Up until recently, I believed that presidential wannabe Nikki Haley was not dumb. Mind you, I didn’t know if she was intelligent because she was merely a blip among the white noise that goes on in my brain day in and day out. Then she up and forgot slavery was a thing during the Civil War and set about making every excuse under the sun — even claiming the Democrats planted someone in the audience to ask her that now-infamous question about the Civil War.

In case you’ve been in a cave for the last several days, Haley, the GOP former Governor of South Carolina, which, as The Guardian points out, is the place where the very first shots of the North-South conflict were fired by Confederate soldiers, talked about the role of government and completely left slavery out. Now, Haley wasn’t wrong in mentioning that this historic conflict was, in part, about the role of government and how it affects the “freedoms of what people could and couldn’t do.”

But she really did skip over that whole slavery thing. Which was a pretty big deal at the time.

This flub reminds me of the famous quote by Mark Twain: “It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.”

But then Kari Lake stepped in.

The Arizona Republican Senate candidate was being interviewed by right-wing podcast Charlie Kirk, who asked her if she’d be happy to be Donald Trump’s pick for Vice President, according to Raw Story. Unsurprisingly, Lake said she’d be more than happy to be chosen.

“we have so many incredible people in our movement, charlie, i’ve even heard your name mentioned,” she said. “we have so many incredible people in our movement that president trump has a large pool of great contenders to choose from.”

“he’ll pick somebody great,” she continued. “whoever he picks, i’m going to get behind and support.”

But that seemed to change when Kirk asked her “Would you be sad if he picked Nikki Haley?”

“Would you be sad if he picked Nikki Haley?” Kirk wondered. Lake did an abrupt about-face here, and she responded “I don’t think he will. I really don’t.”

Now, Lake could have just kept it at that, but the question seemed to awaken her inner crazy and she told Kirk that Haley had “gone over to the dark side.”

“she’s part of the warmonger movement,” she argued. “the republican party, you know, i’ve got a big alert to tell everybody, is no longer the party of the warmonger.”

Well, that’s a relief. Now they’re just the party of incompetent House speakers, racists, and homophobes. Lake has every reason to be proud she’s a Republican. Okay, not really, because she probably doesn’t understand any of this. She is the embodiment of that Mark Twain quote I referred to above. And of course, she had more to say about Haley.

“i think he would pick anybody over her because i think that she has gone that far over to the dark side,” she said. “so no, i don’t think he’ll pick her. But i don’t know. we’ll have to ask president trump.”

If there really is a heaven, I imagine Mark Twain is up there having a good belly laugh and slapping his knee.

Just in case you need a good laugh, I’ve included the video below.

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  1. “Up until recently, I believed that presidential wannabe Nikki Haley was not dumb.”

    And then I remembered that she’s a republican.

    How could she not be?

  2. Hmmm..thinking about all I read here on PZ, I just can’t imagine them all being racist Nazis.
    I live in an extremely rural diversified community in the DelMarVa. The flags have mostly come down so I’m feeling more optimistic.
    Of course I feel all the maggot drumpf supporters are all totally racist nazis and unintelligent, (read the real news people)
    Keep it up you guys.
    I am getting civic minded.

    • it’s no mistake, Lake was a one time fairly respected News at 6:00 television person
      Sometimes it’s not enough,
      if it surprises you at her certain outbursts
      well, 🤣🤣🤣
      she’s in Court, yes, like Rudy
      and Kari says,
      oh my God, look Trump
      I’m more Vice President than Haley,,
      And Ursula it’s still 2023..
      The all in Court Republican Ticket.

  3. Poor thing really is a bucket full of ‘woo woo’, isn’t she. Whatever she takes each day, either voluntarily, or prescribed, does indeed appear to “… awaken her inner crazy…” as you put it. No self respecting person would want to try it, for fear of ending up just like this living proof bucket of ‘woo woo’. Wonder what the antidote is?


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