This is another one of the clips that future generations will be looking at and saying, “THAT was once a United States president?” And unfortunately, yes, that is the case. He’s losing it tonight, in his new home state of Florida, no less.

You believe that? This is the new normal. Joe Biden is inspiring the world with how he’s handling the outbreak of war in Israel while this clown does a Catskills comic version of everybody’s crazy or drunk uncle.

Hummus is now trending because Trump in all truth has no idea who attacked Israel. I daresay he never even heard of them before.

Thank God this maniac isn’t in office right now.

And now he gets uglier, still.

There are more clips, but you’re getting the gist of it. He’s just being his worst snarling cur self, because he’s with his beloved MAGA and can do no wrong. Seriously, if he urinated on the stage, they would all cheer. It’s the only thing he hasn’t done and chances are he’ll do it soon. Mark my words. For the moment, however, here he is urinating on the GOP.

I don’t know how the GOP proposes to thrive and prosper with this lunatic at the helm.

Here’s the loony bird praising Hezbollah.

Now, incredibly, look who lashed back at this.

Well, DeSantis is going down in flames anyhow, he might as well fight back. I must say I didn’t anticipate this. Anybody seen a weather report from Hell? I think it just froze over.


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