracy invited to formal membership. Then Putin took control of that country and steadily began carrying out his goal of remaking Russia into a leaner and meaner version of the old USSR. They should have been kicked out long before it actually happened!

        Frankly, I’d like to (after Trump is gone) see the U.S. propose language in the G-7 “statement” they issue at the conclusion of their meetings the fact that Russia NEVER qualified economically to be part of the group, and that since they are so far down the list of developed nations economically that IF they ever hope to be considered for membership again or to even be invited to the gathering for those “side meetings” that they institute full political reforms that prove they are meeting specific targets for democratic government.

        That should chap Putin’s ass!

        • Putin may have problems much closer to home that Trump could never do anything to solve. Even with the no-doubt-fixed stats, it’s got the second-highest or third-highest COVID 19 caseload on the planet. Oil prices continue to remain too flat to keep the money rolling in, thanks to Putin’s epic fail with OPEC. And Trump has utterly failed to get rid of the Magnitsky Act, which is leaving Russian stateside assets in deep freeze (and that’s before you get into how much other countries are doing the same).

          As Don Henley poignantly sang, “What do when your dreams come true/And it’s not quite how you planned?” Putin got his USSR revival and a severely weakened USA. But it only served to exacerbate all the problems he ignored and repeat all the old Soviet mistakes. What a waste.

  4. Tired. Sad. Angry. How to fight this motherfucker? He is and will continue to instigate violence. He takes directions from Vlad and he was told to show more strength. He does by the b.s. with the Governors. Moving people away from the WH and holding up the effing bible. Bullfucking shit. Goal: Martial law? We are in such a world of huge fucking hurt right now. Who in government will stand up against him and do it loudly and clearly?

  5. I don’t think it was luck or any kind of mistake that it was announced that this call was made, the Kremlin has, as always an agenda however nefarious and/or evil.


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