Many stories have been written here and elsewhere about Marjorie Taylor Greene’s dust up with Jimmy Kimmel this week, over the “where’s Will Smith when you need him?” joke that prompted Greene to file a report with the Capitol Police and then further complain on Twitter that Kimmel was deliberately inciting violence against her.

The comedian has the last word. At least we hope it’s the last word. I’m sure Greene saw this and went into a purple stewing frenzy and who knows what she may do next. Call Melania to get an inside line on buying voodoo dolls, maybe.

The clip is a little over 14 minutes. Watch the whole thing because the piece that follows is as funny as the opener about Greene.

I don’t think Marge can come up with anything to top this. I could be wrong. Maybe she’s cobbling together something devious. But if Greene and her buddy Gaetz have learned anything, its that the comedic pen is mightier than the sword — or the AR-15. They should both stand down before they get eviscerated.


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  1. Kimmel is a stand-up comic and they LIVE to destroy hecklers.
    Empty Greene and her BFF Pedo-boy Gaetz would be best served by slinking off now.
    Problem is, they are too dense to realize how out-gunned they are.
    They will fuel Kimmel’s monologues for the next few weeks.
    Have the popcorn ready, this will be fun.


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