Earlier today, as I was listening to yet another recap of the four charges that Jack Smith slapped the treasonous usurper Donald Trump with, it hit me. When this case goes to rtial, Trump is about to be hoist to the yardarm on his own petard.

There is no doubt that Donald John Trump is a virulent racist. He has been since his 20’s when he went running around New York collecting rents with his equally racist father, without ever managing to rent to African Americans, bringing a civil rights suit from the DOJ that they bought their way out of. And in just 5 1/2 years running for and serving as President, El Pendejo Presidente let his racist freak flag fly high;

  • In his presidential campaign rollout announcement, Trump proudly proclaimed that Mexico isn’t sending us their best. They’re sending us murderers, they’re sending us rapists, and some, I assume are very fine people
  • During his campaign, Trump called for Banning all Muslims from entering this country until the United States can figure out what the hell is going on! A promise he tried to make good on, with national protests and court challenges until it was basically rendered worthless
  • As President Trump ordered the separation of infants, toddlers and children from their parents, agents ripping them screaming from their parents arms at the southern border
  • Trump was caught on tape referring to central African nations as shithole countries, and bemoaning why we couldn’t have more immigrants from lily white Norway
  • Following the neo Nazi, KKK inspired mayhem in Charlottesville, Virginia, resulting in the death of an innocent young protester, Trump stoutly stated that there were Very fine people on both sides. You know it, and I know it! while his Chief of Staff General John Kelly hung his head in shame
  • In a nationally televised presidential debate, His Lowness told the racist street gang The Loud Toys to Stand back and stand by, which so thrilled the brown shirt thugs that they incorporated the words into their freakin’ logo!

So there’s no question that FrankenTrump is a virulent racist, and has been all of his life. Which is why, when I listened to the recital of the charges yet again, this time the penny finally dropped, and my heart sang. Many legal talking heads were distressed that Smith didn’t hit Trump with violations of The Insurrection Act, which would have been incredibly difficult to prove. But I like Smith’s way better, simply because he chose to hit Trump where it hurt the most, in his racist heart.

In count four of the indictment, Smith charged Trump with violations of a reconstruction era law known as The Ku Klux Klan Act. The act was meant to fix two problems from the then fledgling Ku Klux Klan operating with impunity in the south. The first was to criminalize any activity that worked to hinder or prevent African American or Native American voters of their rights to cast a ballot, or to use any means to discount those ballots from being counted in the election. The second, darker purpose was to stop Klan members from using threats, beatings, or even death to stop newly elected African American or Native Americans from assuming their duties.

It’s the first part of the act that Smith is going to hang Trump out to dry with. And it all boils down to the ridiculous, feeble minded Fake Elector Scheme. Let’s just recap Trump’s election fraud pronouncements following the race being called for Biden;

  • Trump trumpeted that there was rampant voter fraud in the heavily black neighborhoods of Philadelphia, even though evidence showed that there were no indications of voter fraud.
  • Traitor Tot screamed that there was rampant voter fraud in the heavily black urban areas of Detroit, again with no justification.
  • Likewise, Trump bleated again that there was massive voter fraud in heavily black Milwaukee, Wisconsin, again with no proof.
  • And do I even have to remind you of Fulton County, Georgia, home of heavily African American Atlanta, where Trump drove poll workers Ruby Freeman and Shea Moss into hiding over racist claims of voter fraud, claiming that a freakin’ ginger mint was actually a USB drive?

Following the dots here? Trump hammered solely against heavily African American areas with voter fraud, even though some 60 state and federal courts ruled that Trump was full of sh*t. And this is where Smith has shone like the sun, and he’s going to hit Trump where it hurts the most, his overt racism.

In his post-election rants, Trump zeroed in with laser focus on heavily African American districts critical swing states, claiming massive voter fraud with no legal justification The implication was clear – The black and brown vote was fraudulent, and so shouldn’t be counted.

Which was the entire purpose of the Fake Elector Scheme. The whole thing revolved around the GOP state legislators determining that the votes of the African American and minority areas were fraudulent, and so the GOP legislatures could autocratically invalidate those votes, and instead send an alternate, Trump friendly slate of electors to the National Archives and US congress instead, certifying Trump as the winner.

A classic violation of the 1871 Ku Klux Klan Act. Trump and his minions sought, through shaky and illegal purposes to disenfranchise millions of minority voters from having their votes properly collected and counted. If, sometime next year, Trump is convicted on count four of the indictment, then it’s official. Trump is nothing more or less than another f*cking racist *sshole. Here endeth the lesson.

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  1. I think you underestimate the racist inherent in this country. Even moderate GOP voters who claim they are deeply offended,will back a racist in the voting booth where no one will know. Especially in the Midwest and West where there aren’t many PoC.


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