It never ceases to amaze how Donald Trump has no problems whatsoever trashing the members of his own administration. Where it becomes ridiculous, and where Trump loses credibility — not that there’s any to lose at this point —  is that he appoints people to posts and then reduces them to rubble. Robert Redfield is the latest in this pattern of character assassination carnage. Trump appointed Redfield to head CDC in May, 2018. Today, he said that Redfield was “confused” about mask wearing and when it came to a COVID-19 vaccine, he doesn’t know what he’s talking about. So Trump knows more than the experts. Again.

Now here’s Trump shooting down not only Redfield but the collective wisdom of the entire medical community.

Now as to vaccine, Redfield said Wednesday that there would not be one “generally available” until spring or early summer, 2021. Trump told reporters that Redfield was wrong. Again, he “didn’t understand the questions.” That is Trump speak for, “he didn’t say what I wanted him to say. Since I can’t ever look bad, I have to make him look bad.”

Trump simply will not give up this narrative that a vaccine is right around the corner and we mean in a couple of weeks.  Mark Meadows went on record today, saying it could happen“by the end of September.”

And Trump needs it to happen that soon, so that he can win the election and testimony to the contrary by his CDC director before a senate subcommittee be damned. If Trump needs it, wants it, hey, somehow it will manifest, reality be damned.

This is vintage Trump and it’s not going to get any better in the next 47 days, only crazier. We don’t know if the Trump era will end with a bang or a whimper, we just know it’s going to be nuts.

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  1. He needs to be brought up on charges for this irresponsible behavior. You know this influencing his followers, like the ones that ingest bleach and refuse to wear masks.

    • What I’m praying will happen is what Mary Trump said was needed, a decisive enough Biden victory to where Trump limps off with “narcissistic injury.” Put that in your thoughts and get out the vote so we can bring it into existence.

      • Trump has reached the end of any practical chance of knowledgeable conversation on his virus … lacking common sense, emotions of sympathy/empathy, and now his need for recognition and the back slapping, hand clapping adoration he buys for his rants, demands from his cabinet meetings and portfolio signage, all nauseating to me and others ….

        He can’t frame a vision of how he really appears to be functioning, the vision he has, is accelerated to winning the race and bloating his, “position”, to ultimate ruler/dictator, unlimited powers, all impossible in reality, he IS now seeing a bit of the reality starting to creep up on his fantasy, he has no humor in his life, he only grins or outright smiles when he is turning the screws on someone or all of us … or enjoying up close time with Ivanka, a life he has created and caused by his early family experience, now with the virus rampant and vile in its own way, it’s bumping into Trump’s grand plans and he is flailing in the wind …

        He is clawing at the walls of the cavern he has fallen into. he is so ill- equipped to actually even pretend to be a president, all but the cult level followers of his BS, can see perfectly the 20/20 view of his failing more every day, the basic survival methods he depends on no longer handle the expanse of the presidential responsibilities, he has not dealt with and more gaining by each day, more deaths, crashing economy looming, messing up the kindness, thoughtful office of former Presidents … I thought of a test for him that would show his lack of simple framing … my dad told me once something I’ve never forgotten, a little gem of wisdom I’m sure Trump would have trouble figuring out the message … “Never carry a light bulb in one hand and a rubber ball in the other at the same time” …

  2. My dad used to say, “People argue about whether the world will end with a bang or a whimper. It’s gonna be both. It’ll go BANG! ooohh….”

    • The ‘world’ will be fine. We, as the last hominid species, will be gone. The world survived just fine as over 20 hominid species have already disappeared. Our modern idols include our arrogance & our ignorance. If rump wins, no stopping climate change, we reach the tipping point of no return, planet continues overheating, we become another Venus. It’s that phucking simple.

  3. Anyone taking a bet that he will, with great fanfare, anno8unce some time late Seprtember/early November that there has been a breakthrough on a vaccine. He will, natch, order immediate production once he’s back on Pennsylvania Avenue because there won’t be enough to distribute for some time


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