“Calm” and “unfailingly polite” are words used to describe Ivanka Trump’s arrival at the Centre Street courthouse this morning. As serene as this entire situation has been so far it certainly begs the question why, oh why, were there all the histrionics and delay? Legal experts said from the get go that her stalls and appeals and motions to dismiss and the whole magilla was a waste of time and money.

But when you’ve got tons of money and time, I guess you can afford to waste both, right? In any event, Ivanka showed up in five-inch stilettos, and sauntered into the courthouse. She took a number of seemingly softball questions, but they’re not. The prosecution is setting up its case and if Ivanka is going to throw Daddy under the bus, it will come later this afternoon or possibly tomorrow. But for now, all is copasetic.

You can see where this is going. Deutsche Bank is the key here. Trump’s personal banker committed suicide in Malibu a few years ago. This was not the only suicide or the only dramatic incident involving the Trumps and Deutsche Bank. Deutsche Bank is the Holy Grail and the groundwork is now being laid to get Ivanka Trump’s testimony on the topic.

Meanwhile, here’s Donald and his ongoing lunatic rant that there’s no case. Sigh.

Wait for things to heat up. Trump’s caps lock might melt before the day is out. Certainly before this trial is over.


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  1. One wonders how far the IDK, IDC, IDGAF and “I don’t recall.” answer strategy, in response to the prosecutors questions, will be tolerated – because facts and law are hurting them – and, in reality, end up being part of the essential glue that’ll legally nail both her and the rest of that crime family, she belongs to, and what they live for – grifting greed. They’re not low level rotten fruit, and so, they deserve a top shelf dose of punishment.

  2. Calm and unfailingly polite was never really an issue with princess. Everyone in NY knew what a fraud former guy was (why else look for financing from foreign sources?). Princess has managed to put a totally different face on in public. THAT is how she managed to elbow her way into the beautiful people crowd in NYC. Had she acted like her daddy no one would want anything to do with her. Acting calm, cool, and collected, while I’m sure it’s an act, is one she perfected.

    This testimony of hers has just put her into the same bowl as her brothers and that could hurt in any future biz dealings she might try to put together. Calm and unfailingly polite is not the same as having business savvy and a sharp mind. Sitting on the witness stand for all the world to hear she knows nothing–not a good look. Of course, the Jarvanka’s no longer have to depend on financing from reliable, world-class financial institutions what with being good buddies with a saudi murderer and her daddy being on such good terms with the russians.

  3. “That she has been well, if transparently, prepared is clear.”

    Well, duh. What do you think her real reasons for putting off her testimony was about? The only “school” she was worried about was getting her own tutors to prep her for her court date.


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