Sarah Huckabee Sanders just did something that’s so awful that it’s hard to even comprehend.

The Arkansas Governor (R) is down with pardoning a holiday turkey as Thanksgiving approaches, an event that’s so insignificant that she didn’t even post it to her Instagram.

Instead, she did something shockingly callous, something that makes all the other nasty things she’s done pale in comparison, according to Queerty.

Charlie Vaughn has been sitting in prison since 1991, convicted of the 1988 murder of an elderly woman. But now, according to The Arkansas Times, a different man has confessed to the murder, and a “mountain of other evidence of Vaughn’s innocence has come to light.”

But the two other men arrested along with Vaughn have been released after Reginald Early confessed to the murder and said he acted alone. The sad thing is that Vaughn, who is illiterate and doesn’t have an attorney didn’t manage to file his claim with a year of the new evidence.

So while Sanders takes fancy vacations to Europe, Vaughn languishes in jail for a crime he obviously didn’t commit. Because he was late in filing the claim the state argued he couldn’t benefit from the new information. Even worse, the Arkansas Parole Board denied his request to be freed last year last year as well.

This poor man just can’t seem to catch a break. That hasn’t dented his resilience, however, and he’s been persevering. In June, aided by an attorney, Vaughn filed a clemency petition. Sadly that went nowhere after his attorney followed up with Sanders’ office, which responded with a terse and discouragingly brief response with unpleasant news.

“The Governor completed her review of Mr. Vaughn’s file last week,” the letter read. “Unfortunately, she has chosen not to grant clemency at this time. He will be able to reapply in 6 years, pursuant to statute.”

How lovely. Sanders is that evil “b” word that I won’t say here. She’s simply awful. I do not know how old Vaughn is, but after 32 years in prison, he does not look young. There’s every good chance he may no longer be around when that six years is up.

The Arkansas Time reports:

“Sanders has made no secret of her ghoulish desire to lock up more Arkansans, for longer periods of time, despite decades of academic studies showing increased incarceration does nothing to fix crime. Earlier today, in fact, Sanders and Attorney General Tim Griffin held a press conference whining that the Arkansas Board of Corrections had refused a request to open an additional 500 beds in existing prisons around the state.”

This does not paint a pretty picture of someone who purportedly values life.

But Sanders is not a real Christian. Not in my book. She’s a self-serving racist homophobe who’s itching to be vice president someday. And likely hoping to be president after that.

When her former boss, Donald Trump was running for president in 2016, he called his then-adversary Hillary Clinton a “nasty woman.” He’s wrong. Sanders is the ultimate “nasty woman. She’s completely let her state down while blowing money on a stupid $19,000+ lectern and she’s begged the Arkansas Board of Corrections to create an additional 500 prison beds and even signed a law that allows the state to create a new 3,000-bed prison.

Yup, she wants more bodies behind bars. Isn’t that a lovely thought? I hope Arkansans get smart and vote her out of office when she runs for reelection in 2026. Folks in that state need her like they need a collective hole in the head.

I’ll add that I don’t know if the two other men who were released are White but I wouldn’t be the least surprised if race doesn’t play into this since Vaughn is Black. I hope he continues to fight this and show this horrible human being for what she is.

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  1. Someone needs to come to this man’s aid. Maybe the Innocence Project. I think they need to publicize this on a national level. Do what they can to publicly embarrass her.

    • I fully agree. This woman is a disgrace as a human and a governor. She loves to sneer at anyone not maga and doesn’t hide it, just like her former boss. She loves to use the woke word and any word that she describes as liberal. Personally, I can’t stand to look at her & her obese body.

  2. Once again, con, xtian, ‘pube proves she like all the rest of that ilk, are pieces of garbage. This person is as big a scumbag as drumpf. Only difference is she occasionally wears a dress. This apple did not fall far from the tree.

  3. “I do not know how old Vaughn is, but after 32 years in prison, he does not look young.”

    For what it’s worth, according to a Google search, a 2018 story from Injustice Watch indicated he was 51 then, so, presumably he’s currently around 56.

    “I’ll add that I don’t know if the two other men who were released are White but I wouldn’t be the least surprised if race doesn’t play into this since Vaughn is Black.”

    This is entirely reprehensible for you to make any speculation when you acknowledge that you “don’t know” the whole situation. At least one of the other men convicted along with Vaughn and released was definitely Black. (A picture of John Brown–one of the men who was released in 2018–can be found at the bottom of an article from a year ago relating Vaughn’s situation. ). Also, one of the “men” released was actually a WOMAN named Tina Jimerson–the linked article makes no mention of her race. As for the actual criminal responsible, the article also makes no mention of his race. But, the point remains. If you choose to “report” a story, it’s imperative (at least, it should be for this site) to do due diligence and report the facts as they are and avoid speculation.

  4. Charlie, as someone sent to the penitentiary as an innocent person who hurt no one, and stole nothing, I have a slight idea of the hell you’ve been living. When I met with the parole board, they slammed the judge and told me I shouldn’t have been arrested. I was paroled immediately. The fact that I was in grad school, and white, with a large community of educated people raising hell about my situation, I’m sure contributed to my early release. I even have a letter from the parole board supporting me for a pardon. It’s been in a drawer for 44 years. I won’t lie about doing wrong just to clear my record. I can’t imagine that amount of time in a box with dangerous and broken people. This privileged pissant has no phucking idea and clearly has no conscience. I pray she falls down and breaks her goddamn neck so you have a chance for justice. Nazis have no humanity as she shows.

  5. FACT: If Charlie Vaughn was WHITE, and wrote MAGA goober drivel praising Trump and his relatives posted the letters on social media he’d have gotten a pardon. ANY of you MAGAs and you too you nasty asshole Sarah Sanders who says otherwise is a GODDAMMED LIAR!!!!!

    I’ve said this before but I’ll say it again. I wish I was still a person of faith (became agnostic decades ago) and believed in heaven and hell. Because the thought of this human piece of excrement “preacher’s daughter” arriving at the Pearly Gates giggling with anticipation would be in for a rude surprise. Jesus, or maybe even God would shove St. Peter aside and say “You were a horrible person and the only reason you’re here is so I can enjoy your screams of terror and laugh so loudly you’ll here it all the way down to Satan. Who by the way I spoke with and is eager to see you. And then crotch punting her to hell!

    Yeah any of you conservatives who sometimes read this site. To HELL with her, and to hell with YOU if you try and defend her.

  6. Since the first time I saw that surly scowling face standing up to present the previous president’s lies and vitriol to the world I have thought of her as “Miss Piggy”. I appreciate that this is derogatory to the original and delightful character, and apologise for that, but the physical appearance was just too much to ignore. She is a barefaced liar and is uber evil.


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