The latest casualty from the syndrome known as ETTD is Vivek Ramaswamy. He may have been an acolyte on the altar of the Marmalade Messiah at one time, but no more. Gone are the days when Ramaswamy was declared the winner of the first GOP debate. Ramaswamy is on his way out and fast. He’ll suspend his campaign in no more than 30 days, is my guess, because his polling is going to drop like a rock after this gets out.

For you see, not only has Donald Trump dumped Ramaswamy, which is evident from his posting the following on Truth Social and his X account, Fox News is done with Ramaswamy as well. Vivek has no way to stand up to both the mouth organ of the GOP mocking him and then the GOP frontrunner dismissing his candidacy and publicly humiliating him by rebroadcasting his disastrous interview with Sean Hannity.

Happy Friday the 13th, Vivek. This date will mark the new direction of your campaign, which is steep and downhill. And make no mistake, dislike of Ramaswamy is rampant. All that Trump did was give his campaign a swift death, in essence.

OMG. That last sentence is an incredible put down. It reminds me of the crack about Trump, “It’s almost impossible to believe that he exists. It’s as if we took everything that was bad about America, scraped it off the floor, wrapped it all up in an old hot dog skin, and taught it to make noises with its face.”

It’s interesting how swiftly and surely Ramaswamy is becoming Washoutswamy. He’s a total clown running for president with zero credentials. But he doesn’t have the benefit of 14 years on a television show where he pretended to be a big success and talked about running for president one day. That’s the key difference. That’s why Trump can sell warmed over nonsense and it moves like hot cakes but Ramaswamy is already tripping on his shoelaces.

Ramaswamy’s act was never any good. It was destined to be a side show and a short lived one. But I must say I didn’t foresee that it would be this short lived and that he would be virtually run out of town on a rail.

Let’s see if he’s still here at Thanksgiving. I say no. And there are a couple of other matters to consider: One, it seems like Fox News is inferring it might support Nikki Haley, because they’re making it blatant that they prefer Haley over Ramaswamy, at least. Two, Trump is not considering Ramaswamy as a VP candidate. Not that that was ever the case, but it certainly is not going to happen now.

Hey, I’ve got an idea: I hear there’s a job opening over at the House Of Representatives. Maybe Vivek could become the next Speaker, how about that?

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  1. Mike Collins, a Republican member from Georgia posted, “We should just have a lottery. If you lose, you have to be speaker.” Maybe it should be a reverse poll. The one who gets the fewest votes is designated Speaker. George Santos.

    Drive a stake through it.

    • Oh, God, that’s funny. You saw some of the quotes from yesterday about how “even the Lord Jesus couldn’t get 217 votes?” This is getting into nut ball land.

    • Thank you for this, Roger. I didn’t see this yet and I have been following every development of the Truth Social story with a microscope. Supposedly TS had the means to stay afloat until September 24, 2024. I thought it would be funny if they folded right before election day. Maybe it will happen sooner.

  2. Sure swamy has zero credentials. Why not? Trump had LESS than zero credentials. Republicans do not want competence. They merely want someone to give them everything they pitch a fit for which requires the prez to be breathing and nothing more. Let’s face it, this lack of competence/intelligence/etc. in the ‘pube party’s leader started with reagan and reached its full bloom with the mango moron. I expect we will never see a ‘pube prez candidate capable of tying their own shoes in the future. And no, I do not think that is hyperbole.

    • Well, yeah, but Trump had more than a decade on TV where he could “perfect” his image and, even before that, he had some 25 years making his name/brand something people could recognize (and he fooled plenty of folks into thinking he was a real success in the process). What’s Ramaswamy got that comes anywhere close? Hell, I’ll guarantee you that, just a year ago, if you said the name “Vivek Ramaswamy,” absolutely no one would have a clue about what (much less who) that was. I mean, under the right conditions, it could sound like a spell from the Harry Potter series. Or, maybe it was one of the lesser-known Green Lanterns from DC. Or, possibly a Bollywood film star?

    • H.L. Mencken predicted this many years ago.

      “As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.”



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