There is definitely frigging going on in the rigging, and the denizens of Q-Topia are severely bummed and feeling unloved. A social media reporter on MSNBC this morning reported that Q has not posted an official proclamation since Biden’s inauguration.

The Q Clowns are trying to take up the slack, by creating wild theories that have Trump being reinstated to the White House every other month or so, but it isn’t working. And now they’re beginning to resemble the mall parking lot scene in day of the Dead, bouncing off of each other in bovine stupidity.

That is the real problem with having a leader who is an anonymous conspiracy monger. If the dude disappears from site, how does anybody go out to check up on him? After all, things happen to people every day? And while nobody actually knows what’s going on with Q, it sure is fun to speculate;

  • Q is dead. He was assassinated by an agent of the deep state, who secretly injected Q with Covid-19 to shut him up about that pizza parlor
  • Q is hiding in exile after Trump issued a fatwa on him for getting higher Twitter ratings than he was
  • Q was covertly kidnapped by liberal pedophile cannibals. He was whisked off to a secret, undisclosed location, where he is being marinated in a recipe of 11 herbs and spices every day for an upcoming pagan cannibal rite
  • And here’s my favorite. Q hasn’t been heard from in 6 months on social media. And who got the Denver Boot from social media 6 months ago? Is it possible that Donald Trump has been Q all along? Possible if you at some of his policies!

Man, that was fun! But there is something else going on out there that isn’t going to be fun for Q or his dipshit organization, no matter how you slice it. The reporter also indicated that viewership at QAnon sites is down, and badly. And from where I’m sitting, there is a very simple, logical, neat reason for this, and one that is going to be difficult to reverse.

QAnon reached its zenith in 2020. And what else happened in 2020? The Covid-19 pandemic hit with full fury. Stores were closed, restaurants and bars were closed, theaters were closed, people were either fired, laid off, or ordered to work from home, and for several months were in pretty much a state enforced lockdown. People had oodles of spare time on their hands, and almost no outside social contact. A ripe environment for people to become enamored with conspiracy theories, and then to confine their contacts to like minded souls.

But what’s happening now? Covid is on the wane. Stores, barber shops, bars and restaurants are all reopening. As we near herd immunity the mask mandates and capacity restrictions are disappearing, and people are returning to work. In short, people are beginning to be exposed to normal social life again. And when they are, they are coming off like idiots when they spout QAnon conspiracy bullshit to people they’ve known and liked for years.

This is only going to get worse for QAnon. With the warmer weather, family vacations for the first time in 2 years, social events like ball games and BBQ’s, people are going to be spending less time in front of a laptop or cell phone, taking in ridiculous conspiracy theories. And the more that they’re exposed to normal humans, the more they come to realize that they’ve been nitwits for the last year.

Look, nobody really knows what’s going on with Q, and 80% of the population could care less. But Covid was the fuel that rocketed the popularity of the QAnon groups and sites. And with the virus being extinguished, so is the fuel for the QAnon empire. It will take time, but I’m betting that the bloom is finally off of this rancid rose.

Follow me on Twitter at @RealMurfster35

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