Hook. Line. Sinker.


This would be embarrassing if only it weren’t so damn hysterical. Watching Donald Trump go up against Nancy Pelosi is like watching Don Knotts fight Muhammad Ali in his prime. It’s just no contest. And it’s exactly why we have a Speaker Pelosi, and not a Speaker Ocasio Cortez, or a Speaker Moulton, or a Speaker Bass, or any of the others. When it comes to political warfare, the Speaker is the ultimate Ninja.

It has already been leaked that His Lowness’ response to Pelosi’s comment this morning was done on the fly. Immediately after her “cover up” comment, Trump flew off the handle, the press was summoned to the Rose garden, the podium was hastily placed, and the visual poster was hurriedly printed out and tacked to the podium for the inevitable Trumper Tantrum. It was a set up, in other words.

But it ended up being a set up in response to an even more beautifully rafted set up. Don McGahn’s lawyer advised Jerry Nadler the day before that he would not be appearing at the hearing. The hearing was gaveled in anyway, thankfully free of chicken bucket props. Then the outrage and frustration, all understandable, over Trump’s continued obstruction of mandated Democratic oversight, and open talk of the necessity of moving immediately into an impeachment inquiry. Followed by the news that there would be a closed door meeting this morning at 9:30 an, 90 minutes before Pelosi was scheduled to sit down with Trump in the Oval Office.

Don’t get me wrong. The outrage over Trump’s tactics was real, understandable, and justified. In fact, I agree with it, if for no better reason than people will tune in more closely to televised impeachment hearings on every channel than they are to the 6 o’clock news. But the fact of the matter is that this mornings meeting could have been held at any time, especially if the meeting would run into a time crunch if Pelosi were to make her meeting with Trump on time. They could have held it last night, or had a closed door box lunch this afternoon, after the Oval Office meeting. But it was held specifically when it was for a reason, and the reason was for the use of the Nixonian phrase “cover up” to have a maximum effect at an occasion when the press would be present in force. And it worked.

Nancy Pelosi drives Donald Trump insane, and she always has. Trump is repelled by any strong woman who refuses to consider him as the Adonis of masculine perfection. The fact that she’s a “San Francisco librul” just adds fuel to the fire. I have always been convinced in my own mind that it was Pelosi’s public dressing down of Trump in front of the cameras, at the now infamous “shutdown summit,” when she scolded him to “Please don’t mistake my position of power in the Democratic led House” that yanked Trump’s crank hard enough to lead him to angrily boast to Chuck Schumer how proud he would be to shut down the government over his border wall, backing him into a corner that he couldn’t extract himself from. In what passes for Trump’s fevered mind, Pelosi is the ex wife that he can’t pay enough to go away.

There was one thing about Trump’s public diaper filling today that struck me. t has been put forward that Trump is doing everything in his power to get the Democrats to start impeachment hearings, so he can once again wrap himself in the ratty feather boa of victimhood, gin up the base, and Hoover more cash from the wallets of the suckers. Yet today he angrily stated that the Democrats must drop all of their investigations before anything could be done. With pressure building from within the Democratic caucus for actual impeachment hearings to begin, and with it suddenly starting to look like his financial records and taxes are going to get into House hands, and in a judicially expedited manner, the reality is hitting home. Public disclosure of his abject failure not only as a business mogul, but as a human being, would be disastrous for him. And the Trump administration defying a duly issued court order for compliance may well be the one bridge too far for Republicans in the Senate to stomach.Once again, Trump’s short sighted thinking, and his Guinness record book stupidity,have placed him on a plank over the piranha tank.

Here’s what the Democrats should do right now, immediately. Start passing bills like shit through a goose in the House. Pass a bill mandating full restoration of the voting rights act. Pass a bill allowing importation of FDA approved Canadian drugs to lower prescription drug prices. Pass a bill increasing funding for education including substantial teacher pay raises. Hell, come up with a dream $2 trillion infrastructure package and pass that. Just like the shutdown, Trump has once again claimed sole ownership for total legislative obstruction for as long as the Democrats keep investigating him. Make him and Yertl the McConnell eat it, whole, with Louisiana hot sauce. And then loudly proclaim to every TV camera and print reporter how much you’re getting done for the American people. Now, if only the Republican Senate and El Pendejo Presidente would get that stick out of their asses and get to work.  And keep right on with the investigations, the subpoenas, the court fights, and increase the impeachment talk. Trump responds to pressure the way a 4 year old responds to the corner. Let’s work this time out for all it’s worth. After all, 2020 is right around the corner.

Follow me on Twitter at @RealMurfster35

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  1. Trump’s mistake regarding Nancy Pelosi is the same one many a political opponent has made – yes, she’s a San Francisco liberal but at her core she’s what she was born to which is an old school Democratic machine political operative from the much grittier working class city of Baltimore. From the time she can remember she saw old school Democrats getting it done in the classic old school political maneuvering ways. The realpolitik rubs some the wrong way at times (such as her downplaying impeachment or the need to take that step) but as you note she knows how to set up a game plan which includes dealing with contingencies. Compared to her most politicians are out of their league and in Trump’s case he’s literally a rank amateur compared to her.

    And (worse – for him!) he knows it.

    • COnsidering the fact that you’re talking to a guy who grew up in the realm of “Boss” Richard J Daley, your words are singing like a canary…lol

    • Exactly right, Denis. As was said in The Wire, set in Pelosi’s old stomping grounds in Baltimore, you come at the king, you best not miss. Taking him down is, in theory, easy, but she wants to get it where there is no escape. And that includes showing all the Trump underlings what the true cost of loyalty is to them.

  2. Yep, yep, and yep. However, re your last para: Dems have not only started passing those bills, they’ve been doing since the term began. Here’s one that’s recent and pretty darn significant: https://twitter.com/RepSarbanes/status/1131272802462502915

    Tweet text: “Here’s what’s really going on: House Democrats passed a historic reform bill to clean up corruption in Washington, get big money out of politics, improve voting experiences for all Americans and protect our elections from foreign interference. #HR1”

  3. Here’s another list of what House Dems have passed this term:

    House Democrats have passed:

    – historic anti-corruption reform
    – Equality Act
    – pre-existing condition protections
    – $19B disaster relief package
    – net neutrality
    – VAWA reauthorization
    – universal background checks
    – expansion of vets’ childcare access
    – Climate Action Now Act

    and the tweet has a really wicked meme to drive the point home 😉

    • Thanks for that…And that’s exactly why I wrote yesterday that Democrats in the House need to start turning media interviews around onto what they’ve accomplished, instead of letting themselves keep getting sidetracked by Mueller and impeachment…

      • Well, most of this info does come from the media … buried on page elebenty whatever. Long experience tells me, Dems could run down Pennsylvania Ave turning cartwheels at rush hour, loudly proclaiming their accomplishments, and the media would still blah-blah about “Dems have nothing to show …”

  4. In many ways, Murf, that does indeed seem to be the strategy Pelosi has been adopting since they got in the door. She learned from the Tea Party’s hyper focus on just burying their political opponents and knew that offering up more than “get rid of Trump” was the way to go. She’s working towards impeachment; she just refuses to tip her hand to anybody just yet.

    On a related note, I like to describe the picture with this: “Whosoever holds this hammer, if she be worthy, shall wield the power of Nancy Pelosi.” (RIP Stan Lee, the inspiration behind that crib)

    • Right…And she also learned the wisdom of using a little carrot and the stick to bring new factions in line, one way or another before they get cocky enough to sink the whole damn ship…


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