Last I heard it was against the law to send death threats to a U.S. Government official.

So far the man’s employer has taken more action than our law enforcement officials.

Raw Story

“A lab in Indianapolis has been fired after sending graphically detailed threats and death fantasies to Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA), The Daily Beast reported.

On Friday morning just after midnight, Swalwell posted the threatening message to Twitter after it was direct messaged to him, complete with a link to the perpetrator’s LinkedIn, which led to him being identified as Jonathan Reeser, an employee at Patients Choice Laboratories.”

To be fair to law enforcement this is a fast developing story as the idiot in question provided all the info necessary to i.d. himself as the author of this lovely missive:

Patient’s Choice Laboratories acted quickly:

“In a statement soon after the message was posted, Patients Choice Laboratories said, “We were appalled by the recent comments made by one of our employees. We do not stand for, or condone, offensive or threatening behaviors … After an internal investigation the individual has been terminated effective immediately and is no longer affiliated with the company.”

The message came after newly reinstated Speaker of the House Kevin Mccarthy (R-CA) amplified his vow to keep Swalwell off intel committees,” noted Alec Karem for The Beast. Republicans have been long pledging to boot Swalwell off of the House Intelligence Committee, citing a report that he was targeted romantically by a Chinese spy in 2012 — a situation that is in fact common among lawmakers, and that he handled according to proper protocol when the FBI alerted him.”

Gee thanks, Kevin, your mindless actions and words, taken to appease the MAGA caucus that has you by the balls, has lead to the appalling threats of one of our public servants.

If this man is not arrested soon and made to answer for his despicable words there is truly no justice left in this country.

Of course, these folks take as their role model a man who just today unleashed a disgusting venting of his own spleen against the federal employee who most occupies the vast emptiness between his own ears:

I am Spartacus!

After Trump Will there ever be consequences for such behavior?

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