The characterization of Donald Trump, Jr.’s testimony in New York today as “pleasant and yawn-inducing” is actually an encapsulation of the man himself. He’s not the deepest drawer in the cabinet. And while he may believe that what he said on the stand was benign enough (he and one of the lawyers were actually laughing yesterday about the definition of GAAP, generally accepted accounting principles) the damage is there.

Daddy Trump may long for the Perry Mason moments, because to his limited thinking, formed solely by watching TV, a gotcha moment is everything. But not in the real world. No, in the real world a defendant buries himself shovelful by shovelful and that is what Junior did on the stand today, “yawn-inducing” or not.

As stated, in the real world, graves, both legal and literal, are dug one shovel at a time, not with a grand dramatic flourish.

There are a few tweets about specific documents Junior looked at and then the testimony went on.

“Here comes the kicker.”

“Herein lies the trap.”

You’ve got the flavor of this by now. The recitation and analysis of facts buries the Trumps. Donald Trump can rant and rave about generalities but when it gets down to specifics, there is no defense. The Trumps were all involved in fraud up to their eyeballs.

This is why Ivanka doesn’t want to show up in court. She has no way to distance herself from her actions and that’s what she needs to do.

What a soap opera. Here’s George Conway weighing in and he’s always informative and comical at the same time.


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  1. A logical case of agreed facts is being built up nicely, step by step, brick by brick. Soon the evidence will have built an undeniable structure in which the Trump family lies, obfuscations, and fabrications will echo nicely in counterpoint to the actual truth.

    • And that is precisely the plan. And the evidence supports that plan. Trump’s lawyers know they can’t win. So they’re making the best of a bad bargain and doing theatrics, so as to have something to play on right-wing media.


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