Donald Trump and Walt Nauta, two wild and crazy guys — but regular guys, make no mistake, regular guys — went out for Philly cheesesteaks because that’s what regular guys do. Particularly when one of them has been arraigned and the other one is soon to become arraigned (July 6) except he can’t seem to find a lawyer in the entire jurisdiction that will represent him. Now that’s a problem. And it’s a rare one, trust me.

So, Trump isn’t letting Nauta out of his sight and the two went out for lunch in Philly, where this photo was shot. Whoever wins the GOP primary, Trump has already lost his case with Mother Nature. He has no hair left.

And that’s not the only weirdness that was displayed in the oft-vaunted Philly sunshine. What is going on with his coat?

That is a ridiculous garment for anybody to wear out of the house. That belongs in the cleaning rag basket, it’s not even fit for Goodwill. Yet you see it on the back of the GOP frontrunner. Man. Say what you will about Dubya, H.W., Ronnie, even Dick, they never appeared in public looking disgraceful.

That would provide some answer. Then, the jacket wasn’t stained when he took it from the closet. It became stained while he wore it. That makes sense, because nobody would take a jacket from the closet that had those huge stains and put it on. But, if something happened while wearing it to cause the stains, maybe Trump just didn’t know about it.

And maybe nobody told him, like the infamous time he was trailing toilet paper on his shoe up the stairs of Air Force One. Remember that epic day?

The question remains, if Trump is in this kind of condition, how long is this charade going to go on?

Raw Story:

Many accounts found hilarity in the fact that, given Nauta’s arraignment had to be pushed back to July and he still has no lawyer representing him cleared to practice law in South Florida, he and his boss would be doing this with their time. “An excellent place to find SDFL lawyers,” tweeted civil liberties reporter Marcy Wheeler. “Having a Philly cheesesteak instead of finding a Florida defense lawyer. Got it,” tweeted conservative attorney George Conway.

“One Whiz, wit,” wrote comedian Jay Black, referencing a common Philadelphia expression for ordering cheesesteak. “Also, you wanna see some nuclear secrets?!”

“He doesn’t let Walt out of his sight,” tweeted attorney and ex-Republican operative Ron Filipkowski. “Poor guy can save his own ass by cooperating and telling the truth, but Trump will make damn sure he drags him right down with him.” Attorney Hilary Luros, meanwhile, had a blunter take: “TIC (Traitor-in-Chief), taking the time to introduce Walt to the only employment he’ll have as a convicted felon.”

Walt looks worried. And well he should. Well he should. He, too, will soon find the validity of the adage/prediction Everything Trump Touches Dies.

Good luck finding a lawyer, Walt. God knows if anybody needs one, it’s you.



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    • Something is seriously going on with Trump. We know he’s wearing a corset to the rallies because he’s more cinched in than in his polo shirt playing golf. But what this weird stained jacket is, I truly don’t have a clue.

      Truth be known, he reminds me a bit of William Shatner, except he won’t get the toupee. And I can understand Shatner wanting the corset and toupee because he is an actor. But then again, that’s all Trump is.

  1. Father time never loses in the game of life. As I remind myself…somewhere in time and space I’m already dead. I find fear and truth can’t occupy the same space. Since that pampered tick was born into privilege, and has bathed in it his entire life, he actually believes his own bullcrap. His attempts to hide his disintegration would be laughable if not for the 73 MILLION other deluded souls.

    • Trump can’t be bothered to carry cash or plastic. His two sons ran up a big bar bill in Ireland and the owner had to chase them to get it paid. They just can’t be bothered with trivia.

  2. Those stains are too regular in shape (almost perfect circles) and are approximately in the same position on opposite sides of the spine to be coincidental.

    To me (and here I have to state that I have no medical knowledge beyond a First Aid certificate), I have a daughter who suffers from Crohn’s Disease and had an ileostomy. She has to wear a bag and has to empty it regularly. If the obese bald guy does have bags and doesn’t have a chance to nip out and change them, that would account for the staining (which appears to be at waist level which is where I’d expect bags to be attached)

    • You could be right. I know far less than you do on this subject. But it does stand to reason that Trump’s coat became stained, rather than it was in the closet that way. So if it became stained, then that is an explanation for what stained it.

      Seriously, though, if he’s in that kind of condition, why push it. Just chill by the pool, play golf, smell the roses. He doesn’t need this kind of stress. The stress of a presidential campaign is brutal enough but on top of health issues and legal issues.

      Whatever. Maybe he’ll drive himself into the grave and that would suit the GOP just fine. Death would do for them what they cannot do for themselves.

  3. So many are hoping dfg dies but I want him to live long enough to be convicted. He will most likely never serve any time, but damn, I sure do want to see him convicted.

    • Absolutely. And he can trot around Mar-a-Lago with an ankle bracelet. That’s probably all that will happen to him. That will be sad, too, that restriction to mansion is his punishment whereas people have rotted and died in jail for far far less.

  4. No surgeon places an ileostomy on the upper back. It would be placed in the lower abdomen, so the stains would be in front, if that were the case.

    • The incision and tube are in one place: however, the bag is on a belt and, so long as the tubing is long enough the bag can be worn almost anywhere on the body.
      Remember, trump usually wears his jacket unbuttoned so he would want to hide them


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